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Everything posted by donaldsc

  1. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09W2393ZN?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details. They also make other models. Very handy. DON
  2. The last couple of times I cruised you could got to a machine and push the print button and your account would print out. No wait at guest services. DON
  3. There is a big difference between wearing a full dress uniform and a tux. If you wear your uniform most people will respect your service in the military. If you wear a tux many people will feel that your are a bit old fashioned and look out of place. DON
  4. You could almost as easily do it with the old card system. Just go to guest services every day or so and ask for a printout of your account. Yet another useless "advantage" of the medallion. DON
  5. The port guides on Medallion and also on any paper copies that you may get from Princess are less than useless. Don't bother. With regard to 659SCF's post about only using the Medallion only to open your door, I would bet that you can go to guest services and demand a cruise card. DON
  6. There was a post on YouTube recently about a tour that someone took to Paris from I forget which port. Five or maybe 6 hours on the bus; 2 or 3 hours in Paris which consisted of driving around Paris w/o getting off the bus which also meant that if you were on the wrong side of the bus you did not see what the guide was talking about, lunch at an obviously tourist restaurant; a short visit to the Eifel Tower; followed by a long bus trip back to the ship. You figure out if this made any sense. What the cuisse companies do by docking at ports that are hours from the city listed in the cruise description is called lying and taking advantage of people unlike you who have not figured out the lie. DON
  7. Yours is sort of a complicated request especially as you are a single. . I would suggest that you find a good TSS and work with them. Unfortunately your request is unusual that it might be hard to find one who has dealt w your issues,.. Because of CC rules we can not recommend T followed by As. I had not read your comment about the flying problem. Would combining cruises to get to a broad location followed by an extended land trip and then cruising to the next location work. DON
  8. Why do you need a tour to go to Mendenhall. Just take a city bus. Really easy solution. DON
  9. My wife asked for several at guest services and got them w/o any issue. We were on the Grand Princess. What ship were you on> DON.
  10. Neither one - they are both bad. On Celebrity the only glacier that you get is Hubbard and that early in the season you may not get in. You only get 2 ports but you do get 2 glaciers. Of the 2 Princess is less bad than Celebrity. A lot would depend upon the port times which you have not posted. DON
  11. It is actually less than $45. 9 months is 3/4 of a year so your 5% per year comes out to 3.76%. Also your final payment is due before you sail so that knocks off some more money and gets you down to maybe $25. Finally if the OP was sailing on Viking they would really complain. Viking gets full payment due 1 full year before sailing. Not a deposit but full payment. Viking does tend to sail full so the people who sail Viking including me don't seem to care. In the end you pays me now or you pays me later. DON
  12. You are asking a whole lot. w/o giving us much background information at all. Also to be frank most of us are willing to try to answer specific questions but your question is so all encompassing that most us us will not bother to answer it. Come back with some more specific questions and you will get more useful responses. The answers to some of your issues are out there but you will have to do your own research to find. I would also suggest finding a good cruise oriented TA. As you know we can not recommend TAs on CC. DON
  13. LOL!! What I can't figure out is how the luggage companies have convinced so many people that 4 wheels are better than 2. I can't see any advantage to 4. DON
  14. Many of us including me are diabetic. You can go very wrong with chocolate covered strawberries. DON
  15. You got it!! The diameter of the wheels on my 2-wheel bag are at least 2 or 3 times the ones on my 4 wheel bag. Wheel size matters. DON
  16. Makes no difference - just a different inappropriate question. To restate my statement - if I asked you as a total stranger whom I just met what percentage of your income was from salary, what percentage was from overtime pay and what percentage was from investments what would you think. I can't figure out why some cruisers feel that it is OK for them to ask cruise staff questions about their personal lives., Is it really any of our business? DON
  17. