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Everything posted by WantedOnVoyage

  1. I was going to ask if that Spanish IVA nonsense remains throughout the cruise. Seems it does. No more embarks for us in BCN. Given recent published comments re. cruises and cruise passengers by the Mayor of Barcelona he certainly knows how to squeeze every penny out of them regardless. Does anyone know if the same applies for embarking in Italian ports?? Nice review... and the mystery bottles of sparkling whatevers continue to intrigue... in PG, we got the occasional extra bottle but left them in our fridge. We got a nicer bottle from the shops after blowing our considerable on board credit on watches, though....
  2. I don't think sister ships built for the same line are "off the shelf" now are they? The ships you mentioned were unique to the line and purpose. Holland America Line had ships with the same concept as MEDIA/PARTHIA but wholly different in appearance, accommodation, decor etc. QA is still a K'DAM with grill accommodation and a different funnel. Just is.
  3. Alll of which makes one appreciate QM2 all the more... she will most likely be the last ship specifically designed for Cunard Line. While I like the "Vistas" (sailed in NIEUW AMSTERDAM, EURODAM, QE and QV) a lot, the Pinnacle class holds zero appeal. 3,000 passengers? No thanks. QM2 remains special. Not a "badge engineered" off the shelf design.
  4. Insurance premiums will dictate this in the end I suspect but if "they" decide to avoid Suez and Red Sea, which is not really really a "short cut" to Australia anyway... if needed, and on short notice, QE could easily be re-routed Barcelona-Las Palmas-Cape Town-Durban-Fremantle-Melbourne or some variation of the same. A wonderful itinerary in its own right I might suggest. The nice thing about a ship rather than an hotel or resort... it can be readily moved. And it might give Cunard's itinerary planners the kick in the trousers to come up with some new stuff, too....!
  5. "They" better just leave her alone.... the new QA look is horrible. But not as bad as QM2 in "cruising green" I grant you.
  6. Actually it was poached Dover Sole... not off the bone, served a la carte. My wife practically lived off that aboard QE in Sept 2022 but it was conspicously missing in May aboard QV and not coming back alas. You don't spy on what fellow diners are scoring? I thought everyone did that...
  7. You won't be finding Dover Sole anymore in PG I'm afraid but the Turbot was excellent. There must be a shortage of escargot, too, as that was offered once in 19 days and on the regular menu, for all restaurants.
  8. Nothing wrong with the Art of Positive Thinking... but cruising is a product not an art, and the customer pays for what he or she either got in the past (and very recent past, too) or is promised in the banalities of the brochure. QV this last cruise was largely delightful. Indeed, better than in May in many aspects. But it is not down to "positive thinking" or lack thereof, to face the reality: since mid summer, Cunard-Carnival have severely reduced the staff, especially in the galley and bars and it shows. One diner in Princess Grill confronted the maitre d' and said he came from a catering background and there was simply no excuse to wait 30 mins. for a starter and this in the second best restaurant in the ship. There are other cutbacks apparent in the variety and quality of the entertainment, although as I said that in Queen's Room was vastly improved. The Commodore Club was the opposite. We, too, suspected some Covid outbreak among the crew but instead it was the classic shipboard cold (our steward had it and I came down with it the last day and still have it) and the even more classic Cunard Cough. Sometimes it sounded like a TB ward. But I doubt this was responsible for one... repeat one... steward working the Grill Lounge and one, repeat one, bar tender, at peak cocktail time. They were named Ricky and Ricardo respectively and you can make of that what you will.
  9. My wife maintains PG cabins on QE/QV are much superior to those on QM2. I could not disagree more... those on QM2 are not only far more attractive in decor but offer a substantial square of usable and livable space instead of a narrow corridor with a bed to saddle around. The bathtubs on QE/QV are much better though but "they" tell us we don't want bathtubs at all and why we should eagerly anticipate QA with no tubs in PG. I am not sure how one can assert there is "no view" from the QM2's Grill Lounge... there is a solid bank of windows looking onto the best view in the world: a proper boat deck and the expanses of sea beyond it. It is a lot more spacious feeling than the Grill Lounges on QE/QV and I frankly prefer the plainer, more contemporary decor, too. In January 2022, they even had the occasional live music there but I suspect that, like much else, is gone now. Afternoon tea is properly served there.... not sitting at someone else's table in the PG dining room. I hate that. The Grills Terrace and dedicated outdoor space on QE/QV are, of course, leagues better than QM2. No comparison. The difference to upgrade seems a bargain to me when BA is offering you a "deal" of $799 to go from World Traveller Premium to Business Class. And you can argue that on a crossing you will be using the ship far more than on a cruise.
