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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. Owen played soccer for 10 years of and was know for his big boot, and that transitioned to football as a kicker for the last two. His longest upright kick was 43 yards during a practice and 35 in a game. As for the drop kick he just picked it up by practicing. Owen almost had a third try but was a few yards short, and he broke out ant the centre field. Another player made it on the next play though. His teammates said he broke some ankles out there today with his runs. He thoroughly enjoyed the day. You are right though, it is hooligans playing a gentleman’s game.
  2. Owen this morning game dressed for rugby. Hawaii shirts and sunglasses are the “dress code”. Proud mama. And what’s the faux gold chain for… Owen was the player of the game. Final score, 29 - 10. @Tree_skier in this game Owen and another teammate were going to rotate from fly half to full back at halftime. Owen started at full back and didn’t even play in the second half because of the score, nor did the player he was to switch with. At half time it was 24-0. We found out afterwards that our Jr team played a varsity team. Owen got 2 tries and two conversions for 12 points and he only played half of the game. In this video Owen does the opening kick, gets an easy conversion from straight on, a try in the longer play and a conversions from a hard angle. He was exhausted tonight and a bit sore but still went to baseball practice. Thankfully tomorrow is a PA Day so no school and he’s happy about that.
  3. Lucy spotting today. She has been lazy with this sunny and warm ish weather. She is currently sleeping on the side porch.
  4. We were on the same cruise and my passport was 5 months and 28 days from expiry. I'm not Joe or Mary but an actual person here on CC, so please read my comment above.
  5. This is a problem HAL created, and no fault of @ONECRUISER
  6. Part of RC business plan is to get as much of the guest money as possible. Private islands are a great way of doing it. Another way in their business model is new private Beach Clubs in Nassau and Antigua. Antigua’s was announced prior to Covid so I’m not sure where that stands to date and I didn’t find anything current on-line. Nassau is to open in 2025, according to a blog.
  7. Maybe you need too start a thread about how you paid to much too soon.😉
  8. Personally I’d do both and skip Chops. Playmakers and Portside BBQ are really not similar and a better dining experience than our last two experiences at Chops on Oasis (March) and Harmony (January).
  9. Unfortunately that didn’t end as planned. We spent a lot of time yesterday “yelling” at the TV during the Vegas/Winnipeg and Toronto/Tamp games. In our case the right teams won. Today we will have hockey on from 1pm to midnight, and some Blue Jays/Yankees in jump on the remote. The weather has been favourable for staying indoors, being cool and wet. Hopefully it will be nice enough to BBQ ribs this afternoon. 😋
  10. @Tree_skier thank-you for the compliments about Owen and his sporting skills. One of his coaches is an Ontario Federation Rugby coach (title might be wrong by me) and has been giving Owen some extra guidance along the journey. We thought he would have passed on the high school soccer team this year and tried out for the baseball team, but he surprised us with rugby. I read you post to Owen and he was very impressed how the sport has followed you through your life.
  11. We stayed at that Sandals and know the area too. The beach is amazing, I wish the horse ride had been better for them.
  12. It is his first year. His football coach who coaches the rugby team and other players suggested he try out. Owen's position is fly-half and will most likely do the kicks for conversion. I just read your comment to him and he was impressed that you were involved for as long as you were. He commented that it says a lot about the sport.
  13. With hockey done this is now our after school activities. Owen’s first rugby game is next week and it is an exhibition game. No games are scheduled for baseball yet.
  14. Lisa and I watched BD yesterday and were confused by the 2 guests at the end that complained about their cabin to the Captain. Then the other guests that added more tip to make up for them. The blood, was just another bizarre aspect of their stay. Lisa commented, “how embarrassed they must feel to see this, when it is aired”. For some reason I don’t think they will be, and those that know them will not be surprised.
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