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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. I will learn something digitally today. Am I supposed to make toast or raise a glass today - I will do whichever once I know. And pass on the meal, maybe try the drink (tbd pending the recipe), yes to the wine, not been to the port. I do like Mr Bowie's quote. Thank you @0106 for the clip. I am reminded of my dad when I think of David Bowie. My dad was a music director at a radio station; David Bowie stopped by the station during his 1st American tour, did an interview w/my dad and left my him an autographed poster. That poster was used to cover the window of his office door - I hope whoever found it appreciated it; if they sold it, please send us the $$ 😉 My dad's take away on meeting David Bowie- he's hard to understand and wears too much makeup 😆 Big days in history. Today was my grandmothers birthday 🎂 Happy Birthday Neena. I wear her heart necklace each Leap Day, so she will be with me when I go to the eye doctor today. Currently 43° headed to a rainy 54°. I hope it's not while I'm driving and there's close parking available at the doctors if it's raining then. I reprinted all the LOA and Accommodation forms for the PCP and will stop by her office after I finish at eye doctor. That, work and a trip to Kroger gas station (today is last day to use $.50/gallon discount) is my schedule for today. Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 🙏
  2. @puppycanducruise extra hugs🤗 and prayers🙏 today as you remember your brother 💔
  3. Congrats and thanks for coming back to provide feedback.
  4. Again we have an interesting collection of days - I like the idea behind Inconvenience Yourself Day and will try to do my part. The quote is good. Would enjoy the meal, drink and wine; not been to the port. Important days in history. I liked Mash, we still watch it. Today is a full day of work and starts w/an early call w/my manager - nice way to start the day. 😒 It may or may not currently be 45° headed to 52°. The front blew in last night dropping temps at least 30°, so nice. The weather app seems to not be updating telling me there's no connection, but I'm able to go to other sites, so I don't know when it registered 45°. It knows what time it is 🤷‍♀️ Prayers and positive thoughts for all. Extra prayers for those on "sick" ships - seems to be quite a lot of reports of Noro. 🙏
  5. I agree with the quote, pass on the meal, maybe the drink and wine, not been to today's destination. Work, work, work today 😒 I need a cruise. Currently 66° headed to 88°, tomorrow is 34° cooler. Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 🙏
  6. And we will be waiting no-so-patiently for your report 😉
  7. Same - it was on 7 day AK, 14 day Rome RT, 16 day Rome-FLL TA and 16 day HI; none "legendary" 3 diff ships.
  8. Have your TA send you an updated booking confirmation - you should see it there, along with bed configuration.
  9. I upgraded to Premium and was able to make wifi calls. Rwams and Skype calls also worked fine as did text and email.
  10. It's beyond frustrating 😫 😑 while the views are fabulous (which they don't know cuz they're looking at the tiles, cards, books...) the first use of those chairs should be dining. I didn't notice the signs helped, but maybe it would be worse if they weren't posted.
  11. It does seem to vary, but as @highscar reported, late was 7:30 when I was on last month.
  12. @summer slope prayers and positive thoughts for your procedure today.🙏💐
  13. I'll skip right to the meal - which I'll also be skipping, along with the drink and wine, not been to the port. Impactful collection of days in history. In addition to work, I'll be calling the PT clinic as well as Dr to see what the hold up is on PT and the LOA forms. Hopefully will not be going outside as it's supposed to be near 100° today - yikes! DH did not get the pipe shortened under the sink, so the stuff gets another week in the box - I don't want to put it all back then empty it again. He only gets 1 day off and I understand sometimes just wanting a day off from everything, but next weekend it has to be done. I would do it, but can't get under the sink at the right angle w/my shoulder. Currently 63° headed to a record breaking 97°, much cooler mid-week. Prayers and positive thoughts for all.🙏
  14. Neither end of the casino has doors so smoke does move about.
  15. I respectfully disagree that a chair being used (library, pool or ...) is being hogged. When I think of "chogs" (chair hogs), I think of people staking claim to a chair then leaving it absent. While it might be frustrating that 1 person occupies a chair for long periods of time when chairs are in short supply, if they're actually sitting in it, they're not hogging it, IMO. I DO feel they're hogging; however, if a sign limiting the usage is posted and they knowingly violate/disregard it. Example: ThermalSpa posts signs limiting use of ceramic chairs to 30 min - some people are known to nap in them all day. Perhaps the library might consider posting similar signs.
  16. @BermudaBound2014 I received 3 notifications on the Dec 21 - Jan 6 HI cruise. I wasn't able to delete the messages, but once I clicked on them they stopped showing on notifications. 16 days - 3 notifications. 🤷‍♀️
  17. Those pictures would have been from K'dam, taken Dec '23 - Jan '24. NS looked pretty much identical Nov '23 - Dec '23. I may have some from Eurodam April '23 - May '23 if you want me to look.
  18. @Heidi13 we saw the same on Eurodam last April/May to AK. And AK beer on tap by Lido.
  19. Oh my gosh, yes!! I posted quite a few pictures and comments about the thermal spa on both my LIVE HI Christmas and TA reviews. Those are the cruises I've done with the most sea days and the Thermal Spa was a major part of my cruise; I went multiple times/day on sea days and at least once/day on port days. I was also working through a shoulder thing and used it to help w/PT. Saw whales a couple times during the HI cruise and in AK it's a great spot for watching glaciers. The sunsets are spectacular! Happy to share any pictures or answers specific questions. Book now and enjoy!! The price isn't discounted, so you can buy onboard if you have OBC to use. You mentioned HAL CC points - I buy AARP gift cards to get the 10% discount then use that toward OBC so it's like getting 10% off the ThermalPass.
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