  10. Not a QA fan from the get go, but new ships always need some time to settle down and the same goes for their crews. And the passengers hopefully will count the thrill of a maiden voyage more than the toilet that doesn't flush, the broken hinge on the bedside cabinet and the prevailing smell of new carpet and fresh paint. Light sleepers will want to bring some light card strips to stop the inevitable creaks and groans which are typical of new ships for a few months. QV the other day, even after 16 years, sounded like the HMS SURPRISE in "Master and Commander" leaving Lisboa... one of the ceiling panels in the Princess Grill even popped loose. I remember being among the press party going out by tug to meet the QE2 in New York on her maiden voyage after her re-engining. If you listened to the media and the moaners, the voyage was a disaster from the get-go, whilst those with more reasonable expectations enjoyed it and, of course, no one from the press wanted to talk to them! With QUEEN ANNE being but the fourth PINNACLE-class ship built for Carnival, I'd be surprised of any major issues.
  11. On our 19-day cruise, I would estimate there were maybe three flambéed desserts in PG a night tops in the 7:45- 9:45 peak dining times and yes, with the extremely slow galley service, you really could spend two hours at dinner but they are surely worse ways to while away an evening. When we did QM2 in Jan 22 and QE Sept 23, they were literally jostling for the flambée carts as in the old days. Indeed, I remember when First Class on Cunard was 100 per cent tableside French service. But when you order Cherries Jubilee, it just comes preplated so there is not even an option of tableside preparation. There appear to have been lots of changes across the fleet from mid August onwards in terms of what is offered and the general routine. Including the reappearance of a few minor bath amenities at least in the Grills. At least on QV, something rather dramatic has occured with the real essential of service: the galley staff and even the bartenders. There simply are not enough of them. Chart Room at peak hour offered a 15-min wait for a drink delivered after ordering. And the Grill Lounge was, if anything, worse. Commodore was a bit better but for some reason, we did not gravitate there this trip. By comparison, the Queen's Room was much better and is served by the casino bar. Best bar on the ship in my opinion is the Yacht Club in terms of service turnaround and preparation. Even "silent disco" is tolerable with a negroni or two. "uniform experience across the fleet..." is not something I've seen with Cunard in many a year and if it exists, it might endure for a month or two. Or the duration of crew contracts.
  12. No, the flambees are pretty much gone in PG, certainly compared to even as recently as QE last September in the Med. My wife is celiac with a strict gluten free diet and the PG maitre d' insisted on preparing her a proper tableside bananas foster as a treat and yes, we heard mumblings about how she scored that. But desserts that were almost always prepared tableside like cherries jubilee... no more in PG. The "PG is just about the same as QG except for the bigger cabin and the butler" mantra no longer applies. It is, in fact, like Business Class vs. First Class on British Airways. Still a good product and usually good value. 2022 alas is an ion away for many cruise or travel experiences in terms of what is provided.
