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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. It was a 73 Chevy Vega. I think I paid about $2,300 new for it. It was about all I could afford at the time. The front fenders rusted out rather quickly. There were a lot of stories about that trip that never went into that letter. ๐Ÿ˜‰ That letter was one of a few I saved when we went through things after both my parents passed.
  2. No I didnโ€™t. Unfortunately, my writing no longer looks like that. Now, it looks like I went to physician penmanship school.
  3. Happy Lunar New Year to any who celebrate. The year of the Rabbit. A time to relax Just gave my California family New Year wishes. They have to celebrate at home today, because my grandson is sick with a fever.
  4. We did something similar for our honeymoon in 1980. Did a seven day cruise on the SS Norway, then time at Disney after the cruise. Donโ€™t remember how much it was then, because it was all part of a package deal I had my TA work out. December, 1973, was my first trip to Disney. Worked it in as part of a road trip to the Orange Bowl with a couple of my fraternity brothers. Evidently, it cost $5.75 then, or at least that is what I wrote to my mother. We took my new car (bought with my liquor, or was it Lipitor concession funds), because it was the most reliable. This is me in the middle in the IC shirt. Yes, I know, that car was one of a couple bad decisions over the years. We traveled very cheaply. Yes, that is one of Floridaโ€™s fine beaches. Maybe weโ€™re weโ€™re pioneering homelessness, because it took a few days for the police to run us out of this site.
  5. I just saw that. For some reason, my eyes were reading liquor this morning. I noticed when I scrolled back to see where I missed a discussion on liquor concessions. Guess you know where my head is today. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  6. I think everyone has to be 16 or up to do that, because you may encounter characters in partial dress. I think it has been referred to as โ€œMurder the magicโ€, because people may be carrying characterโ€™s heads around. I guess they do not want to traumatize young ones.
  7. Similar to a pair my grandson was trying on. He likes the cool look I like how you can easily remove backgrounds on the iPhone. Just learned this recently.
  8. The Otterbox is a good choice. They have saved a lot of dropped phones in our house. I guess we lucked out a couple years ago when we went from 6Sโ€™s to iPhone 12 and 12 pros. 4 phones, and they were in fact free by trading in our 6Sโ€™s. They just did some kind of paperwork magic where they gave us a statement credit every month from the trade ins that was equal to the cost of the new phones.
  9. You beat me to that response. It is a lovely 32ยฐ here this morning, and we have already been out to the lake for a 5 mile walk. I started following three new cruise LIVE reports, so that should help me get my cruise fix. Only thing is, there is nothing like being there in person. On a good note, we have started researching cruises again. At this point, they are further out (December and January), but Susan has been getting back onboard with this idea. Narrowing December sailings down to a couple on either Symphony or Apex.
  10. It seems like we have lost a few notable musicians already this year. In addition to Crosby, we also lost Jeff Beck and Robbie Bachman earlier this month.
  11. This is the one I used. It has some nice features. I have a text to picture AI app that I need to play around with more. The kids like how easy the above one is for them.
  12. I think I am now finally caught up. I keep one of the trickle chargers on our boat battery, while it is stored for the winter. I even hook it up after we take it out each time, spit is fully charged and ready to go.
  13. Here are a couple grandkids pictures for you. One of the reasons I was missing for a couple days, because they have been trading sickness, and we were watching them. Thankfully it was not Covid. So I have an AI app that will give them a movie star look, and you can even swap out backgrounds. Grandson tried his first. Then granddaughter We tried to do Ricky, but it said it couldnโ€™t find a face. So he must not have a future in the movies. He just has to use his regular face. The kids tried it on both of us, and we havenโ€™t looked that good in years. ๐Ÿคฃ
  14. Dani, I know I sent you good wishes for your double celebration, but I wanted to send them again. It looks like you found a wonderful way to celebrate.
  15. This is the newer version of the one I have had for a couple years. It looks like they made some more improvements and lowered the price. https://www.amazon.com/WSTOO-Advanced-Breathing-Snorkeling-Panoramic/dp/B07PSGDCDN/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2BC8OYLCS18VP&keywords=w%2Bwstoo%2Bsnorkel%2Bmask%2Bwith%2Blatest%2Bdry%2Btop%2Bbreathing&qid=1674132765&sprefix=W%2BWst%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNDExRDBKTVNWNzQxJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODQ2NjM1MTdERjI1RzNWVzFTVCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODYyOTM3MVQwT0lPNTZVSktQVCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1&psc=1 It is a good idea to order someplace like Amazon that takes returns. Because of the shape of her face, near her eyes, Susan could not get a good seal. We tested ours out in our hot tub after we got them. I know, we probably looked a little silly, but we found out right away.
  16. Thanks for sending me down that rabbit hole. You are right that it is complicated. It appears that even if everything is Atmos capable, you still may not get it, depending on the apps used. The Netflix app currently requires that playback devices be capable of decoding Dolby Atmos natively, instead of simply being able to pass through Dolby Atmos to an Atmos-capable soundbar or AV receiver. When I started looking at what I have, vs. what I would need, I came up with new tv, new AV receiver (although my speakers would be good), new Roku, and new Apple TV. I think I will be satisfied with my 7.1, until things wear out.
  17. I was reading that the average decibels in a movie theatre range from 85 db to 104 db, with the high end being short duration for explosions in some action movies. I hear you, or maybe not so well. Even a lot of every day environments have high noise levels. Almost every vehicle, except EVโ€™s, have an interior cabin noise level between 70 and 75 db at a 60 mph cruising speed. Of course the difference between 70 or 75 and 80 is pronounced on the db scale.
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