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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. Personally I think food needs to be sent back if there is something objectively wrong with it. Lukewarm qualifies. That will be the real way to get Royal to pull back on the petty stinginess, when it backfires in the moment.
  2. That is how you plate a salad when you want to do it hours ahead of time. It works well when you want to take a salad to work for lunch. You get something like a canning jar, put the dressing on the bottom, then any misc. veggies, then lettuce, then croutons. Then for lunch you either give it a big shake, or dump onto a plate. A bit pissy in a restaurant environment, though.
  3. If the answer is that you can't bring that on, one idea in the same theme would be Sangria. Bring red wine, then on the first morning grab the juice needed, mix and store in the cooler.
  4. Not being a cheerleader, just throwing this out there. Maybe in the early days much less people used it because they'd never heard of it?
  5. So they gave away your table to someone else?
  6. That might be true of some other threads, but this one I took to mean that they wanted to hear from people that were happy with it. Also, this was in the OP, "Considering that I’m committed to an upcoming cruise and cancelling isn’t an option,"
  7. My daughter would go bonkers there. Hope you are enjoying Prague. One of my favorite cities.
  8. Curious. Could someone use their original cruise offer after using the other cruise lines offer?
  9. That is a good idea. Some would prefer to eat at 5pm., particularly the families with little kids. If I were solo, I'd probably go at 5pm. I tend to eat at 9 am and 4 pm, if left to my own devices.
  10. They have enough people wanting Early dining to fill all three floors. Royal seems to be squeezing MTD in the middle. They do one floor (I forget which) where early dining starts a little earlier than the other two floors. That is where they start seating MTD as those early diners leave. I'm not a Royal cheerleader, but I understand what they are doing. How often have you read people saying that early started too early, and late started too late?
  11. Just an idea, since there is a medical reason 8pm won't work, email the ... I forget the name, where you email if you have a CPAP for example and will need distilled water and an extension cord. Maybe if you explain why 8pm won't work, they will squeeze you into early dining.
  12. For us we are driving, so bringing the wine onboard is nbd. I'll only have to take care of it from the car to when the cabin opens. Even without the wine, we'll have a 12-pack of Diet DP for DH, a cooler for DD's medicine, plus our electronics, swim suit etc. for two adults and two teens. So, we'll have a lot of carry-on regardless. Then you add in that I don't expect them to have the champagne I'd want. I figure it is my vacation and if I have precisely what I want within the rules, I'll go for it.
  13. I've done it on vacation, but never in Europe. I haven't been there since I had DD.
  14. One idea would be to take a Brita water bottle onboard. We do that whenever the water is fine to drink but might taste bad. Ship water is heavily filtered and then chlorine is added. So you just need something to remove the Cl. If you flew in and wanted to stick more to flavored water you have a brita pitcher delivered to an Amazon locker nearby,
  15. There is a setting on the machine for that. The water filtration in those are beasts, so I don't blame them for limiting the use to Freestyle cups only.
  16. I wonder why that is? Isn't the other location becoming increasing unpopular. I know my visits are now down to about once every four months when I look for something in particular.
  17. Since it is probably mostly Trekkies that are watching this thread. Anyone have an idea for a female Vulcan name for a goat? We have baby goats and one has face markings that look like heavily slanted eyebrows, so at the moment she is called "Vulcan."
  18. Liquor laws vary wildly by state in the US and in some states by municipality. For example, in my state of Texas, kids can be in a bar as long as they are with their parents. In fact, parents can even buy their children a drink. I have vague memories from my liquor training eons ago that they couldn't be AT the bar, but they could be IN the bar. I remember shopping with my parents in liquor stores as a kid. It was like going into Home Depot, I wasn't interested but my parents went in, so I did too.
  19. I'd probably literally faint if I saw one of half those actors at an elevator. I am the last person to get star-struck, but Star Trek is an exception. Was the guy that played Captain Pike in the recent series there? He totally stole the "Best Star Trek Captain" Throne.
  20. Yes, that is it! Vague memories are that it cost around 4K and lasted 48 hours. But since it was completely not an option, I could be very off on the prices, and maybe they've come down. Even if I had money to spare, I wouldn't do that, but this cruise would be totally awesome.
  21. On one hand hand, it sounds expensive, but the price is in the same ballpark as the Star Wars Experience at Disney World. I forget the name. I'm not talking about the ride, but in the special hotel.
  22. Ours isn't until February. I hope other people have worn Royal down before that and they abandon treating guests like children who don't want to eat their veggies. I'd even be willing to move the lobster meat over to a bread plate and hand the entree plate back so the waiter didn't get in trouble for having two plates out. I could kill time by cutting up the lobster.
  23. That sounds awesome! When I'd looked at all the posted new menus I was grumpy that one of my all-time favorite dishes (cheese tortellini) was only offered on Lobster night. My brain had been stuck in the SurfAndTurf rut.
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