  13. We, along with quite a few others, booked this aboard QM2's Southampton-West Indies "direct" cruise back in Jan. 2022 so it was a much anticipated (and long sold out) cruise that managed to exceed most expectations with a delightful itinerary, near flawless weather save on departure from Lisbon a few days ago and a gratifying reunion with more than a few passengers and crew. QV remains the pick of the Cunard litter for us and she was immaculate throughout. There were more than a few contractor types aboard for unknown reasons. Her American captain, Capt. Hoyt, keeps her in fine shape and remains the most engaging Cunard captain I have experienced since Warwick. We had, always usual, Princess Grill P2 grade. Excellent cabin steward and our dining room pair (and yes, reduced from a trio of just a year ago) were outstanding. Except for one or two not exemplary tough beef entrees, the cuisine was as good as ever....better than in May. Not sure about the "modern" entrees, though... a few too many clever vegetarian and vegan options and not nearly enough Indian curries for my taste. The a la carte options have been further diminished to well, not much in particular, and changed I think once in 19 days. Flambees etc are still noticably absent but thank goodness the cheese trolley, missing in May, is back. No... repeat NO special orders. You could get, if asked nicely, a lunch curry for dinner but that's it. Mention needs to be made of the outstanding front of house team: Ismail and Francis... a huge improvement from May. Consumate professionals that added immensely to the experience. We are not much into "entertainment" and thank goodness.... the "comedians" were pretty dire but the string trio was the best I've heard at sea since STEFAN BATORY. Negatives: Carnival have cut staffing to the bone and into the marrow. The stewards do their best but the waits for food and drink were unacceptable.... 30 mins in the Grill to get a starter and the Grills Lounge was simply overwhelmed in the evening as was the Chart Room. They cut and cut and hope no one notices: we do and they knew it, too. I don't want to hear about staffing shortages when they decide to add to the fleet. Shoreside management, in California and Southampton, remains the weak link in the whole Cunard operation. And this leads to another real turn-off especially to we QV fans... the incessant shilling aboard for QUEEN ANNE. It's bad enough so many of her crew are being shanghaied for her without the endless promotion of a vessel we (and others) find of zero appeal. Work on what we like and are paying for, thank you. We disembarked without booking a future cruise for the first time in years. The U.S. Grill package is indeed still at a $12 limit (vs. $13.50 for the purchased one) and the choice is considerably diminished... there is one martini for example. But the staff, largely fed up with the confusion and conflicts, seem eager to game the system to your favour. And, finally.... you ballroom dancers won! We don't dance in that British manner (and I find it somewhat intimidating personally) but the dire Bulgarian Wedding Reception Band is gone and replaced by a really excellent one that actually plays dance music. The Queen's Room was far more attended and livelier as a request. Shame they cut all the wonderful live music from the Yacht Club and its attendance reflected that most nights. Karaoke? Silent Disco? Please.... Dress code: quite well adhered to. I think I have locked out from my memory the exceptions but this was an Old School Cunarder passenger list and more delightful for it.
  14. Do note, too... this is Carnival we're talking about in many aspects so literally the entertainers are cycled through Cunard, Princess and P&O and exchanged at common ports. So if you liked the comedian on ARVIA (god I hate that name... what on earth does it even mean) you will like him or her as much on QUEEN VICTORIA atlhough possibly not the third or fourth time. It's uncanny... I can never remember a single joke, even the good ones, within 30 minutes of leaving the show. Maybe that's why they keep coming back with the same ones, over and over.
  15. Cunard is different from most lines in that, mercifully, you are treated as an adult... not a child in some theme park where they are at you constantly to "have a good time,"... there is, thank goodness no relentless mindless "musak" blaring over the open decks 24/7 and on the existing ships, at least, no hideous "jumbotron" dominating the lido deck... number this as one of QUEEN ANNE's "improvements". If you crave entertainment, I don't think you'd be hard pressed to be amused, if you don't and relish a good book, a steamer chair and a view over the rail to the ocean, you have that too (well again most likely not on QA). And... no "public address" announcements either except needed ones. Quiet. Bliss. Cunard certainly has "classes"... like most ships, different venues attract different sorts of people. Odd that people will fly on a four-class airliner but resist the notion of even the hint of classes on ships nowadays. But it's more a natural gravitation of like minded people. But no, you'd hardly notice there is a "grill deck" and if looking for a steward, indeed have better luck elsewhere! So far, Cunard also still attract some extraordinary individuals as crew members, too. QV in particular being "a happy and efficient ship" that Noel Coward would have approved of. I do, too.
  16. No. We've booked QM2 for Jan 25 (35 days to W. Indies from Southampton) some time ago but there's nothing in the latest release to remotely tempt us. For our second trip, we might try Fred. Olsen (their itineraries are SO much more appealing) or try something completely different.
  17. "That looks like the RMS St. Helena beside the QE2. I regret not taking a line voyage on that ship when it was possible to do Southampton - Cape Town or vv." Indeed.... and you really should have done the original (and one and only) RMS ST HELENA (I). We had a Canadian who did a roundtrip every winter. We even named the sheepdog puppy we took to Tristan da Cunha "Herbie" after him.
