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Everything posted by iamtrustworthy

  1. Hi Gail & Marty sailing away, Yes. You would use the amount you paid for the gift cards as your insurable trip cost. What you also will want to find out is if there are any scenrios where you will receive a refund back to the gift cards if you cancelled your trip. Steve Dasseos
  2. Hi Ashland, Sorry about that. > Do we need to also purchase cruiseline insurance for any onboard medical expenses? No. And, your Advantage Plan may have non-USA coverage for when you are out of the network. It's worth finding out. Steve Dasseos
  3. Hi donanddiane, The names of the insurance companies are listed in the Certificates of Insurance and vary from State to State. I have no idea what all their financial ratings are and al the rating agencies that are involved. Steve Dasseos
  4. Hi CarolinaKathy, It's likely that your mom has something that is defined as a pre-existing medical condition that could affect your trip. I don't want to get into your personal information on a public forum, so if you want to discuss this further and also find out about your choices for a trip cancellation plan, would you either email me at steve@tripinsurancestore.com or call us on 1-888-407-3854 or 1-816-282-6858? Steve Dasseos
  5. Hi kand64shark, There is only one Lookback Period which is the number of days prior to the purchase of the policy. Any new diagnosis or medication change does not create a pre-existing medical condition exclusion because the policy was already in effect. Steve Dasseos
  6. Hi Laura, No. The Mother has no Trip Cancellation coverage. Steve Dasseos
  7. Hi CarolinaKathy, Insuring Future Cruise or Travel Credits is tricky. All my plans will let you insure your prepaid and non-refundable trip costs when your trip is paid by any combination of Future Travel or Vouchers that you received instead of a cash refund for a trip that was cancelled: https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/how-to-insure-a-future-cruise-or-travel-credit/ However, the credits issued from the Vantage World Travel bankruptcy are different because you weren't offered a cash refund. This means that there's no benefit to you to insure the value of the credit. In other words, you may just insure the $36,189 if this is being paid in cash. I have a question: In the last 60 days, have either of you, or a traveling companion or a non-traveling family member, had any medication changes or had treatment for, had symptoms of or been diagnosed with any medical condition that could worsen and, in turn, cause you to cancel or interrupt your trip? Or that could cause you to seek treatment on your trip? Steve Dasseos
  8. Hi land64shark, A Trip Cancellation Insurance plan's effective date is the the next calendar day after you buy it. I can't speak for all plans, but the plans I know are the days prior to the purchase of the trip cancellation insurance policy. This might help you: https://tripinsurancestore.com/travel-insurance-pre-existing-medical-condition-lookback-period/ Steve Dasseos
  9. Hi horseymike, You're welcome. GeoBlue only covers you outside the USA, so yes, you would be covered. And you would also be out of its large network so you'd have the $200 per person deductible. Steve Dasseos
  10. Hi Jersey42, I still have the same answer: "So far, I never seen GeoBlue go back to someone's primary insurance to coordinate benefits." I know they have the right to do it, though. Steve Dasseos
  11. Hi Ashland, Is your Aetna plan an Advantage plan or a former employers' retiree health plan? Steve Dasseos
  12. Hi delaware32, I'm sorry about the delay answering you - I don't know how I missed your question! You would buy one policy and it covers you from the dates you are scheduled to leave home until the date you are scheduled to return home. As for Primary or Secondary, this refers to the order that your claim is paid with respect to other insurance that covers you. This is a decison you make if you have a claim and are completing the paperwork. I hope this makes sense. Steve Dasseos
  13. Hi CJANDH, If you want good medical and medical transportation coverage, I suggest you get the Geo Blue Trekker (Multi-Trip) Essential or Choice plan for your trips outside the USA that aren't longer than 70 days for any one trip. The Essential and Choice plans cover pre-existing conditions. You may see all the Geo Blue Trekker plan details here: https://tripinsurancestore.com/geo-blue-trekker-travel-medical-plans/ Steve Dasseos
  14. Hi Pear Carr, I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about plans from the UK. On the other hand, do you own property in the USA that is title in your name? Steve Dasseos
  15. Hi Takoma, Wow. 365 days is good. All the plans I know will cover to the insured trip cost if you cancel or interrupt your trip for a covered reason, but not all plans will. Some plans have wording that says (I'm paraphrasing) if any other insurance pays, then that plan won't pay. Steve Dasseos
  16. Hi Po, I can't speak for my competitors, but we have all the policy wordings available to read and download anytime. Steve Dasseos
