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Everything posted by mauimary

  1. Question??? After the original offer and get the 300$ onboard credit how does the card work. Say if you put on 1000$ of Celebrity expenses how much additional onboard credit do you receive. Is it $10 or is it 100$ ?
  2. We have been on small planes in Africa flying between camps. Our tour company asked everyone what their weight was. They need to know as it is a safety thing. Depending on weights it could mean the aircraft would have to take on less passengers.
  3. PS I just read through that thread you were talking about. Sounds like all you need to do is ask. Have a wonderful cruise.
  4. Hi Lois. The SV suites on the aft have a lounger. We were just on the Eclipse in Nov b2b2b and the corner suite next to us had one. This is a lovely ship.
  5. I loved all your photos from Santorini and Pyrgos. They are beautiful. It has been 14 years since we were in Santorini and now I know we need to return. I just think it is wonderful that you and your Mom can get away together. I am betting that your DH and the King are ready for you to come home! Thank you so much for all these photos and your fun commentary. You are a good photographer. When is your next trip?
  6. I love waking up and seeing your beautiful photos of Mykonos. The white buildings and the beautiful flowers with a beautiful blue skies. Wonderful photo of you and your Mom. NO it can’t be time to end this holiday already!
  7. Last year when I was trying to post a review I had a really hard time posting photos or even being able to log on to CC on some days. It was very frustrating I finally had to upgrade my internet to Premium in order to do it.
  8. So very nice your Mom had a friend on Rhodes so you could meet up together. I think I would have bought a pr of those slippers! They look so fun. Glad you and your Mother can do this trip together. So special.
  9. I use my cellphone flashlight. My smartwatch puts out a pretty good light too when I click its button.
  10. We have only been to Kusadasi but never to Istanbul. Really would love to visit for a few days. I love all your photos. It’s so fun to follow the travels of you and the Queen.
  11. I am just now reading through this short novel and loving it and all your wonderful photos. I had to chuckle at your trying to explain the Aperol spritz. Last year on our transatlantic on the Beyond I kept asking for one and several bars told me they didn’t have the Aperol. Well we were on a ship tour and on that tour we saw where supplies are kept. I saw two cases of Aperol and took a photo for proof. I said “aha I’ve been told you are out of Aperol. I’m going to show this to the bar tender”. Guess what Aperol suddenly started appearing and I was a happy camper!
  12. I just found your review and you are well into page 3 already. Glad it was not any later as fast as this blog moves. . So glad you and your Mom can travel together. Shes looking very happy. So very special. I had to check out my currency app to figure out your prices. You got some great deals! Your remodeled home is going to be beautiful. Have a wonderful cruise.
  13. Jim…I’m so glad you and Iain made it to the Coffee Shack. It’s one of those don’t miss kind of experiences. I’m going to have to get one of those dry cappuccino when we are there in Sept. It looks divine. I’ve thorough enjoyed reading about your travels on the BI. It’s one of our favorite places.
  14. Many of us have photos of the bridge. So it’s ok for us not to be able to in the future but for those having never had the opportunity to visit the bridge I can understand why it’s a disappointment for them. It was fun to get photos of our family on the bridge as it was a memorable event.
  15. We visit the Coffee Shack every time we are on the Island. We have been visiting the Big Island every year for over the last 20 years. We were so glad when the restaurant was sold several years back that the new owners kept the restaurant just like it was. We visit many of these same places every year and even make it down to South Point every couple of years. We have even managed to see some of the locals jumping off the cliff one time. It was a non windy day. I remember a couple of brave tourists that wanted to but were very hesitant so one of the local boys volunteered to jump with them. Another fun place we like to visit is closer to Hilo. It’s called “ What’s Shakin’. Best Smoothies on the Island.
  16. I followed your great review on the Edge. It was a very good one. I felt bad when someone criticized it but found it over on this board so I could continue. You shared a lot of very positive information about the ship and your experiences in AUS and NZ. We will be on that same ship in Oct. Thank you for taking the time to do it.
  17. Wow you two had quite the day. That’s a lot of driving. The Place of Refuge really is a beautiful and inspirational place to visit. We love it there. We have made it a point to return every year or so when we are on the Big Island. There is a particular tree there by the water that we have been photographing for the last 20+years. It was a baby tree when we started now it’s getting harder to find. Definitely easier to visit from the Kona side. A great restaurant to stop at near Capt Cook which is quite close to Pu’uhonua o Honaunau is the Coffee Shack. We love to have lunch there. But definitely sit outside on the patio. The view over the coffee fields is gorgeous looking down to the ocean. Have fun exploring.
  18. I am enjoying meeting my new drinking friends. It’s been a fun afternoon. Thank you for inviting us lurkers in. To answer Jeff’s question I do like to cook. Not a gourmet cook by any stretch of the imagination. I also like to bake. Cakes and cookies (for the grandkids). I have this old recipe book that my mother gave me of a collection of favorite treasured recipes that contains many breads. They are easy recipes that makes my efforts look good!! Mauimary
  19. Thank you. We will be visiting Tasmania. So very excited about that.
  20. We live in the NW West part of the USA where it is quite rainy and cloudy in the winter so we tend to search out sunny places. We are about an hr from the coast and 30 min or so from being in the wine country. We spend part of the Winter visiting Hawaii which is a fav of ours. It also helps that it’s only a five hr flight. We have cruised to many places. Now that we are retired we like longer cruises and B2B. Australia and New Zealand are on the agenda for Oct and Nov. Thank you for the nice welcome.
  21. Hello to all the coolers. I’ll come forward as being one of those lurkers for probably close to ten years! Yes in the wings! It all started years ago on a cold winter day I was browsing the boards and came across the cooler. I found the cooler to be interesting, informative and entertaining and just a really nice group of posters. I loved reading about everyone’s interesting travels to many different areas of the world. Loved reading about Jeff’s breads. Very impressive how Jeff started the water cooler and it has lasted all these years. All do to a great group of contributors. We have not cruised on Silver Sea yet but have been looking at a few itineraries closely. We have been predominantly Celebrity Cruisers but are looking to branch out to a different line of smaller ships.
  22. Victory welcome to Celebrity. Ask as many questions as you would like. Many of your questions have been answered. We booked a Concierge guarantee stateroom on the Eclipse so we didn’t get to pick our cabin. We ended up being upgraded to an Aqua stateroom with a very nice balcony in a great location.
  23. We sailed out of Fort Lauderdale on the Beyond in Feb. We used the luggage valet service for our Alaska Flight to Portland OR on the return. Our flight was late afternoon and it worked out perfect so we could just walk through Security. Since we had a lot of time to stall we didn’t want to have to deal with luggage that Alaska will not allow you to check more than 4 hrs ahead of time. All worked out perfect including a change of planes in Seattle. Luggage was waiting for us when we landed.
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