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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. I really don't see how whataboutism is a valid argument. If you are truly concerned about food waste, you could always choose to only order what you can completely consume at your meal. That would eliminate concerns of waste.
  2. Tuna sandwich in a drawer? Sorry, were you looking for an answer to your question or did you just want to argue ridiculous made up points?
  3. Might have something to do with the fact that the cabins don't provide for proper and safe food storage.
  4. A few things to keep in mind . . . #1 - For many people, blaming the retailer for "higher pricing" or "nickel and diming" is an easier pill to swallow than the idea that they want something that is beyond their financial means. In these situations, pride will blind logic. #2 - Most cruise lines use a "price to fill" strategy. NCL does not. Waaaay back in 2015, NCL announced that they were switching to a "market to fill" strategy. Most people do not understand the difference and are quick to criticize NCL's pricing because of this. If their real point is that other cruise lines have dropped their pricing and NCL has not, then why are they not simply enjoying the other cruise lines at a low price? Is there perhaps something that NCL is offering that they really want instead? #3 - What these folks are arguing for is everything offered for one price. What they fail to understand is that this all-inclusive price will be higher in the end. So....if they think prices are "too high" now, what will the pricing be if they get their way?
  5. If you need transport between the Port and the Airport that is reliable and doesn't charge a small fortune, I'd recommend http://ridesas.com/
  6. When available, they are listed under "Entertainment"
  7. Not sure why you think that you "had" to walk through the buffet to get to the pool. The aft elevators for Deck 17 allow access to Food Republic, Palomar, the Buffet, and the Vibe The forward elevators for Deck 17 allow access to the Observation Lounge, Galaxy Pavilion, and the Pool...in fact, each forward elevator lobby has a door that exits directly to the Pool Area. It is possible that you "had" to walk through the buffet because you weren't using the correct set of elevators?
  8. I realize that you just asked a simple question. I didn't quote you, respond to you, or say anything about your post. Yet you want to jump on me...better check as it appears that your knickers are knotted. As for the topic, I haven't expressed an opinion either way...I just don't understand why people here have such a problem when someone has an opinion different than their own. Wear a pin if you want, don't wear one if you don't want, but find something to replace the judgment of other people's choice in the matter. What part of that do you have a problem with?
  9. And that is perfectly fine...for you. I just don't understand your negativity toward others who feel different.
  10. Yet somehow not as lame as sitting behind your keyboard crapping on people simply because they have a different view of the pin than you have.
  11. As you know, nobody is forcing you to either take or wear the pin. If you don't want to wear it, fine...your choice. Someone else wants to, fine...their choice. Everyone can do what makes them happy. Just can't understand why you'd bother painting this with such a negative light on what others may want to do. Can't you simply let others do what they want without throwing shade?
  12. You call try the indulge food hall in terminal "you wish"...😕 Sorry about the food...cruising can spoil you.
  13. Gonna have to change the thread title now that "solo" has gone out the window...
  14. So just get his attention and say "So, are you in the Haven? How upset are you about the whole bed bug issue up there this cruise?"
  15. You finally photographed, ate, and drank everything on the ship?
  16. First, let me say that this is all Sid's fault...If he was posting we wouldn't be going dahn this road... Second, must wear for any Pittsburgher on a cruize
  17. Hey...stop worrying 'bout the kitchen. If you keep bein' nebby I'll have to send my brudder to deal with you.
  18. When Sid gets back and stops posting to this thread, CC is sure gonna become a LOT quieter. I can't be the only one thinking this...🤔
  19. Code Alpha is a medical emergency. As with any emergency, the announcements go out ship-wide to a) ensure those to need to respond hear the announcement...no matter where they are, and b) notify everyone else so that they know to avoid the area around the emergency situation.
  20. Not sure if you are a TV watcher or not, but on the Prima, Channel 24 is your virtual porthole...lets you see the weather.
  21. Everyone needs to calm down...the sign does NOT mean that drugs are free. 😲😉
  22. Did you ever get a chance to ask the slide ops about the "screaming" issue?
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