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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. I bought these for our cruise. And because we needed stronger magnets for the fridge. Brilliant DH is using them as a stud finder before he cuts a hole in the ceiling for our new wood stove.
  2. I think the lack of the Freestyle machine might make me more likely to bring soda on board. Well that and being ignored by bartenders, which I don't blame them. At the moment I have a soda package just on the faint hope that they'll get the freestyle machine before I board. We have two rooms and was going to bring a 12-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper for DH and nothing else. Maybe I'll bring something on for me.
  3. I wonder if the difference was the ship and therefore manager or the month? I really hope that they back off on the unreasonable rules before my cruise.
  4. But, wasn't that in the BEFORE times? There was someone here that reported that exact thing which happened recently. Before: Customer-service focused Now: Petty and churlish.
  5. This is true. I booked our cruise long before this was announced, and the cruise is still 10 months away and nonrefundable. Since the general advice I read was to "book early for the best prices" I'm not the only one. Hopefully they watch the NextCruise bookings and those are impacted. Although, if this policy saves them enough money and the bean counters say that they can still fill the cruises ...
  6. Reports are that you can't even order something to be left off, for example, "Can you leave off the gluten-filled sauce?" has been met with a No.
  7. Could be. I agree that it doesn't seem reasonable, But, then neither does them saying No to, "Can I have a bunch of Asparagus?"
  8. Well, there are multiple things on each plate. Say someone wants asparagus and doesn't think that 3 stalks is a sufficient serving.
  9. I truly think sending stuff back is the true way to get them to change. They didn't make the MDR changes to please customers. They did it to save money, and likely to get early diners to clear out to make more empty tables for MTD. If the change doesn't accomplish that, THEN they'll make changes.
  10. As a former waiter, I find it telling that they rarely asked about the food even when it wasn't eaten. That means they knew what the answer would be, were tired of hearing it and knew that there was nothing that they could do. That gives the review lots of credence for me. .
  11. How does luggage work in Galveston when you have a lot of luggage and a car? Please check my understanding and fill the holes. We will be putting our luggage out the night before and letting them handle it. I've gathered that we'll get a 30 minute time frame to debark and get our luggage. During that 30 minute window, they'll put our luggage out on a table and we can grab it. What then? Do we need to get a porter? If so, does the porter take the luggage to the car? Can DH get the car and pull it up close, and then we shlep the luggage from the baggage claim to the trunk? It will be two adults and two teen girls. Oh, and we'll be parking in the parking garage at the port. I know lots of people like to take care of their own luggage. We are the people that luggage assistance was created for. A good vacation is when we don't have to do without the comforts of home.
  12. I think that is why the 30 minute rule. If people go swimming, they can mention something to someone nearby. When you think about it, chair hogs create the perceived need to hog a chair. Chair hogs remove chairs from the available pool. Last summer we stayed in a resort in CA in the middle of summer, so prime-time. They had these really awesome pool cabanas that were first-come-first-served, someone had to actually be in them to claim them and there wasn't a time limit. There was always several available. The pool was busy. But because there was several available, no one tried to 'reserve' one.
  13. "Guests may also bring non-alcoholic beverages as carry-on items on boarding day. Non-alcoholic beverages may not exceed 12 standard (17 oz.) cans, bottles or cartons per stateroom. Milk and distilled water brought on for infant, medical, or dietary use are permitted. " https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/food-drink-onboard-policy
  14. If the flight before yours isn't full, airlines will usually let you on the earlier as standby. You likely would be middle seats apart from each other, but you could keep that in mind as an option if you are able to get there early enough.
  15. Anything that you can wash in a washer, you can wash in the sink. Cotton is perfectly fine.
  16. Just about all your dresses can be washed in the sink. It is a very delicate way of washing, so unless the dress says "Dry Clean Only" it can be washed in the sink. Now it might come out very wrinkled, but that is easy to tell just by looking. Sometimes even dry clean only clothes can be washed on cold. When my daughter was little the kid's resale stores had fancy little girl dresses for dirt cheap, i.e. less than the price of jeans. I'd wash everything even though most said Dry Clean Only. Only once did it cause a problem when the dress was silk and it shrunk. Even then it was only a problem because the lining didn't shrink. DD would be in the sandbox wearing a taffeta dress, and I had to make a "No sequin clothing in the sandbox" rule.
  17. I am with you. A mixology class for a decent price sounds awesome. I'll be on Voyager and I don't see it as an activity, so maybe I'm SOL.
  18. Well, if people just stop respecting the chair hogs stuff then Royal won't have to do any more than back up the person that removed the stuff. I truly plan on going to the pool early on the first morning, hang out and read for an hour, and then snag towels for all of our group. Then turning in all the chair hogs towels that we don't need. After that, we'll just exchange out our towels and won't have to worry about there ever being a charge, if for example the cabin steward accidentally grabs it.
  19. The end part of that is the worst. They hadn't even wanted the loungers any longer, they just wanted a place to dump their stuff.
  20. Because I'm a worry-wort that likes to plan. Do they allow you to bring camp chairs on board? For people that drive, and if they knew that an inspection was happening, camp chairs would be handy. Maybe even as a good deed.
  21. I booked more than a year out and got early traditional, but my TA commented that it was nearly full. Then you add in the person that mentioned here that they'd been confirmed for early traditional, and then *poof* they really weren't anymore.
  22. "We are on a 13 day cruise in October and would like early dining. At this time we are waitlisted leaving us with My Time Dining which begins at 6:45. " This was from the OP and is a perfect example of why they need three all three floors for early traditional. All three floors are early traditional, and yet the OP can't get on it. No facts on this one, but I suspect that there is a lot of cross-over with early-traditional and MTD. People that say, "5:00pm is a bit early, but 8:00pm is waaayyyy to late."
  23. Well, for some people those things seems to be an essential part of the cruise. So, the price they'd be paying would be too much. So, for them, it would be as if the port charges were $1000/pp Note, that isn't me. The various prices being separate was a attractive to me because it made Royal much lower priced. Even if it were included in the base price, we wouldn't drink that much for example.
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