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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. @Jimbo sorry to read about your gas stove issues. We don’t have gas here so I don’t have any brand recommendations, but I like you would guess the smaller orifice is the problem. Good luck with picking the new unit.
  2. Happy Mothers Day to the moms here. Hopefully it is a quiet and enjoyable day, or chaotic and enjoyable as every household is different. Ours will be a bit of both.
  3. We stayed in the Lodge in the bottom of this photo. It’s a beautiful and small community. I think he will love it there. Let him know to be mindful of the bears.
  4. I remember when going to the PNE grounds that you would see a small stretch of a few blocks around 2010. Recently I saw a news story where they cleaned up and side walk encampment with dump trucks and backhoes. Even London Ontario a town of 420,000 has small areas of what Vancouver was like around 2010. This would be an interesting/informative discussion on a cruise. It’s become more obvious in the last 10 years that something has to be done, in a multitude of different ways. One solution isn’t the fix for all, especially when these individuals have a myriad of different issues and situations. The photo below was impressive.
  5. @Tree_skier here is a rugby tourney update from today. Each game was 25 minutes, and there was no kicking for extra points. Automatic 7 points with each try. Beautiful weather today here, 20C and sunshine. The last game was the toughest as we were down a few players from concussion protocols, a fractured finger, and another player with his arm in a sling. 4 games played, with 4 victories. Owen’s team won in extra time with a try. 7/0 was the final. Owen had a huge kick from midfield of approximately 50 yards that got the ball into their end zone. They were tackled in the end, and then they got to kick the ball back. Owen deflected it, and then it hit their player who was offside. In the following scrum Owen’s team got possession and ran it in. Chaos. I’m sure I didn’t describe it properly but you get the gist of it all.
  6. Just back from Owen’s ball team. They mercied the other team with a 20-5. Owen had a double, a single and a walk. Owen got the player of the game for his team. He got home twice. Now we just have to warm up. Rugby Tourney tomorrow.
  7. And it’s long, not short and curly.
  8. I didn’t mind it either. Toast fried in drippings was good too, but I bet if I listened closely I could hear my arteries hardening a little. I’d take Pauline’s breakfast any day. I only saw them on the balcony at the end. It was easy to spot her female relatives as they looked so much like her. We googled her age compared to the King and it she is just a bit older than him. We also talked about his marriage to Dianna so long ago. We also Harry being there but not anllowed out on the balcony. When you think about how the Royal Balcony plays a role, it’s strangely amazing how things change/evolve over time. The stories the balcony could tell. Amazing how time flies.
  9. Add to that cash calendars, bond hours, volunteer work, etc…. Arriving a hour early for every game just because that’s what the kids do. 0ur season ended a month ago and we have already paid for next season. Like you said, it’s worth every minute.
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