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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. As far as OBC goes nothing. Just need a 100 shares. If you had a 1000 shares the OBC would be the same.
  2. Good Morning! Slept late and woke up to a nice sunny 59. Little late as I needed some time on a Roll Call. Yesterday, we enjoyed an old New England classic of Boston Baked Beans, hot dogs and homemade Brown Bread. Delicious and I believe I will have a bean sandwich for lunch! I checked our World Cruise Itinerary as I thought we were going to visit Fremantle. Nope! So thanks for the pics. It’s the usual laundry day but sometime this week I need to get a haircut. One of my former troops called me and asked “Chief how’s retirement?” I replied “Listening to my hair growing!” Back on active duty it was common to maybe get a weekly or bi weekly haircut. So upon retirement some still maintained the style and other’s like me enjoyed the freedom to let it grow. So that inch of hair behind my neck is probably the longest ever. And that’s all I got to say about that!😎 Well DW aka the Colonel wants me to get going so with a crisp salute and Yes Ma’am I’m out of here. Have a great day and week. Thanks for the reports. Bruce aka Chief🇺🇸
  3. I’m very happy to proclaim I have never lost an earring! Just saying?😎
  4. Lenda that might just be the longest post II have ever seen here on the Daily! 😁
  5. We have done this repositioning cruise 4 times from Quebec and once from Fort Lauderdale North. Various ports of call but one of our favorite cruise itineraries! Hope to do it again some day. Enjoy!
  6. @VMax1700 and if the line has enough money left to afford a dry dock!☹️
  7. Thanks! This is our first ever river cruise and we are really looking forward to it. It’s a culinary theme cruise with celebrity chef on board. One of our excursions is we’re going to forage with dogs for truffles! We were scheduled on a Viking River cruise but that was cancelled due to the pandemic. We’re excited and really looking forward to this new adventure.
  8. Good morning! It’s another nice cool morning at 58 degrees. Yesterday brought back Hal memories of yore as we got to do our document dance! A large plastic wrapped parcel was delivered to our house from Scenic Luxury Cruise. Inside were two very high quality, super designed back packs and a nice document holder with our transfer passes, excursion tickets, medical forms for filling out prior to boarding , luggage tags and instruction booklets. Downloaded their app which is going to be very useful. I guess you get what you pay for. We had a couple from across the street over for dinner last night for a delicious dinner and enjoyable evening. We had a pork roast that we cooked on the rotisserie, mashed potatoes and Brussel sprouts and finished with an Apple strudel that Sue made. Yummy! Need to start getting ready for church. We have been to Corfu and will look through my photo library later. Thanks for the report and all who post. Bruce
  9. Thanks for the report. Keeping an eye on the Eurodam dry dock as we are booked for April 9 on Eurodam.
  10. As folks still on board have been stating, you will have a small ceremony with some of the highest Mariners on board. I think there was around twenty of us plus Captain and a few officers when we attended a ceremony in August. Marty and Gail have been on board for a long time. Congratulations!
  11. Good morning! Another beautiful day that’s starting out at 56 degrees F and will get to 80 later in the day. We really enjoyed our drive out to Gulf Shores National Park yesterday and a lovely lunch as well. With the stock market eroding our retirement funds so much we definitely have to practice being more frugal. Eye opening to see Carnival stock down to seven dollars a share! I celebrate being elderly every day cuz the alternative is not so good! There is another Octoberfest in town and we may drop in as money is being raised for hurricane aid but we have already contributed through our church. Probably will make the usual shopping run to the Commissary and no plans after that. Hard to believe it’s October already but we are also getting excited as we leave for France in eighteen days for our Scenic River Cruise which is by no means being frugal! Thanks Rich and Roy and all who make the Daily the addiction it has become! Bruce
  12. Since when is a Fire Chief worried about rain and getting wet?😁
  13. Very happy to hear your safe and have a great plan. Bon Voyage!
  14. A beautiful day for a top down ride along Gulf Shore National Park.
  15. Good morning! Another cool morning with a current 57 degrees temperature and forecasted high of 83. With 63% humidity it makes for perfect days. We are so dry and have no rain in sight. Cleaned up the yard and got some free pine straw for the beds but annual needle drop is not over. DW is out for her walk and I’ll wait for it to warm up some and enjoy another cup of coffee and finish reading the Daily. Just so sad to see such devastation and today it will continue it’s devastating path. We had a lady from Germany at our small group last night and it was eye opening to hear what they are facing this winter with Russia’s restriction of natural gas. That probably is true with much of Europe that is feeling the effects of the war in Ukraine. Haven’t got anything on the agenda today as yard and house are clean so maybe will put the top down and take a spin in the Spyder! Our continued thoughts, prayers and concerns from hurricane victims here and the Maritimes. Thanks for the reports! Bruce
  16. Okay I respect the importance of medallion recognition and how some enjoy the recognition. Out of respect to the Captain, and staff we attended the ceremony but would never bring our medallions to wear at such events no more than we would wear our military awarded medals. To us it’s not look at me I have this medallion but a dam reminder we have spent a fortune on cruising!💰 I do know this. One should receive their medallion when earned and should have the option of receiving at some type of ceremony. If it’s important to you accept it and wear it with pride. Like I said before I have no idea where they are stored in our house.
  17. This will give an idea on how much rain is falling on Florida. Picture of what it looks like in Daytona Speedway. They could have boat races! Unfortunately there is much worse devastation and it sounds as if the death rate will be high.
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