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Everything posted by RB9643

  1. No, but his aquariums were insane. Two walls of tanks, probably 20 of them. He was a unique individual. 🙃
  2. I'm guessing cost, space, and perhaps weight. What I can't understand is why they don't at least have negative air pressure in the enclosed smoking rooms. That would suck air in the room, not out. I'm no physics major, but I wouldn't think it's that difficult.
  3. I guess if you call the Sun a newer ship. 😄 But honestly, the only thing I associate with shuffleboard is my late-uncle's basement.
  4. Seriously? Or are you just playing around... On 10 cruises, the thought of playing shuffleboard has never crossed my mind, nor have I ever seen it played (not that I was looking for it, obviously). I guess we just have very different mindsets when it comes to cruising.
  5. We are very much under that particular cloud every time we cruise. Mother-in-Law is 94, healthy, active, but anything can happen at that age. We have 4 cruises totaling 47-days in the next year. We think about it often. The good wife is the youngest of 5 siblings who all live within a few miles of mom. It is likely she will have little to say in the program or preparation for the funeral. We have decided that if we will be home within 7-days, we'll finish out the trip. If longer, we'll fly home as soon as possible. We have travel insurance to cover a trip interruption like this, so cost isn't the issue. The logistics involved, based on where we could be, might be a significant issue.
  6. If would help a lot if you would define what you find "awesome" about Princess. Then we can compare it to NCL.
  7. Mrs. RB always does this. I understand the wrinkle thing, but how can rolling them possibly take up less space, as she claims?
  8. Which is why you won't find a RCL Oasis class ship in Alaska. The Icon? Forget about it.
  9. Exactly. If every ship would just get rid of everything I never use, and expand the areas I do, cruising would be Heaven -- for me.
  10. My pre-cruise, emailed booklet does not specifically mention hair dryers at all, just nothing that produces heat -- except straighteners and curling irons. I guess I'm not shocked that different sources say different things.
  11. We were lucky enough to see the beatbox show (Hit the Floor, or something) before it was cancelled. It was a great show, but only 45 min on a 7-day cruise. Not a deal breaker by any means. Don't miss the Syd Norman's shows, but you will need to be in line at least 45-60 minutes to get a seat, and an hour plus to get a good seat. Again, it's only about an hour long, so standing isn't that bad, especially if you're old enough to remember general admission concerts in the 80's. 🙃 If you get bored at night on an NCL cruise: a) You're doing it wrong b) You're not drinking enough
  12. I'm confused by this. While not specifically mentioned, it does produce heat and has a heating element, right? So, it should be confiscated. The only exceptions are curling irons and straighteners.
  13. Lol. I'm far more upset about overcrowded ships than I am once-a-day service. 😎
  14. I think we're talking semantics. Things going wrong IS reality and should be expected. Reacting to everything that is not perfect means having high expectations that are never met. I'll take the low expectation route every time.
  15. I think everyone who's upset about the once-a-day service, and other cost cutting measures, should find another cruise line. Seriously, do it. Maybe the ships will be less crowded for those of us who couldn't care less.
  16. This makes sense, to an extent. If you have low expectations, you will certainly find things that meet those lows. But you will also find many things that exceed "the worst" and are enjoyable and perhaps a nice surprise. On the other hand, I think it's worse to go in with high expectations that are rarely or ever met, let alone exceeded. If your expectations are too high to be met, you will have nothing but a disappointing experience. Perhaps it's best to go in with NO expectations, take everything as it comes, and enjoy yourself regardless.
  17. Book now. Le Bistro for sure if it's your first time.
  18. What OBC? Is there something I should know about, but don't?
  19. Lol. So, you're one and done with NCL because of the snarky responses on Cruise Critic? Good luck with any cruise line passing THAT test. 😎
  20. For certain, but a number of things are. Prima is our 2nd favorite ship other than Encore. It is a beautiful and unique ship, with many great concepts that may well become the future for cruise lines that have no desire to offer 6-7000 passenger ultra-mega ships. Indulge is a perfect example. The outdoor areas of Prima are the future, IMO. Were mistakes made, yes. The buffet is too small, the focus on outdoor areas is not conducive to cold weather destinations, and for the love of God, double the space of Syd's! All in all, I will sail the Prima class again (and again and again).
  21. There is no doubt that Spirit is a far superior ship to Sun, but yeah, you're giving up a shipload of space in your cabin. I would urge you to work it out as best you can, space and pricewise. Personally, I'd give up the space for the better ship. At a fair price, of course.
  22. I think some here are questioning the veracity (or at least the dramatic magnitude) of the whole toenail and hair thing. It doesn't take a NCL cheerleader to wonder...
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