  18. I am pleased that Cunard have put QM2 on the same idyllic Southampton-West Indies r/t (and no New York!!!) in Jan 2025 that we did in Jan 2022. We booked it aboard QV in May. And better still, it's now 35 nights with a more meaningful circuit of the Caribbean. I suspect we won't have the luxury of sharing it with only 1,300 others next time, though... I'd like to see Le Havre or Cherbourg on every single crossing for starters as it used to be for... well since the early 1920s. And yes, more crossings in season. Not wasting QM2 on piddling shorter cruises. Maybe one or two proper 14-16 day cruises ex Southampton that can be combined with a r/t crossing from NY. And a big yes to Halifax added, too.... a short call adds little time or distance. And put QUEEN VICTORIA back where she belongs.... out of Southampton April-December on traditional longer cruises with one "event" cruise to Canada/Newfoundland/Greenland or similar and another long one to the Mediterranean. There are zillions of "fly-cruises" already... why do we need Cunard doing them?
  19. Yep... QUEEN ANNE and an endless succession of totally boring itineraries has had me trolling the Fred. Olsen website two times in a week now.... they have two longish roundtrips from Liverpool or Southampton that already appeal way more than Cunard's offerings, including a wonderful St. Lawrence one and to Greenland/Iceland/Newfoundland etc.. Valuewise, Cunard is frankly better especially in the better categories and grills but I am tempted to give them a miss later into 2025 and beyond. Who is responsible for Cunard's itineraries? They must be either bored to death too or just lazy. Civitavecchia, Valencia or bust.... I think I'll try bust. Carnival cross pollinates P&O, Princess and Cunard port calls and I think that adds to these tired evergreens. I don't want anything to do with "fly cruises" within Europe and they are forcing those of us who prefer roundtrip from Southampton onto QUEEN ANNE. No way. No thanks.
  20. Thanks... we were on QV in May and had no issues, except the last day and it was cleared from our bill at disembarkation. But as I said the drink prices have all been raised as has the limit for the paid for package to $13.50 per drink. If you call Cunard they tell you the Grills package has also been upped to $13.50 but.... they decline, refuse or unable to tell you that in writing (!).
  21. How recent? I ask as the change in the paid for drinks package and the increase in the limit ($13.50) only occured the beginning of this month. But yes... the bookeeping aspects of this can be tiresome... on QM2 in Jan 22 it was a constant headache but absolutely not on QV this May. Trust but verify... always!
  22. Judging from the agents immediate and helpful but quite adament reply, I suspect I was not the first to ask! BTW, don't be surprised too if the letter in your cabin still says $12. I'd check your bill the next day to be sure but she assured me it's not an issue.
  23. We most recently (October 2019) felt that with Dubrovnik... alas my first (and will be last) visit to what was once a charming idyll of a place. No more. I've been in less crowded (and more polite) baseball stadiums on opening day. Never again. Cruising will eventually kill itself off in the next two decades at this rate.... so many of these places, even cities like Venice and Barcelona simply are no longer enjoyable with an extra 15,000 people dumped in the centre from 0900-1400 all intent on seeing the same thing at the same time. I can appreciate why the locals and many muncipalities have begun to say "enough." But yes, best to pick and choose... did not Cunard coin "Getting There is Half the Fun"? Now even more a selling point.
  24. So never got a reply from my e-mail so called Cunard today and was told absolutely, positively that the Grill Drinks Package is identical to the one sold aboard for $70 a day with a $13.50 limit per drink.
  25. I am so glad I got to visit most of these places 30 plus years ago when cruising was still special.... first visit to Santorini being aboard UGANDA and the most recent (!) CANBERRA... when we shared that wonderful caldera port with STELLA SOLARIS. We'll be there in QUEEN VICTORIA on 10 October when I see there will be one huge MSC ship, one Costa vessel and a Seven Seas ship. I guess that counts as a "light" day. 8,000 in May sounds... horrid. I'd rather enjoy the views and the quiet aboard ship than be among the milling mobs. And the sunset over the caldera is special... we'll have to grab a prime Commodore Club seat for sailing.
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