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Everything posted by donaldsc

  1. Our answers really do not count. Only the cruise company's answer counts. Make sure that they approve it in writing and also make sure that the people on the ship know what will be happening. DON
  2. I have been on many small ships with only a few hundred passengers. On most of them the bartenders are very good and the drinks are fresh. On a recent 200 passenger AK cruise the margaritas were the best I have ever had. Yet another advantage of small ship cruising. DON
  3. There are 2 really great museums in Fairbanks that you can plan to visit. DON
  4. If they need to be entertained Azamara is not for them. If they can entertain themselves and will enjoy the ports then an indefinite maybe. I have been on several Azamara cruises and the only kids we have seen were young kids traveling as part of a crew member family. DON
  5. Why take a "something that contains a bit of ginger" stuff. Just take 100% candied ginger? DON
  6. Your question can not be answered w/o knowing a lot about you and your BF. I can tell you what our first 2 cruises were and they are unusual 1st cruises. They also set my cruise preferences that any small ship will always be better than any big ship to a destination and also that what is outside of the ship is more important than what is inside of the ship. Pick your ships by destination and not by ship features. 1) Lewis R French, Maine Schooner. Sailboat. 22 passengers. Build in 1871. https://schoonerfrench.com/ 2) Alaska on a small ship. Alaska Dream. 40 passengers. https://adventuresmithexplorations.com/cruises/ships/alaskan-dream/ They were among the best cruises we have ever taken. DON
  7. The information is on Google Maps DON
  8. Looking for parking suggestions in Vancouver. I did a search on the AK board and did not see anything useful. Google also was not much help. I know that there are lots of motel stay-and-park options but my wife wants to stay at the US side of the border on the day before the cruise and drive from there to Vancouver on cruise day. She would also like to park in a covered lot with security. Any thoughts beside the Canada Place parking lot. DON
  9. I hardly think that any idea that you might have thought of hasn't been discussed by the people who design ships for a living. Also that may even get lots of suggestions on how to do things better and all of them will be tossed unread, DON
  10. Another vote for College. DON
  11. The people of Key West got local legislation restricting the number of ships that could dock in Key West passed by I believe 60% of the voters in 2020. In 2021 governor DeSantis signed a law forbidding a local government from passing a law to to regulate cruise ship port usage. This post is not making a political statement but a statement of historical fact. DON
  12. Azamara will tell you in plenty of time which terminal it is. I am sure that the taxi driver will know how to get there. Mine did. Also what will be so complicated in getting to Japan. It isn't any different or harder than getting to another place by plane? DON
  13. A GOOD TA should be able to answer your question easily as they have search engines that can do things that we can't. A TA who either can't or won't is not a good TA and they should not be used. DON
  14. Does anyone know if Azamara does a Canary Island cruise that spends almost all of its time in the Canaries w/o wasting time starting fromBritain? DON
  15. If the tour company does not know the answer to your question I am not sure I would want to book anything from them. Have you asked them? DON
  16. If you ignore all the kitchy theatre - is the food worth $150 per person. That is a lot of money for just a meal. DON
  17. I am looking for a Canary Island cruise that does not start and end in England as I want to spend my time in the Canaries and not getting to and from the Canaries. There are lots of Canary lie-on-the-beach cruises designed for Brits who want a warm weather winter vacation. I don't want that. I am looking for something that is more immersive. I would prefer a smaller ship and want a cruise that gives me a longer time in port than the typical 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM port time. I did find a Hurtigruten cruise that would work perfectly doing 11 days Lisbon to Gran Canaria but it goes in March 2024 and is sold out and we will be on another cruise at that time. I can't find any other Hurtigruten cruises that do the Canaries at a later date. I would love to do a dedicated Canary cruise on Viking but Viking does not appear to have a cruise that is mostly at the Canaries. Any thoughts? Have I missed any other options? I even thought of booking a cruise or tour through a local Canary tour agency but I have no idea whom to contact there. DON
  18. The answer to that question is purely subjective but for me assuming that the itinerary is the same in almost every case any small ship is much much better than any monstrosities of the seas larger ships. DON
  19. The best side is outside on the open deck. DON
  20. When we did the haul road I rented a car from Arctic Outfitters. The price was very reasonable and the drive was easy to do and you will also have bragging rights for a trip that few of your friends will ever do. If you have enough time you can even stay overnight in Wiseman, DON All rates are for our Ford Escapes, or similar vehicle. SPRING & SUMMER SEASON DATES: April 22, 2023 through August 20, 2023 Daily rates will vary by number of days (rentals are by the calendar day, NOT by 24 hour periods): # Days 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4+ Days EARLY SPRING April 22 - May 20 $219 / day $189 / day $179 / day $169 / day SPRING May 21 - June 17 $249 / day $219 / day $209 / day $199 / day SUMMER June 18 - August 20 $269 / day $239 / day $229 / day $219 / day
  21. I knew a person who traveled with his stuff in a soiled looking diaper bag with a couple of clean soiled looking diapers hanging out of them. His stuff was never touched. Problem is that we are in our 80's so I am not sure that this would fool too many thieves. How much would a good replacement value camera insurance policy cost you so at least you will be covered in case of loss. DON
  22. First a message to the OP - you are way over thinking a very simple issue with a very simple answer - don't worry about it. Now to my Quantum Physics response. I managed the laboratory of the Las Vegas wastewater treatment plant in my career. In other words - we managed poop. I can talk a lot about poop. One of the ways that Las Vegas gets more use out of our limited Colorado River water allotment is called recycle credits. What that means is that if we return sewage water back to the Colorado River it doesn't count against our allotment. The important thing however is that the sewage water has to be cleaned up sufficiently enough so it is as clean or sometimes cleaner that the stuff the we took out of the river. One of the jobs of my lab was to ensure that our recycle water met those requirements. I would love to see the look on the faces of tree hugging Californians at our table when I told them that they were drinking the water that came out of my toilet. DON
  23. I am also in my early 80's. Don't care about fellow HS attendees. Never have cared for decades. DON
  24. hodophilia Definition hodophilia rate (Adult / Slang) Sexual arousal from traveling to new or strange places. ETYMOLOGY: From the Greek hodos meaning path, and philia , attachment to. DON
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