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Posts posted by JAMESCC

  1. Thanks, James. I really hope this is the case. Otherwise, there will be a lot of people in the 'same boat'------or not. [emoji57]
    This is true. Very funny. Hopefully we all get to cruise in the not so distant future. Unfortunately we have to wait till August next year. 2 cancelled on us. Good luck to you and your husband.

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  2. My husband and I have been longtime RCCL cruisers and have 3 future cruises booked at this point. He is 65 and was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of years ago. It is well managed with diet and a daily medication and he got a great report at his yearly checkup. But now, do we understand correctly that RCCL will deny boarding for people with a condition such as his? 
    If this is the case, they should make it clear when booking. Anyone can still make reservations and I don't see anywhere in the reservations area that they ask for any kind of medical history. It would be sad to see uninformed folks turned away at the dock. 
    Should we cancel all cruises and accept that we can never cruise again? Very disheartening as we have both recently retired and this has been a favorite pastime.
    I think that went by the wayside. I don't think you need a doctor's note or about like that now. I think you'll be ok whenever cruises start but god only knows when that will be.

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  3. There are no cruises sailing out of any US port in August and September 2020.
    So you are not confident about a Cruise even in August 2022 ?
    No, August 22, 2021. And hell no I'm not confident. I see people in the industry predicting cruises will not be up and running till 2022. They have raised money like that might be the case that is for sure.

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  4. I guess I can unpack my bags now? Sept 6th on Harmony...
    Yup, we were supposed to be on Oasis out of NJ the same exact day. All done, gone and over with. Waiting to hear from our TA on what to do going forward. Going to move it to August 22nd and pray to the Lord that sails. [emoji1696][emoji120]

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  5. 6 minutes ago, boatseller said:

    Because Florida is more open sooner than NJ.  And, I will keep pointing the out, number of positive cases is a meaningless statistic.


    Very early on, Florida took measures to protect the most vulnerable, and it worked.  Despite cases going up, ER visits and hospitalizations are essentially flat and capacity is not under stress.  Fatalities are declining.  That is a good thing.  People are going to get the virus, that cannot be stopped, ever.  The more people to recover with little or no consequence, the better.

    People are going to get it no matter what but you took a swipe at my state. I love, I love all our states unlike you I guess. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, boatseller said:

    Again, stop while I'm ahead.  You're basing your position on a complete non-factor.


    Except for a few obvious States, the situation in the US has been very well managed.  You're in NJ right?  Look, I'm sorry you chose to live somewhere with incompetent leadership but we're good here in Florida. The situation is under control.  Healthcare capacity is good, large numbers of people are/will be recovering.  For a pandemic, that's what you want.

    Excuse me, NJ has done extremely well considering our population density and we do NOT have incompetent leadership. Our numbers are falling like a rock and Florida they are setting records daily. You do not know what you are talking about. We have opened slowly the way it was outlined. How could you possibly say you are good in Florida with the numbers you are having on a daily basis?

  7. Not my position, but outside of locking down the whole country in December 2019 (20/20 hindsight which has never been done before to my knowledge) I just have not heard of any solution, i have been locked down for 3 months, I did my part, others have not.  My position has been clear and posted and I could be wrong (as far back as march), but the government should have never said that we should not wear masks (when this first started) that could have been the game changer.  Not really into sound bites, political hack interpretations, or a 45 minute briefing with 15 seconds of gaffe (and the only thing that is covered in the press is the gaffe)  
    The entire thing when the doctors were not taking was a gaffe.
    Let's just end it. We are in a mess that I thought I saw the end of the tunnel to and now that tunnel seems to be enlarging. The light is a pin point now and that light is dimming.

