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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning! Itโ€™s currently 78 degrees and quite breezy but no rain in forecast. We enjoyed a lovely dinner at a Japanese restaurant. It really had some exotic and very good sushi. This was Sueโ€™s delayed birthday dinner and it was a special evening in a beautiful setting, We had some cruise ships pass yesterday way off on the horizon. The daily routine of enjoying the beach and sea will continue. Our spot is fairly shaded and we are slathered with 70 SPF sunscreen. Getting a tan is not as important now as when we were young. I made it through ten minutes of the State Of The Union address last night before succumbing to the need for sleep. I do hope everyone on Care list is improving and we can go a few days without anyone being added to list. Thanks Sandi for helping out and Rich it sounds like your having a grand time on the World Cruise, Enjoy beautiful Sydney!
  2. Kia Ora my friends. I hope all is going well with both of you? Are you cruising again?
  3. Graham your up late? Are you staying up for our POTUS State Of The Union Address?๐Ÿ˜
  4. Michelin rated Japanese restaurant that has a very nice view and beautiful venue. Itโ€™s DWโ€™s belated birthday dinner!
  5. Men and women in blue! Sad news and the media will hardly cover it.
  6. Hola! Just beginning to stir here in Cancun. We enjoyed a delightful chicken pasta dish last night. Eating on the balcony,with the view and a good wine added to the ambiance. Itโ€™s going to be a nice day so weโ€™ll be headed to the pool early to get our favorite spot. Chaise Lounge hogging is closely monitored and controlled here. So many just arrive at six get their preferred seating and start the day by the pool. We are dining out tonight at a restaurant across the street from us.Other than that, we are pretty much following our routine of lounging, reading and of course following the Daily! Prayers for all and hoping no one else is added to the Care List today. Be careful as itโ€™s slippery in many cases or there are many things to trip over. Enjoy your day! Bruce
  7. In discussion with each other we enjoyed both whites and reds but usually any wine tour will adapt to personal taste or restrictions. I remember our tour also included a fantastic lunch at the top resort/restaurant on the island. B. PS: any tour requires a beautiful ferry ride to the island.
  8. In Auckland Waiheke Island offers some great wine tours! In Mexico and donโ€™t have access to the private just us tour we used but there are many options. Google.
  9. If you remember I had pneumonia after Thanksgiving and strength and recovery does take time. Itโ€™s now Feb and I still have minor hacking now and then. Time heals but the older we get it takes time. ๐Ÿ™ Prayers Bud!
  10. @kazu Jacqui you have been through so much with Jose, injury, your pets that you deserve a break and itโ€™s no wonder your down. Take care, seek help if needed and know you have many friends here on CC but closer friends relatives for support. Youโ€™re in our prayers! Bruce & Sue
  11. Roy, If you donโ€™t mind me asking what were your injuries from your fall? Take care.
  12. The rain has stopped the sun is starting to shine means only one thing! A mad dash to the pool! Maybe blame last nightโ€™s trouble sleeping to that full moon! Mucho Bueno!๐Ÿ™
  13. Good morning! Sandi we appreciate you getting up so bright and early and getting the Daily started!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป We dined out last night and enjoyed sharing a whole sea bass that was delicious. Walked backed to the resort and enjoyed a nightcap sitting on our balcony enjoying the beauty of a full moon shining over the Caribbean Sea. Picture was posted in yesterdayโ€™s Daily. Not sure how today is going to work as the hourly weather reports show 30-50% chance of precipitation. Nothing we can do about it so will wait and see. We will be preparing our own dinner tonight and will be saving some Pesos! Do hope you all have a great and stay healthy good news week. Bruce
  14. Itโ€™s a beautiful full moon night as we sit in our balcony. Buenos Noches!
  15. Well shame on you. Thatโ€™s like yelling fire in a movie theater! Let us know when and in the meantime I take back my Happy Birthday wishes!๐Ÿ˜Ž
  16. Weather person was wrong or is it we attended on line church? Thank You!๐Ÿ™
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