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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. Has anyone ever been called that way? What happens if you aren't in your room when they call? Not that there is anything that we could do in an emergency, but I'm one of those people that would rather know. We will all have our cell phones but we'll only be using them for Royal chat and as mp3 players. So, no internet services. If something happened we could add internet. Has anyone ever used the Royal Chat to get messages from someone not on the cruise ship? Like maybe I could give my parents my daughter's login. In an emergency they could send me a chat message as if it came from her? Maybe?
  2. Well, it could be some people's friends are flaky. So that is where that is coming from. I don't think that applies in the OP's case, sick for several weeks isn't being flaky. For our cruise in a year, the core group of 4 might expand to 7 or 10. Even if both other families decide to go, and then flake out we'll be going anyway.
  3. Well, shoot. I wonder why they do that? I could understand with excursions since those might change. But, you would think things like drink packages, internet, etc. would be loaded basically from the beginning. I'll keep checking back.
  4. With wine that would be bad, because the bottle is likely to break. But plastic bottles of water you wouldn't have that worry.
  5. Seems like their big mistake was doing both limited menu AND no changes. When I looked at the menu it was with the old, "Can make modifications," and I thought I could be happy with the menu (sometimes with modifications). I could also have been happy (and I think most people also) with no modifications but 3x the entree selections.
  6. I'm practically a carnivore, but even I know that vegetarians shouldn't have to go to the Windjammer because only one crappy option is offered in the MDR. This isn't some weird fringe diet.
  7. The Chat within App became free at the start of this year.
  8. Well, someone said earlier that they aren't allowing you to ask for sides to be excluded. So, I would think that extra sides would also be disallowed.
  9. I hope the empty dining rooms weren't because everyone was in WJ or Paid Dining. That would suit Royal.
  10. Well, poop. H2O2 works as well. I guess I could bring a sealed bottle of that. It shouldn't be considered a dangerous chemical. My ENT says to use it to get rid of excessive ear wax.
  11. Well, in my case I plan on bringing a small bottle of bleach on board and a new sponge. Dilute bleach with water in a drinking glass from the WJ. Note that we'll be driving so I don't need to worry about luggage space. The bleach will obviously be in our carry-on though. I think the concern with Noro isn't that you are more likely to get it than on land, it is that the stakes are higher. At home, I can take a day or so off work, use my own bathroom, watch some TV. Not a big deal. On a cruise, at minimum I'm missing out on vacation days. I'd have to use the toilet in my tiny bathroom in my room, which has no ventilation. Others in the same room are likely to get it too, so we'll be sharing. Then on a ship you are stuck. You can't leave and you are pretty crowded. I haven't been on a cruise yet. I know hotel housekeeping is pretty disgusting. Since the cabin attendant knows there will be tips, I assume cruise cabins are cleaned better. But because the Noro stakes are high, I'll go ahead and bleach clean.
  12. Another option for filtering out the Cl, is Brita water bottles. They work on Florida's swamp water. so should work on a cruise.
  13. Well, to be fair there is a Rome, Athens and Paris in Texas. One time on an international scuba forum, the purpose of which was to allow people to plan trips together since you need buddies, a few of us Texans were casually talking about a weekend trip to dive in either Paris or Athens, or maybe both the same weekend. Each town had a little scuba park. We knew what we were talking about. We blew the mind of some non-Texans.
  14. Well, the Lysol did nothing against Noro. But the bleach should have killed it unless it was too diluted. Because I am an untrusting person, I don't believe that the rooms are deep cleaned between guests. My plan is to bleach-clean our rooms before anyone else enters. I also do a bedbug inspection in any hotel room.
  15. I suspect availability of Fish Tacos has a lot to do with the proximity to fish. I've seen it in the Dallas area and I've had friends order it. They've always liked it, but I never bothered since it was always someplace where everything was really good. Fort Hood is closer to the coast than me but maybe not close enough. Me, I don't eat fish very often unless I'm near where they live and then I'll eat it every chance I can get.
  16. I can see people who have easy-to-manage allergies having a huge problem. Gluten requires planning ahead because it hides. But often you can just say "And no onions" and then you are fine. For something like that, people wouldn't be used to having inform the restaurant ahead of time.
  17. Because outside of Mexico it is rare to find a non-American'ized 'Mexican' food. It can be found but it is rare. Outside of the Americas, a Mexican restaurant has a 98% chance of being Tex-Mex. If it isn't I can almost guarantee that the owners are from Mexico. Even then if you wanted to be picky you can't really speak of "Mexican food" since it varies so much. DH could give a dissertation on the differences. One of our new favorite places is Sal-Tex-Mex. Basically Salvadorian, with Tex thrown in to tell people there is Queso and Nachos, and Mexican because people recognize that over Salvadorian.
  18. Our wagon has wide wheels and it worked well on the sands in Florida. Also when we go camping. The price was a little more. I can't comment on how well it work on a cruise ship. We do plan on bringing it, but won't be using it much. We'll use it during boarding and deboarding, and won't be moving around much with it even then.
  19. And the kitchen in a regular restaurant isn't as large. Kitchens and restaurants are scalable. When they are serving meals to the same number of people every day this should NOT be a problem. They have more space and more people than a restaurant kitchen. Also, this not modifying is a new thing, they had the same number of guests before and the same size kitchen. It didn't suddenly get smaller. Now, maybe they are trying to get by with half the number of kitchen staff, and expecting me to eat rubber chicken because it was cooked 5 hours ago.
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