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  8. Actions recommended at the time by the "experts" were taken, yes Optimism  (hope is a good thing perhaps the best of things) was expressed to avoid panic,  to create calm (Do you have any idea of how close we were to total economic collapse and we aint out of the woods yet, you just dont waste/throw away trillions over the weekend unless one expects deep seeded problems).  Again what was the oppositions position/solution at the time?  Opposition was to shout xenophobe and demand that nothing should be done (opposition literally went into the most vulnerable neighborhoods hugging people).  I have to tell you again my friend dont believe everything you read, see, hear -  research my friend, learn baby learn so you can earn baby earn.  Look in the mirror there is your answer/solution to life.
    Very cryptic, good job. Everything they did was the wrong take at every single turn. Sorry but that is just my opinion. You can go on thinking they did everything correct, that is your right as well.
    Those daily briefs were a waste of everyone's time with playing doctor by someone that does know his ass from his elbow. I watched live as he talked about "light through your skin" and "injecting somehow disinfectant". It's all insane and not helpful in any way.

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  9. Unfortunately a vaccine is not fool proof.  Many people get the regular flu vaccine and still get the flu.  
    Well I understand that but it's better than nothing. We can't just go along through life this way forever especially if there is an effective vaccine.
    There flu shot I only have 1 year to go on and I'm just glad I didn't get awful sick like I did last year. I can't say for sure that's why I didn't get the flu but I ain't taking a chance either. I can't tell you how bad I got the flu last year. It was just absolute torture.

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  10. I know it's gonna take a while but what does everyone think about these vaccines they say are might be ready. I mean this year is still a goner, and part of next year but maybe late spring 2021 if these vaccines work. It's gonna be a yearly thing which I don't mind. I get the flu shot yearly. I never did before but I got the flu so freaking bad last year March 2019 that I wanted to jump off a building, it kicked my butt. I will never go without a flu shot again. I didn't get the flu this year so I'm hoping it works going forward.

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  11. the month of jan , action wasnt taken till feb 2nd, lets not act like the govt didnt down play it as a few cases soon to be 0. 
    Rewriting history is their favorite thing to do. This thing was downplayed and called a hoak from the beginning. First it was 1 person coming in from China, then it was 15 pretty soon up 1. How do you live saying something like that and now we have millions of cases?

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  12. Wirecard is missing the money, not RCI.  
    I was gonna say the way I read it is it really has nothing to do with Royal Caribbean. It's just a payment processing company and I believe the CEO just left the company today. Sounds like some shady stuff going on there but I don't think it has anything to do with Royal Caribbean.

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  13. Here is what Fauci actually said, proven quote video from his own lips on jan 21, Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” 
    That guy is the 'expert"
    In addition when the whitehouse was closing boarders, they were called xenophobes by the opposition (opposition that offered no solutions), whose mayors, health commissioners,  speakers of the houses were out in the streets telling people all is ok go out,   So to put all the blame on the whitehouse seems disingenuous to me
    However once again the main thing is what is the solution going forward?
    There is no solution going forward. The cat is already out of the bag. The opening in a lot of states was too quickly and more people will die as a result.

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  14. I answered your question but you don't want to read it. Fine don't learn baby don't learn. I'll give you one paragraph that says it all.
    The report paints a portrait of Trump as being swayed by things like petty politics, one-upmanship, advice from his uninformed business associates, and his annoyance at inconsequential conspiracy theories, rather than the strenuous and sustained advice of experts — most of which he ignored for weeks. The delay resulted in a lack of effective quarantining measures, a dearth of testing centers and equipment, a failure to reallocate existing resources, and widespread confusion about how seriously the public should be taking the disease.
    It's obvious this person has a daily dose of Kool aid. No answer will suffice.

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  15. what was done differently by the white house then what was recommended? , what information from the experts was ignored?, what was/is the solution to this plague?
    Gee I don't not downplaying it from day one. Not paying attention to the warnings before hand. Not calling it a hoaks would have helped. Spreading conspiracy theories about it would have helped. Not playing doctor and talking about "light" through the skin or "disinfectant injections".
    It's all bat crap Insanity, sorry.

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