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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. Wasn't that in the before times? Not pre-SARS2, but pre-new menu?
  2. They did. Sending food back multiple times should have been a big clue. Going to Guest Services and complaining about the food and then saying something like, "No I don't want free wine, or any of that other stuff, I just want warm food." should have been a bigger clue. The fact that their next dinner was just as bad is a sign that they don't really care.
  3. And don't forget about the sauce that sat on the plate so long it separated. And the times that they left because dinner was taking so long because of all the time that food was sent back. There are laws about temperature of food because of places that would try to make stuff as cheaply as possible, and the Law needs precise lines that were crossed. Actual temperature that cooked food should be served is in a pretty narrow range. I also wonder about the laws about the time is allowed to sit around prepared. If the soup and sauce is separating that makes me think it might have been allowed to sit around for longer than that.
  4. I haven't been on a cruise yet, but we do sometimes travel with a small electric cooler. Ours is smaller than that and also warms. It looks like a tiny fridge. The nice thing when driving is that we can plug it into the car and not mess with ice for daughter's medicine.
  5. I say this as someone not going until Feb (so hopefully the problems are ironed out by then) Maybe people that drive could bring one of those quick-read food thermometers? I'll do that if it is still a problem by then. That review was quite damning. They are people that sent dishes back so many times they just ate the food cold. Soup and sauce separated from sitting around so long? Dang. Complained to guest services and were offered a bunch of free stuff, but just asked for food to be warm, and still was served cold. That is a sign that management on this ship (or maybe higher) really doesn't give a crap. How hard would it have been to pass the word to "Make sure Table 135 on late dining dining has food at the right temp." ETA: I just noticed this in the reviews comments "I’d be tempted to invest in a food thermometer to drop the hint how cold the food is"
  6. That was precisely our thought process. Started out thinking MTD because of the port days, then switched to early dining. If we won't be back by the dining time, then we'll go to the WJ. We are now a group of 8, so that is another reason I'm glad we have early dining. Also, read several reports here of early dining being full. So, anyone in doubt between early and MTD should reserve early.
  7. USB Ports can be easily hacked, so best to avoid them anyway.
  8. You would think that someone on the crew would be tasked with looking for things like this. Maybe even the person managing the people that are supposed to bring the luggage to your room. Don't the luggage tags have cabin numbers on them?
  9. One warning I read about. (So not from personal experience) If you swipe your card on a machine in the arcade, and it is down, you are still charged. So, pay attention to those and get refunds.
  10. There was some like that only I don't remember it being a last minute booking. Maybe memory faulty. They also had more than one cabin and type and Royal was shitty about treating both cabins the same. I haven't been on CC that long.
  11. Ah, I see. I guess this falls under the different strokes for different folks. I'd want to keep that stuff with me. I could see the benefit of stuff arriving at room open rather than say 7 pm.
  12. One thing I wonder about with The Key. Why would someone want to drop their carry-on luggage off at The Key location? Doesn't giving the luggage to the porters outside the ship do the same thing, only better since you'd drop off your luggage earlier in the process.
  13. I think this will be why I won't prepay. We have $200 in OBC from that Premier thing. I don't see us naturally using that. Just before I got the OBC, I'd bought the stuff I'd wanted to buy: Arcade, etc. I guess I could cancel those and use OBC, but it seems easier to just use the OBC for gratuities.
  14. It is $42.99/pp/day for my 5 day cruise. I think that price is bat-poo crazy. I wouldn't pay that for unlimited dining.
  15. Me, too. We are going on our first cruise in February and I already had to discuss this with my 12-year-old daughter. She got a fear that she might accidentally fall overboard and no one would notice. She isn't normally fearful. I had to explain that people don't accidentally fall overboard.
  16. Or it could be a deliberate marketing test. How many people are interested at X price.
  17. I can see some people being willing to physically bring their own bottles. I've known some wineries that do that. Memory is a bit fuzzy on whether any of those were in the US. I remember my Czech relatives bringing out a bottle of a good red in a big glass soda bottle.
  18. I have one of those huge ones. Up to about 10 years ago airlines didn't really care about weight of luggage. It was nice because one large one on wheels was much easier to handle than two smaller ones. Mine was also a Naval Blue and I only ever saw a duplicate once.
  19. This is irritating. It contains the insulting assumption that the OP is socially clueless, rather than the obvious which is that cruise ships are big and not everyone in a group are joined at the hip. Therefore there is a need to communicate with people you can't even see.
  20. Does anyone have a measurement of what the height is under the bed? That would seem to be the critical piece of info.
  21. So, for Americans at least, there really isn't a change?
  22. Makes sense, so 11am-ish shouldn't be a problem.
  23. So, there is arrival times for Port parking too? I had no idea. Is it like the cruise, where the earlier you book, the earlier your arrival time? Of course someone said they don't pay attention to that. Note, we'll be doing Galveston too. Isn't the price per day? ETA: I don't know these things since my cruise is Feb and they are only taking reservations for my ship for this year. I keep looking though.
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