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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. The terms and conditions are always available for any offer...and everyone should either review them personally, or go over them with their booking agent, before making their booking. The bottom line is each guest should know what they are booking before making the deposit. It really doesn't matter "when" a change was made...only that it was made.
  2. Every ship in NCL's current fleet except for Encore and Prima...both of which are booked and past final payment.
  3. You will get an email notification and they will also send you an Amenity Invoice which will show the OBC.
  4. The real funny thing is that this has been discussed since 2014, as this 2016 thread shows: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2233911-breakaway-elevator-questions/ Given his propensity for the trivial, I'm surprised that the OP never noticed this until now. I wonder if he realizes that the layout of the two forward banks is different from the layout of the two aft banks or if we'll be treated to another thread when he figures it out?
  5. You actually waste everyone's time pushing both banks...then one elevator takes you while the other has to stop for nothing at the annoyance of everyone onboard.
  6. What is really strange is that a Google search shows that it is being reported that this happened on October 26th, yet no report of this was made on any news site until just yesterday. Why the delay in reporting. As of now, Jim Walker still has not reported this on his site and he ALWAYS covers people overboard from ships.
  7. Yes...and you can agree that the environment has drastically improved since the towel animals went extinct. Just have to hope that Ingen isn't working to infuse towel dna with that of tree frogs in a misguided attempt to bring them back.
  8. A hurricane or some other unforeseen occurrence? Why would NCL have to provide compensation? Isn't that really a description of exactly what travel insurance would cover?
  9. Had this problem recently and spoke with technical support. NCL has always allowed us to use either a userid or our email address for the MyNCL login. They are moving everyone to just use the email address only...without notifying anyone when this is done. 😕 If you are experiencing login issues, try using your email address (no change to the password) instead. If that fails, call their tech support line: 866.625.1160 (note that they are a M-F 9am-6pm operation)
  10. Yes...two people on the reservation can fly from different cities...My brother and I did this on the Norwegian Joy last November. You'll have to ask your PCC to make the arrangements, but it can be done. While the enhanced license is useable, you also have to have proof of citizenship...that is where the certified birth certificate come in. However, I believe that the passport card would suffice, but you have to remember that you can't fly with the passport card internationally, so if something happens mid-cruise you won't be able to fly home.
  11. The linking that they are referring to is a new(er) program that will ensure that you all fly on the same flights. The air program allows people in the same cabin to be on the same flight, but you pay extra to have other cabins included on the same flight. To solve your initial problem: MaggieNY was close, but you need to set up an NCL account for your son and another for your daughter using "throwaway" email addresses that you create. Then you will have the login and password for their NCL accounts, which you turn over to them post-cruise. This is assuming that they don't already have NCL accounts in which case the reservations will be linked to them already.
  12. The words we use to paint a picture...that is what I find interesting. One minute its "tidbits" and another minute it turns to "typical modus operandi". So you met someone in a hot tub who feels comfortable sharing their financial gains and losses with you. Who amongst us hasn't had the same experience? Its almost as interesting as the mental gymnastics that people display in online forums. I find that to be interesting too. Especially given the ease at which some of the routines spring to life.
  13. I can only go by what information you shared...the rest I have to infer. So I guessed wrong on how the conversation started. Just like how you guessed wrongly that I'd be surprised that people converse while in the hot tubs. Perhaps if that is your line in the sand, you might want to be consider being more clear in the future. Had you bothered to mention the hot tub conversation in your initial post, then I wouldn't have had to come to a conclusion in the first place. However, it is still odd that people feel the need to give you information on something that you yourself stated that you did not use onboard.
  14. You don't do water slides and drops...nothing wrong with that, of course, but why would multiple people just walk up to you just to tell you whether or not the slide was operational? Kind of like telling someone with no kids that the Splash Academy is closed.
  15. We could, of course, say and expect the same from those who are sharing their experiences as well. Not everything is perfect and sometimes the experience shared will be negative. However, there is no reason that the post sharing that experience can't be reasonable, thoughtful, and mature. We are adults here...no need for anyone to throw an online tantrum. (iow, nobody likes a Karen).
  16. Not sure that empathy is the right reaction....after all, this is a public forum, not a support group. Nobody is owed unconditional support for their opinion. I also disagree with the idea that people can't be a critic here. Assuming, of course, that by "critic" you mean: "one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique" ...and not: "One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder"
  17. Not the edit you think it is. Nobody even tried to day time at home and time in a foreign country was remotely the same. Especially given that the time at home is what allows you to have that time in a foreign country. Try again. Not lost. You were given $50 off of any excursion taken. You don't get paid when you don't take one...regardless of the reason. "$50 Shore Excursion Credit has no monetary value, are non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for actual currency of any value.' Still not sure what you think this is going to accomplish....NCL already gave you far more than I've seen anyone in this thread offer.
  18. Its actually the lack of responses, sport. You'll note that you "forgot" to explain the time lost on this unproductive thread...
  19. You had me until the ninth word. Everyone is aware of the port change (GASP!) and the excursion issue(GASP!!). The fact that nobody sees it the way that you do does not mean that they aren't listening...just that they don't agree with you as to the severity of the point you're trying to make. Not a coincidence that NCL did the same. You harp on the value of time, but how much time are you willing to waste here on this issue? Do you think you're going to get compensation because of something posted here? Do you think any of us can or would do anything about it? What is the return on time here?
  20. Yes, I expect the OP to post...then to LISTEN to the replies...not to reply to and retort every subsequent post. Compensation is certainly NOT the only thing out there. However, it is your sole focus. Your time? Did they lock you in a room for the time of the excursion or were you able to move about freely as you choose? Sorry, but the higher the drama, the less I feel the legitimacy of the complaint.
  21. Unacceptable "to me" doesn't mean that it is unacceptable to others or that "me" isn't being defiant. Credits, free drinks, etc...sounds like a lot of folks with their hands out going "gimme, gimme, gimme"...doesn't sound like the tactic worked. Being the most frequent poster in a complaint thread on the internet doesn't achieve that goal either. Was there something other than compensation that you were hoping to get?
  22. So...not even one other bad one? You just go right to "worst ever"? Nothing is perfect and if you only have had one bad vacation experience (and IMHO I think "bad" is an overstatement here) in your lifetime, then I don't see the need for the hand wringing. You talk "low standards for customer satisfaction" but I've seen nothing mentioned as to what would have been satisfactory? What would the acceptable alternatives have been?
  23. Well, just how far in advance would you have liked NCL to predict the hurricane, research the alternatives, and provide "proper" notification?
  24. By the "ever"s in the title, it is clear that this was a huge outlier and not the norm. Before this, what did you consider to be your worst cruise and why? Before this, what did you consider to be your worst vacation and why?
  25. Don't forget the forum members who spend too much time posting about what other forum members do. 😉
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