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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Maybe the country code was added later so we didn't actually complete it. They've been doing a lot of maintenance lately and are revamping the website.
  2. We're getting a little closer!! Been reading about potential issues with getting ice buckets and/or ice delivered to cabins. Hopefully all that will get sorted out before we board, but we'll be taking plastic zip bags (they take up very little room) so we can get ice from Lido if necessary.
  3. I had never done an Oceanview but kept telling myself I needed to be more flexible as a way to stretch my cruise budget. So, when offered a really good deal on a true forward oceanview, I took it to test it out. We loved it! The cabin was larger than the verandah we usually have and the views were awesome. So that led me to consider those 2 on Zaandam. I don't think I could give up having a balcony permanently, but for certain itineraries where the weather doesn't allow a lot of outdoor time or it's a really port intensive itinerary where we won't be in the cabin much (so no real time to use the balcony), or when verandahs are too much, I would not hesitate to book one again.
  4. That is good to hear; I think if they have a waitlist, they need to honor it.
  5. Yes, ma'am - Aunt Ethel's tissue is to open the door going INTO the restroom, lol (not) since so many people don't wash their hands. 😒
  6. @recruiter 28 Haven't been on it yet, but have looked at 6100 and 6102 several times; please let us know your thoughts if you do book. I spent 5+ hours on the bow going through Panama Canal and while it was a long time, I thoroughly enjoyed it (diff ship). Safe travels - enjoy your cruise! hal-za-deck-plan-050822_230418_000855.pdf
  7. If you had to Google it, you might not wanted to know, lol.
  8. Funny off topic cat story - I was responding to a cruise post when the cat jumped on my tablet hitting the "report" button so OP got flagged. I felt so bad and instantly sent an email letting hist know what happened and that I had no issues with OP. Sometimes cats are a bother, lol. I think I will take a couple puzzles to donate.
  9. Agree with everyone here on the emergency contact country. But also every time a change is made to the booking - any kind of change from bed configuration to dining to adding CO, any change - mine revert to not complete and it's always the box to accept the visa travel notice; no idea why it u checks that box, but it does. No need to stress about not having the barcode on the boarding pass, check back a few days before sail date and it will be there. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  10. Not that I'm aware of. I have; however, heard of people getting an extension by applying to a booking when calling in to ask for an extension. What I mean is, don't just call and ask to have it extended, but select a cruise and call in to book (instead of doing it online) and ask to use the FCC on it. It probably needs to be one that sails fairly soon. Let us know what happens. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  11. @Living the Dream 67 if the excursion you want is still available, purchase now w/cc, then once on board, immediately go to Shore Excursions desk and tell them you want to move it from CC to OBC. They will do it for you on the spot. You will see the previous excursion purchase as a credit on the onboard statement (tv and Navigator app) and the new one one as a purchase. It's very important you do NOT try to do this yourself through the app or tv, or go to Passenger Service, but rather go to Shore Excursions or you could well find yourself with no excursion and possibly a cancellation penalty (depending on when the excursion is scheduled). I've done this many times on several different ships and never had an issue. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  12. And they don't always honor the waitlist. Sometimes I'll what notified A slot opened up, get billed for the excursion and see it moved from waitlist to my itinerary. Other times, I've received no notice only to see slots available when I check the excursion. Seems to not be just a ship or two, It's random across the fleet. For sure check in w/Shore Ex as soon as you get on boaard.
  13. You can have mine - I don't eat butter, margarine or any version of either. And DH says I'm not to offer him any more of my food, lol.
  14. @BillOh this is one of the many locals that have the run of the island. The water is gorgeous everywhere. This was taken Feb 10, 2023 Cockburn Town, Grand Turks. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  15. Probably not, but then when you get back home you still have a bottle to enjoy and toast the memories!
  16. Are you saying people with status should get rescued (or at least searched for) ahead of those with lesser status? Wonder how the wordsmiths will phrase that when it gets listed as a perk, lol!
  17. Thanks for clarifying; I thought you meant Travel Advisor - which is why I thought it strange they could see cruises before HAL site users. Phew...glad to know my mind still works sometimes, lol.
  18. Usually no issue if you arrive after your window, you just go through.
  19. I interpreted it as travel agent, hopefully @rodndonna can clarify. 🤔
  20. All good. Coffee can be very important 🤭
  21. Ditto! Exactly why we all need to pack a tissue in our sleeves like dear Aunt Ethel so we can use them to open restroom doors after "those" people come out. Oh, wait, you said they were leaving the washrooms - who would ever think to WASH their hands in a WASHROOM? Now if it wss a Restroom... But seriously, GROSS!
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