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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. It has been a milestone day here as we have added appliance consumer reviews to the Daily! We are expanding!😀
  2. Good morning. Weather is a repeat of yesterday with dense fog, cloudy and temperatures in mid seventies. Doctor’s appointment went well yesterday and I will have to await a week for lab work to be returned. Really took it easy yesterday as I had some back strain which occurs a couple of times per year. Believe I got ahead of it by treating with heat and medication and today seems pretty good. Hey! No pain no gain! Reminder of what I used to do for a living. We have been to today’s port of call, may open a new bottle of wine tonight and mashed potatoes are always welcomed. Thanks Sandi for taking on your new job. Yes, for as much as you contribute it does take a lot of your time. Very much appreciated. Thanks also to Vanessa, Ann and Debbie for your Daily contributions. Enjoy your weekend. Bruce
  3. I was wondering the same thing. Happy Birthday Roy if it is your birthday,
  4. Good morning! Currently 69 degrees and will reach 78! Yesterday’s high of 80 F set a record. Right now we are in a very dense fog that should clear by noon. Glad I’m not flying today. This morning I have my annual medical visit to check if I’m still cancer free. No reason to believe I’m not. Me and my bride have no major plans for the weekend. Well every day is a weekend these days but it doesn’t take much to entertain us. One thing that I attribute to sleeping well is to shut off the phone, I Pad, games near bed time and that helps my transition and prep for resting. So now it’s time for the hardest moment of my day. Choosing MeMe’s!🤔 Enjoy the day and thanks for stopping in an posting on the Daily. Bruce
  5. It’s obvious to me you didn’t sleep well last night but thanks for the chuckles.
  6. Always hard and so sad. Feel for you as it never is easy. Sorry for your soon to be loss. Oh what wonderful memories.
  7. Your free! Go out and treat yourself to a fine dinner at a favorite restaurant.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  8. You’re probably having sleeping difficulty Bob because your thinking up humor for the mornings Daily Early Edition.🤪
  9. No but that is the way they used to make them. So for several years I had to remind Hal bar staff. Please no soda water.
  10. On one of our Australia ports of call we went to an animal refuge that had a lot of animals including lot’s of kangaroos. I was sitting on a bench and there was a young man with a child next to me. Guy looked familiar and I finally realized who it was. I was sitting next to Keith Urban as he shared a candy bar with whom I presume was his daughter. As we were headed back to the van people were talking did you see him. I said who? Keith Urban!
  11. You can be specific with the bartender how you like your margarita. Such as not too sweet etc. Years ago they used to put some club soda in margaritas. Always had to remind no soda water.
  12. Good morning! No problem sleeping here and until my coffee kicks in maybe should have slept longer. It’s overcast but a warm 71 and we have a fifty per cent chance of rain around eleven this morning. We will have an early dinner tonight as our small church group meets at 6:30. It will be nice seeing them and sharing our thoughts on this week’s study. I didn’t realize until yesterday that our Eurodam cruise starts on Easter Sunday. We have been to Hobart on the Oosterdam and thanks for the photos. Thanks for the postings and featured post. Enjoy the day and stay safe if in stormy weather. Bruce
  13. Happy to hear that you are enjoying your cruise while some bloggers are complaining about everything. Can’t imagine why they would continue on? Some folks just can’t be pleased.
  14. Last fall we did a Scenic river cruise in France. Crown Royal was on the menu but beverage manager stated “ no matter how many times we have ordered Crown we never get it. Recent Azamara cruise they had some but stated it’s in short supply! Couple of cruise bloggers who like Crown have stated a couple of ships they have sailed on didn’t have any. I googled if there was a Crown Royal shortage and indeed there was back in 2020 during the pandemic along with other name brand spirits. One would think production would have picked up by now but shipping around the world still has back logs. In Europe with the cut backs and rationing of natural gas there has even been a bottle (glassware) shortage. The world is still playing catch up and some industries do it better then others.
  15. Morning. Forgot to turn on the air purifier in our bedroom last night and woke up early all stuffed up. Tis the season for my allergies. Looks like another pretty day with temps in high seventies. We’ll go to church at noon to attend Ash Wednesday Services. Like today’s quote and I would like to sample today’s Bordeaux. I have enjoyed following all the World Cruise Blogs of cruisers on the Zuiderdam. Sounds like the Hal of old and the crew is making it an extra special experience. Thank you Sandi for getting the Daily started. May all of you have a great Hump Day.
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