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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. There was a time when I would ask for the "Non-Smoking, Child-Free" section in restaurants. This was back when restaurants had Smoking areas. I would say it with a smile, but you know, they usually put me away from the kids. Note, that boyfriend worked evenings so we usually ate pretty late.
  2. I find that to be true of awesome looking desserts in general. Yes, I'm looking at you Disney Cupcakes. When they spend *that* much time on presentation, the actual dessert suffers. I used to know a guy that had been a ... I forget the name, chef that just does desserts. He worked at a fancy Michelin starred restaurant. He felt himself to be an artist. Then he figured out fat+sugar+anything_else, people would rave about. He kept pushing the ick factor on the anything_else part of the equation hoping that someone would send it back. But, nope, everyone continued to rave.
  3. It also sounds like the notice on medical restrictions has to be pre-cruise now, where before the night before was fine. The thing that gets me. If they aren't allowed people to swap out sides that are both on the menu that night, that means that the entrees are already plated before you order. Maybe hours before you order. That is a problem. There is room for more than 3 people in the kitchen.
  4. What I gather is that if someone wants to do this now, they should order the Prime Rib, not eat the mashed potatoes, then order the thin steak plate and not eat the steak. It sounds ridiculous. But it also sounds like whatever savings they get by plating the foods hours ahead is worth more than the food waste cost to Royal.
  5. I have luggage that is really large and naval blue. I'd only ever seen the same luggage once in all the flights I took. I was getting the other off the luggage thing when someone came running up acting like I was going to steal his luggage. Really, I was just getting it off to check the tag. I think I'd have stayed there if the suspicion was that someone had grabbed mine on accident. At some point there will be unclaimed luggage that looks like mine and that person would be called.
  6. I don't know what thefog's plans are. But since this is important to me, I'll do every option. It is already noted on our reservations. Two weeks before I will send the dining email. When we embark, I will check out the assigned table. Luckily we are 4, so if we are on a 4-top we'll be good.
  7. I am with you. Dinner will be our time to catch-up as a family and possibly have parent and teen-girl conversations that you don't have in front of strangers. One thing that I found heartening is to look at the a video of the MDR of the ship. There were a ton of 4-person tables.
  8. Also, will your ship have the Freestyle Machine? Those have a gatorade competitor. Although, I'd still being it on myself because who knows if it work when you are on the ship.
  9. That is interesting. Looking at that made me realize I don't want a themed cruise or charter of *any* sort. For example, I really like Star Trek. I've never been to a Trek convention, but if one of my friends wanted to go, I'd be the first they'd ask to go with them and I'd do so. I am comfortable around nerds, being one. But, even the Star Trek cruise doesn't appeal. I just want a normal cruise with normal entertainment, the normal random collection of people and nothing being completely closed. Although at that price I wouldn't accidentally go on a themed cruise. What I really wonder. I booked non-refundable fares for a cruise a year away now. At the moment it isn't a partial charter at least as far as my googling can tell me. Will Royal allow me to change the cruise without a change fee because of the charter? I booked after the free changes covid rules expired. We'll be driving so changing won't be a problem.
  10. I'll be OK with that. In restaurants I never eat dessert unless I order it first.
  11. Interesting. When I was trying to decide I made an excel sheet of the possible ships for our date range and location. I listed all of the amenities on each ship, and the lowest price for each. The next biggest ship above the Voyager was one of the new big ones, and was twice the price and one more day. I decided that for our starter cruise, Voyager was the sweet spot. Since I'm never been, I am curious on other people's reasoning.
  12. @olesiabr @The Fun Researcher As someone that has Voyager booked for my Starter Cruise. I am curious why you prefer that class?
  13. There is one decline reason that sales pitches don't have a response for. "I am really not interested." Normally people give an excuse thinking that is more polite. They have a memorized response to every possible excuse.
  14. I am curious when you are going. I'm doing the same cruise but on a later date (Feb 2024). Beverage packages can't be purchased for mine. Have you done Snuba before? Maybe skip the beach in Cozumel and do that. It is like snorkeling only your mouthpiece has an air-hose that goes to a machine on the surface. We done Snuba in Destin, FL, and really enjoyed it. We'll have DD's friend with us that isn't certified to dive. So I'm thinking we'll do that in Cozumel. Also, if the problem is your feet on the sand, there are dive booties that can protect your feet.
  15. Next question. Do they have whole milk? I'm not the OP, but DD loves whole milk
  16. I am an early-riser. I guess I could just grab one for each of us after an hour from the chair hogging. :)
  17. OK, so the plan is: Get a towel on the first day. Swap out as needed. Ask the room attendant if they'll swap out the towels. If the room attendant removes the towel from the room instead of swapping, tell them they need to replace it. (After all, why should I have to wait at guest services?) Return towel at end. I guess that is the last night since no pool time debarkation morning.
  18. I might be the only person that ever left a buccees hungry. All I wanted was one of those roller hot dogs with hot cheese on it. Simple road food. Nope. And a particular soda usually available at gas stations. They had neither. The soda was usually there but every soda machine that had it was broken.
  19. What is the best way to handle the pool towels? It makes sense to me to check-out a towel, and then keep it, swapping it out as needed. But, if they get removed from the room, then maybe it is better to always check-in the towel before you leave the pool area. Note, I tend to worry, and I handle my worry with plans.
  20. I've had some tortillas far superior to a trash-fish like Halibut. Maybe that is a good use for it, though. Add lots of other stuff to the fish.
  21. Could that have been because the cause was the cancelled port?
  22. I had seen a price drop. It wasn't much but $50/pp is $200. I had my TA call, and they said it would be $100/pp (or was it per room?) to change to the new rate. I'd booked after the Covid easy change rules had expired. Now the cruise has doubled in price. I suspect because the ports for the same ship with nearby dates were downgraded, but mine with different ports is as original. Voyager early 2024.
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