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Everything posted by CruizinSusan70

  1. All you need to do is visit the buffet once on a cruise ship to make a determination as to how good or bad it is and to compare it to other ships that you have previously sailed on. We have been on the Discovery and the Majestic and the buffet at lunch is a joke in our opinion on both ships. Just because we seldom went there doesn't mean that we can't inform an opinion as to how good or bad it is compared to the 37 other ships we have sailed on outside of Princess. Certainly don't think that the lunch buffet is going to be that much better on any of the older ships in the fleet. We're not loyal to any one cruise line and I tell it like it is. The buffet on the Edge and Apex on X is much better, once again at lunch. We don't go to the buffet for dinner, that's what sit down establishments are for. Out of 55 cruises on 39 different ships I can count on one hand how many times we have gone. Once again, there could be a major upgrade in what is offered at dinner time versus lunchtime, but I could care less since I will be not be going there for dinner. It's similar to the teetotaler not caring what types of Chardonnay are on board since they will not be drinking any. I'm glad you thought my opinion was funny concerning zero cooked to order options at lunch, whether it be an italian stir fry or asian stir fry or grilled meats, but what is really funny is that Princess considers themselves an upgraded cruise line versus the 3 entry level lines and in my opinion the lunch time offerings are better on NCL and Carnival. Carnival has Blue Iguana Cantina, Big Chicken, Guy's Burgers, Street Eats, Guy's Pig n Anchor, Deli as a half dozen included take away places and Cucina del Capitano and Chibang as two sit down options for lunch that are all included in your fare. The best take away on Princess was the Noodle Bowl Bar on the Majestic. But I will say because of the Plus package and the value it presents to us, Princess is our new cruise line of choice. That's why we currently have 7 future cruises booked on the Royal and Sphere Class ships.
  2. You laid the gauntlet down. Explain yourself please. There wasn't a humorous line in my post. I was just speaking my truth, just like all of the cruisers upset over not receiving an email regarding the changes.
  3. Alfredo's is now an a la carte establishment. I could sit down with my DH and order one thing for myself and he could have as many things as he'd like. If it specifically states on the menu that the prix fix 3 item choice can't be shared, then we'll go with the flow and adjust accordingly. If it's not in writing when we sail next August then the option is there for us to order 1 app, 1 pizza and 1 dessert and share them. Many people have said on the boards that they would share a pizza for lunch. With so much bad PR as it is at this point over the changes at Alfredo's/Gigi's, do you think that Princess would take it one step further and not allow people to split a pizza and use up 1 of their 4 allotments for the week?
  4. My expertise was based upon my personal experience on the newest (Discovery) as well as one of the newer (Majestic ) ships in the fleet. I did not see a grill adjacent to the buffet area where it would even be possible to grill meats, yet it was right there on my pre covid cruise on the Edge for 7 nights and post cruise on the Apex for 12 nights each day for lunch. I will assume that the older ships in the fleet do not grill to order for lunch because if they did, then the newest ships obviously would as well. And this is comparing things for lunch. I couldn't care if they were grilling lobster tails in the buffet at dinner. Because I can count on a couple of fingers the number of times I've gone to the buffet for dinner in 55 cruises. We only go to a buffet if there are no other choices and if there is anything made to order at the buffet such as an omelette, that's what we would get. Our top choice is to dine in the MDR or a sit down establishment. Our second choice would have something made to order, unfortunately this is where Princess drops the ball at lunch time in comparison to Celebrity and Carnival.
  5. Where are u spending them? I've got 800K to burn through.
  6. Been on two of their newer ships. Spent 14 nights on the Discovery and another 14 on the Majestic. I didn't mention grilled meats at night since we never eat in the buffet for dinner. I did mention that X had it available for lunch, while this is a short coming of Princess. I did compare my 28 days on the Royal Class with 19 days on the Edge Class of X, and when it comes to lunch buffet choices, it's my opinion that X blows the doors off of Princess. I was only talking about lunch time options on Princess versus their competition. According to some it could be blasphemous to say, but Carnival has the most varied lunch time options versus all of the main stream cruise lines.
