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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. @kazu Jacqui you have been through so much with Jose, injury, your pets that you deserve a break and it’s no wonder your down. Take care, seek help if needed and know you have many friends here on CC but closer friends relatives for support. You’re in our prayers! Bruce & Sue
  2. Roy, If you don’t mind me asking what were your injuries from your fall? Take care.
  3. The rain has stopped the sun is starting to shine means only one thing! A mad dash to the pool! Maybe blame last night’s trouble sleeping to that full moon! Mucho Bueno!🙏
  4. Good morning! Sandi we appreciate you getting up so bright and early and getting the Daily started!👏🏻👏🏻 We dined out last night and enjoyed sharing a whole sea bass that was delicious. Walked backed to the resort and enjoyed a nightcap sitting on our balcony enjoying the beauty of a full moon shining over the Caribbean Sea. Picture was posted in yesterday’s Daily. Not sure how today is going to work as the hourly weather reports show 30-50% chance of precipitation. Nothing we can do about it so will wait and see. We will be preparing our own dinner tonight and will be saving some Pesos! Do hope you all have a great and stay healthy good news week. Bruce
  5. It’s a beautiful full moon night as we sit in our balcony. Buenos Noches!
  6. Well shame on you. That’s like yelling fire in a movie theater! Let us know when and in the meantime I take back my Happy Birthday wishes!😎
  7. Weather person was wrong or is it we attended on line church? Thank You!🙏
  8. Buenos Diaz Amigos, Yesterday was a rain out! Enough for the second night we cancelled dinner reservation at a nearby walk to restaurant. There were brave souls that didn’t let rain stop them from using the pool but not us. For most of the day we read but we had a heavy lunch on site that did require a siesta. The lunch was enough we skipped dinner. So we may get a couple of hours poolside this morning. Currently 74 F. Obviously and outdoor shower with lots of people may take place today but hope the weatherman is wrong. I know of no jerks in my life so that doesn’t apply. Continued concerns, thoughts and prayers on our Care List and we have a pretty long list in our own lives. We’ll see if we can connect to our on line church service this morning. Have a great day! Bruce
  9. @cat shepard Sympathies for you and your family on the passing of your nephew! Bruce
  10. We are so proud of ourselves that we did not take the bait. Actually, the last and final offer was pretty good but we remained steadfast. The day appears to be a rainout and the 75 F cold front is actually cool with the wind!
  11. Egg shortage? Saw that one of the largest poultry/egg farm’s in America burned down this week in a 22 alarm fire. Over 100,000 chickens perished! https://www.wcvb.com/article/connecticut-egg-farm-fire-100-thousand-hens-killed/42725579
  12. Good Morning! Yesterday was a very nice day but around 5:30 the skies opened up and we had a deluge! We had dinner reservations but cancelled as we would have gotten soaked even with rain jackets! Ate at one of our resort restaurants and it was pretty good. Received an alert on the phone that a cold front is coming our way. Checked out the hourly forecast and I guess today’s high of 75 is considered cold? This morning we have to attend the dreaded time share sales pitch. We will not succumb and purchase more points. Anyway it doesn’t look like much of an outdoor activity day with more rain in forecast. I believe we are going to today’s port of call on the Eurodam in April. Thanks Sandi and all who contribute. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  13. Big Bopper-Chantilly Lace got a pretty face a pony tail hanging down a wiggle in her walk makes the world go round and round. At least I think he did that song. When we were at Cannon AFB in Clovis, NM we toured Norman Petty’s recording studio’s where Buddy Holley and Crickets recorded some of their songs Every year Clovis would have a music festival. Remember a very young Lee Ann Rimes singing, Bobby Vee and others….
  14. @StLouisCruisersWe return home Feb 14 so we’ll be waving afar! You’ll be here! Today’s sunrise!
  15. Hola! Just getting up awaiting coffee before, at least the morning, lounging by the pool. Afternoon may bring some rain. We had a relaxing day yesterday and Sue cooked a delicious dinner which we enjoyed on our balcony. Saw a couple of cruise ships sailing by after probably a day in Cozumel. No tours or excursions planned this trip as over the years of coming here, we have pretty much seen it all. Thanks Sandi for your volunteerism and getting the Daily started. We are enjoying our Blessed life! Have a great Friday. Bruce
  16. Rich, First of all thanks for taking us along on your Grand Adventure. Is it everything you thought it would be? Trying to get a feel for our next year first 155 day World Cruise on another cruise line?
  17. A little TMI Roy!😁Our only info is what you have told us. To us you have been very sick weak an immobile. We care!
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