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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. You are fine...they do not need to be in color. This is why they have the word "MAGENTA" on them.
  2. Yes...a statement by the OP explaining the question the OP wanted answered. Looks like your understanding is spot on.
  3. Good answer to the question asked...that will help the OP for sure.
  4. "Nickel & Diming" is nothing more than a label that is used to demean something easily instead of having to justify one's position. It can also be used to blame-shift...much easier to say the cruise line is "nickel & diming" than it is to have to deal with the fact that a wanted purchase doesn't fit in our budget. Like what? A few examples would provide some context.
  5. I look at it this way: the price is what the price is. It really doesn't matter what the price was. Nor can I see how it matters when the price changed. It could have increased years ago, months ago, or minutes ago..I still have no choice but to pay the current price, or choose not to purchase.
  6. Nor did anyone state that you had. (and again...there is a difference between "using the chair" and "sitting in the chair"...I only used one of those terms)
  7. Sorry to hear that you are frightened. I hope you can find a safe space. In answering the poster to whom my comment was directed, I was explaining various ways in which their property could be removed without my having to touch their property. Yes, if your personal property is found on the ship, and you are not around, having a crew member place your personal items in the lost & found is perfectly acceptable, and is the proper thing to do with unattended items belonging to a guest. (BTW, I assume you erred when you said "my lounge chair" since the chair doesn't actually belong to you. Hopefully, you are aware of that.)
  8. Hence why I said "using the chair" and not "sitting in the chair"...or did you miss that?
  9. The problem is that everyone is and everyone isn't a chair hog. In reality a chair hog is the person using the chair that YOU want to use (hog) for yourself. Once you are in it, then people simply will view YOU as the chair hog. It never ends.
  10. Personal property a) can easily be removed from a chair without touching it, and b) if your personal property is sitting out without you being there, then it should be deemed "lost" and immediately turned in to the Lost & Found...without waiting for 15, 30, 60, etc minutes.
  11. From what I see online (and remember, I'm not monitoring the Joy's movements) the Joy is exactly where she is scheduled to be today...
  12. I may have missed it, but I'm not seeing where it is stated about "through" the canal
  13. That is a bit of a stretch. There is a big difference between having an email address and sharing it online with a stranger. When someone trusts you with their direct email, it's generally understood that they trust you not to just give it to anyone who simply wants to complain until they get their way. You said you spoke with front line customer service....you were heard, but that doesn't mean you get your way. Sometimes the answer is no.
  14. If you're going to base a complaint on the differences between what reps say and what appears on web pages and/or brochures, I'm certain that NCL will remind you of the Guest Service Contract that you agreed to in order to make your booking...specifically the second paragraph: 2. The Contract: The Guest agrees that this Contract governs the relationship between the Guest and the Carrier, regardless of the Guest's age, whether the Guest purchased the ticket on his or her own behalf, and/or whether the ticket has been held and/or presented by another person on behalf of the Guest. The Guest agrees that, except as expressly provided herein, this Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Guest and Carrier, and shall supersede and exclude any prior representations that may have been made in relation to the cruise to the Guest or anyone representing him/her by anyone, including but not limited to anything stated in the Carrier's brochures, advertisements, and other promotional materials, by Norwegian Cruise Line or NCL America employees or by third persons such as travel agents.
  15. Umm...what OP's letter? The OP never posted a letter here, that was someone else. It is also yet another someone else who resurrected this old thread. The OP vanished long ago...
  16. So...taking you at your word...you called six different customer service agents and got six different answers. Given that, let me ask this: At some point you called the first customer service agent and you got an answer. With your question answered, why would you call the second customer service agent (not to mention the third, fourth, fifth, etc)? Was the intent to just keep asking until you got the answer you wanted?
  17. Never being the key point. In order to determine never, that chair must be continually watched or else you risk missing the return and subsequent departure. This is the problem you have when someone is hogging a chair that you want for yourself.
  18. The flaw here is that the person could have come back at any time between 8:30 and 10:30 and then left again prior to your return. Just because a chair was unoccupied at 8:30 and it is unoccupied at 10:30 does NOT mean that it was unoccupied for the entire time in between.
  19. Easy to say, but why not just point the guest to that "right lawyer" with a referral? The article author is reading this thread and I'm sure she'd be glad to pass on your 100% correct information. On me? lol. Again, if it isn't an insult, then why not use the alternate wording? Why the label? Who in the thread are you referring to as someone who "stands up for their cruise line no matter what the issue is"? Or...how should we address those who blame the cruise line no matter what the issue is? What is their non-insulting label?
  20. NO...I got the point. You only think its "unfair" because your argument is only meant to satisfy your need for "more". If you feel comparing three 7-day cruises to one 21-day cruise is a legitimate point, then my point of comparing 4 5-day cruises to one 21-day cruise is equally as legitimate. However, if I'm off-base, then, by definition, so are you. (Which is MY point).
  21. So, then why haven't you given your response in a "Haven butlers get X and other butlers get Y" format? UDOU
  22. Butler is the appropriate term, no real need for the "haven" qualifier. Its not like there is a "balcony butler" to cause confuion...everyone knows where the butlers work.
  23. Interesting framing, but the perks are given out on a per cruise basis, not on a per day basis. If you want the same perks as a B2B2B, then just book that way...then it is fair. Given that you get the perks for a cruise of 5 days or longer, then why not just ask for FOUR times the benefits as 4 5-day cruises is still one day less than 21?
  24. And herein lies the problem...how do you craft a consistent policy? You call this an extraordinary circumstance...so what would be an extraordinary circumstance and what would not be? Where is the line drawn, and how do you then handle those "just" on the wrong side of the line that will eventually whine about the unfairness of their situation? Heck, if NCL just started giving FCC to everyone where this happens, then if you ever need to cancel a reservation, you could just add some transfers to your cart, not pay for them, and then you'd get your FCC after the automatic cancellation. Would be a nice way to game the system, no?
  25. Of course that would be reasonable, but this is CC...the opportunity to bash supersedes any need to be reasonable when conclusions must be jumped to.
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