  7. There have been multiple threads over people being upset over all of the changes going on at Princess including the new charges for room service, for ocean now and for Alfredo's no longer being free. Package holders are upset over the 2 visit limit no matter the length of their cruise.
  8. I don't communicate much with crew, only our server in the MDR and the bartenders at Good Spirits. Like I previously said, if it's indeed true, it's not too difficult to take a picture and post it on the thread.
  9. If it's true that sharing is not allowed and you're in fact forced to both use your meal or both choose a la carte, then hopefully enough cruisers will revolt. If it stays this way a year from now, like I said in a previous post, we'll adjust accordingly.
  10. True, but if they wish to keep up with the Joneses they should know what X and HAL are serving. But maybe they expect their loyal customers to keep blinders on and not know what their competitors are serving. The Alfredogate snafu could cause many to jump ship as many have stated on the boards.
  11. Excuse me for not being specific. We WILL share the 3 course meal and visit 4 times at lunch. If this is not allowed a year from now we will adjust accordingly, but if there is any kind of loophole, it will be plugged.
  12. You can get it with spinach and only a dollop of hollandaise. It's made to order. But like I said, Princess has zero grilled to order items at lunch, unlike X. And you'll have to admit that the 3 items I mentioned, a filet, a lamb chop and grilled chicken breast are very healthy and certainly a better option than what is normally available on Princess
  13. If it's indeed true and someone is on board, then it's not too difficult to take a picture and post it.
  14. We don't do buffets at dinner time. And what I mentioned was st lunch time on X which is an upgrade on what Princess offers on their Royal Class at lunchtime, but some think it's unhealthy.
  15. Oceania is a bit above our budget. And we believe that the Edge Class of X has a much better buffet than the Royal Class, but everyone has their opinions. Royal Class doesn't have grilled to order items similar to the Edge Class for starters as to why we think it's better.
  16. It's our plan for next August when we're on the Enchanted for 14 days. Things can certainly change between now and then.
  17. Grilled to order lamb chops, filet and chicken breasts are unhealthy????? Made to order eggs Benedict with salmon, spinach or Canadian bacon is unhealthy? Take off the blinders and cruise on other lines, you'll get an education.
  18. Have not seen printed proof of this, and since our next cruise on Princess is not for another year till our 14 day repo cruise on the Enchanted, things could certainly change between now and then.
  19. Every day on Celebrity they have 3 different grilled to order items such as lamb chops, filet and chicken breast. These rotate daily and one day per cruise they are all available. On French day for dessert they had made to order various varieties of creme brulee's. Wish Princess had an Italian stir fry that would let you choose a protein, pasta and sauce to be mixed. At breakfast on X they have made to order three types of eggs Benedict. We usually just go to IC for breakfast and the MDR or Alfredo's for lunch.
  20. No, not on board. If you are send us all a menu that states that every one must order something. And if it does, then my DH will order the 3 course meal and I'll buy a $3.00 dessert and then we will have both ordered something.
  21. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but we found Princess's buffet at lunchtime to be inferior to many of their competitors. No where near what you can get on Celebrity and also less choices than what's available on NCL. It's better than Carnival, but Carnivals other included choices at lunch blows away every other main stream cruise line. But, even with a bad buffet at lunch, Princess is at the top of the list for our future cruising choices, mainly based on the overall experience we have had on the Royal Class and hopefully the experience will be even better on the Sphere Class.
  22. True, but we share the 3 course meal and visit 4 times at lunch.
  23. We were on the Majestic for two weeks and only went to the inferior buffet two days for lunch. Embarkation and sea days we went to the MDR, and most port days we went to Alfredo's for lunch. Didn't see the pizza at the buffet during the two days we were there. But have read on another thread that it is indeed available. Will never need to go to slice for their inferior pizza since our future cruises include 28 days on Enchanted, 28 on Sun and 7 on Discovery. We can then go to Gigi's and whatever the venue will be called on the Sun.
  24. The Sphere Class is supposed to have Nitro Cold Brew available, but of course that would be extra, but included in the Plus package. I know my DH will consume his share.
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