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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Many posts about those stickers!!
  2. And there's a limit of 1 unopened bag of any "food stuff" per passenger - can you imagine?! No telling what would discovered in the shampoo bottles.
  3. I know this is going to be great - thanks for letting us come along! We did a helmet dive a few years ago that we still talk about; I hope yours is as enjoyable.
  4. Here's a brief live review I did for Eurodam just a couple months ago. We are booked on Eurodam to AK. Lots to like about the Eurodam, but she's not perfect - recurring theme is elevator issues.
  5. No, those have been removed, so if one wants a printed copy, Passenger Services will do it or you can use a public computer or your person computer to print it off.
  6. I noticed the poster of food plates - definitely no culinary background, so I did wonder if that was unique to a galley environment or if larger kitchens in general do that. Also wondered why so many sewing machines - thought there couldn't possibly be so much repairing to be done - now I know! Just would not have ever thought of them making the uniforms. That's probably one of those experiences you would pick up something new every time you did it - there's so much to see and learn. Maybe I'm a dork, but it fascinates me. 🤔
  7. Thanks sooooo much for sharing - very cool glimpse into an entire world we would never get to experience. 💙🤗🧡
  8. Yes, you can order whatever from any column you want.
  9. I don't think I've ever seen bags of chips with the salt in a separate bag. @Pickalily, Wilts was that a regional item?
  10. Very very cool pix @Crew News thanks for sharing.
  11. I think they call it by the more glamorous "ships inventory" I refer to it as "grab MY cabin location department" lol
  12. That's been my experience when purchasing multiple drinks w/o a package. You just give A card and buy whatever - no waving from anyone needed. Just a tray or good balancing abilities to carry if more than a couple.
  13. They did the last time I cruised with them. That was pre Covid.
  14. @jdkdkdsd very curious, too. And good job diligently checking and congrats on snagging a spot! Remember, once onboard, you can shuffle people around if you need to.
  15. I have not tried it yet, but planned on doing it this evening. Hopefully it's a temporary glitch and someone can confirm success in using it.
  16. Thanks and ugh. We changed to 815 late dining in hopes of avoiding this, but didn't really want that late. Knowing it might be at least then or later anyway w/YTD figured at least we'd (hopefully) be guaranteed to get in at "that" time.
  17. Getting ready to submit for the first on 5 upcoming cruises. One of the 5 is a casino rate $100 fee/$100 OBC, no DOU or other discounted perk, did upgrade from free inside to verandah, so we'll see if it gets declined. Will be disappointed if it does knowing others have theirs approved.
  18. Congrats! Book now and enjoy. And if you need a +1, please let me know, lol.
  19. Sounds like they're cracking down - extended the CCL OBC perk for another year, but getting more diligent about enforcement? I'm submitting request for 4 upcoming cruises (1st time to actually submit) all of which are discounted rates.
  20. I have never gotten a promo code to work by entering it in the box - it always says "offer code invalid." Funny thing (not funny) is after booking directly w/HAL and asking about the code, they'll tell you the exact rate code that came up as invalid.
  21. Corn is steamed as are hot dogs, broccoli, green beans, potatoes, lobster...always steam, never boil. If we're grilling, will then toss it on the grill after steaming to get the little char. Love a taco salad made from the taco bar! When they're out of chips (that bowl seems to empty quickly) I crumble taco shells on it instead. Thanks - now I'm hungry!!
  22. Didn't think so, but had to ask. I know if there's a creative or effective workaround to something, this CC community will know about it!!
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