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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. I've wondered the same thing about Voyager. I went ahead and got the soda package which mentions freestyle, and we'll cancel if they don't really have it.
  2. I also wonder if they are planning on adding it to those that don't? Seems like a no-brainer. No need to bother the bartender and happy customers because they can get, for example, orange diet coke.
  3. I'm not him, but I've been watching the new menu reviews. "Inedible" is frequently used. Unless those 4 cruises were with the new menus, that data isn't useful.
  4. Last fall I booked a cruise for Feb 2024. It wasn't as soon as the cruise was available, but they'd only had up to Mar 2024 loaded. Some friends recently decided to book the same cruise, same number of people and same cabin class (next to us) and they paid almost twice what we did.
  5. So it is sitting in the cart getting cold? How is that better than putting it on the table? Anyone else having Pink Floyd running through their head? "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!"
  6. I agree, it makes no sense. Supposedly the no substitutions/modification rule to to save on labor since they can have the food plated before you even walk in the dining room. But then making the waiter do extra trips is more labor.
  7. There is no free lunch. Dinner was just pre-paid with the cruise fare. This would be particularly annoying because of the "No substitutions" rule. So, if you can't eat the side that comes with the main part of the entrée you'd like, you are forced to waste that side and also order something else.
  8. We'll still go to tourist areas, but even then we won't stray from large groups. When DD was a baby, our Mexican friends told us to not take her to Mexico until she was much older. As a stunningly attractive child with pale skin, blonde hair and a red-headed mom, she would be a particular target for kidnapping. Not for the normal reasons, but to be presented as the child of whoever paid for her. She won't be 15, so almost but not quite of that danger, but the normal dangers are even scarier.
  9. When you do, they bring the second one right out. Last time we ate out was away from our home base. I ordered the Monte Cristo, which some restaurants do really poorly. So, I talked DD out of getting one for herself. It ended up being the best I've ever had, and we ordered one for her. They brought it very quickly and if they'd said something like, "You can't have the sandwich until you finish the first thing you ordered" I'd have fallen out of the booth in shock.
  10. Well fudge. What I'd planned on doing when I bought the premier pass was buy the Voom plus soda. I should have done that anyway. Now that is up $2 a day.
  11. Weirdly I got the confirmation email on my gmail account, and the apology on my main email.
  12. Now I'm glad I did two packages. With the $50 OBC I can get soda plus Voom for the price of the Premier. I too am content with the $50.
  13. In the reviews, it sounds a bit like they are giving people the bum's rush since the new menu. We like to eat a normal pace. Normal by American standards, so fast by some.
  14. If you don't want to be rushed and aren't sharing a table, can you order courses one at a time?
  15. Universal Orlando has something similar. The facebook page is something like "UOR Rocks." People make little themed crafts, originally painted rocks, and hide them around. I was reading about it how the ducks started with one little girl not that long ago and took off. The cruising friends we are travelling with really enjoy it. The mom prepares the ducks and the teens hide them around.
  16. As a goodwill gesture they could keep the things that cost them little. So, eliminate the champagne and internet. They obviously had a max number that could be sold, since some cruises sold out before they pulled the offer. So, the tour/officer's lunch wouldn't be overwhelmed. Many people were interested just for the internet, so they'd cancel. We've never done a tour, so would probably keep one package.
  17. Mine says "Reserved" there and is still being offered.
  18. Me too. Even a half bottle of the champagne makes the price worth maybe keeping the spare package. I am trying to look at it as what would I have bought anyway. We won't use the laundry bag, I'm too particular about our clothes. We wouldn't have gotten the internet, but it might be worth some money to be able to wifi-call each other rather than message. We wouldn't have paid for the tour, but that might be interesting. Being able to priority board with the two teens as our plus ones will be nice. Some wine at a meal will be nice. Assuming they cancelled this package, wouldn't it get it off to a failure-level start? As in the bad press would kill it? Also, I bet lots of people haven't heard about it. Only reason I noticed is that stuff is being added regularly to my cruise, so I'm checking about every week.
  19. What do people think was meant? Maybe per day? But that would be obnoxious.
  20. I wonder if "Officer's lunch", "Captain's toast and photo" and "Wine pairing with sommelier" will all be at the same time? This will be our first cruise.
  21. That was me. On the Voyager cruise leaving 2/19/24.
  22. The Inside Access Tour is something we wouldn't have considered. On one hand, I want to look up what that is, on the other hand, I don't want to get too excited in case Royal says, "Oops, our bad" and cancels it with a refund. Does any have past experience with too_good_be_true offers from Royal? How did they handle it?
  23. hmmmm, yes there is that. Well, we'll have two teens with us. So, if the cancellation penalty is anything much, we could just have the teens be our plus ones for everything non-alcohol related. Maybe DH and I could do two Officer's Lunches and wine pairings, with each taking a turn being the plus-one.
  24. I have no personal experience. But isn't cancelling add-ons pretty easy? When people have priority debarkation, is the luggage held in a different area and left there until you get there? I am a bit worried about a Sam Brinton type luggage thief. I was planning on us being at the leading edge of our time slot to lower the odds of someone walking off with our luggage on accident, or not. But, if the Priority luggage was in a different area and handed to us as we arrived, that would be nice.
  25. When is your cruise? Since this seems too good to be true I booked two packages for DH and I. But then our cruise isn't for a year and I can cancel his depending on how this shakes out. But adding him later on if needed seems unlikely.
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