  17. Hi Takoma, If you are going on a long trip it's likely that your Credit Card's trip insurance won't cover you. For example, the Chase Sapphire card states that if the trip is longer than 60 days there's no coverage for your trip. It's possible you could find a credit card that doesn't have a limit on the trip length. If so, make sure you see it in writing in the Terms and Conditions. In addition, if you want specific recommendations on the plan to get for your World Cruise, email or call us. We currently have 566 customers on the 2024 and future World Cruises. Steve Dasseos
  18. Hi LodgeLady and travelfun77, I haven't found an Annual Trip Cancellation plan that is good enough for me to sell due to their plan limitations, loopholes and with what's needed to cover the changes in travel since Covid started. Look at this this thread on my CruiseCritic.com TripInsuranceStore.com - Summer 2023 Q&A: Steve Dasseos
  19. Hi Po, Anyone who sells insurance of any kind needs to be insurance licensed in the States they will be offering insurance whether or not they actually sell a policy in that State. Plus, there are continuing education requirements in order to keep their license(s) active. In addition, if you are doing business as a company or DBA, the agency itself has to meet the same licensing requirements. Plus, the agent will need Errors and Omissions insurance and likely other business licenses. It's not cheap to get the licenses because some States require you to pay more for the priviledge of selling to its residents than other States. The licensing and other training costs is our biggest expense after payroll and our benefits. Steve Dasseos
  20. Hi TxLnghrnz, I haven't found an Annual Trip Cancellation plan that is good enough for me to sell due to their plan limitations, loopholes and with what's needed to cover the changes in travel since Covid started. Look at this this thread on my CruiseCritic.com TripInsuranceStore.com - Summer 2023 Q&A: I hope this makes sense. Steve Dasseos
  21. Hi, Thank You @LauraS and Cruise Critic for letting me do another Q & A. This is the 9th one I have done since December 2019 and they are fun to do. I'm Steve Dasseos. I started and own https://TripInsuranceStore.com. I also have a Wall Street Journal recommended Travel Insurance Blog at https://www.TripInsuranceStore.com/blog. I have over 540 pages on my websites. First, I think it’s important to get the issue of money out of the way up front. I do not pay, give any money, nor any other financial consideration to CruiseCritic or its related companies. And, the reverse is true: CruiseCritic or its related companies do not pay, give any money, nor any other financial consideration to me or TripInsuranceStore.com . Next, if you live in the USA and want to know how a Trip Cancellation or a Medical Travel Insurance plan works, ask me here. I do these Q & As to help people understand how Trip Cancellation or Travel Medical plans work. One reason why Trip Cancellation plans are complicated is that they combine some coverages of Life, Health and Accident insurance with some coverages of Property, Casualty and Liability insurance. Next, I don't sell all companies because I only offer a handful of pre-screened companies, but I know how the other plans work. In addition to what insurance companies offer, there are also plans from Travel Suppliers (cruise lines and tour companies). They are technically known as “pre-departure waiver” plans that include elements of insurance to pay claims for accident and sickness medical benefits and evacuation / medical transportation. I cover these differences in detail here: https://tripinsurancestore.com/travel-insurance-vs-travel-supplier-waiver-plans/ If you want specific information that requires personally identifiable or private information, neither CruiseCritic nor myself want you to post that information on a public forum. instead, you may email me at steve@tripinsurancestore.com or fill out this form: https://tripinsurancestore.com/travel-insurance-email-contact-form/ Some of my past Q & As are archived on Cruise Critic, too. Here are the links: Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did last Summer: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2648-qa-cruise-insurance-with-steve-dasseos-of-the-tripinsurancestorecom-summer-2023/ Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in November & December 2022: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2606-qa-cruise-insurance-with-steve-dasseos-of-the-tripinsurancestorecom-november-december-2022-read-only/ Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in January 2022: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2558-qa-cruise-insurance-with-steve-dasseos-of-the-tripinsurancestorecom-janfeb-22/ Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021 that was re-opened in June 2021: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2500-qa-cruise-insurance-with-steve-dasseos-of-the-tripinsurancestorecom-read-only/ Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in June 2020: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2484-qa-cruise-insurance-w-steve-dasseos-of-the-tripinsurancestorecom-june-2020-read-only/ I hope this Q & A helps you, Steve Dasseos
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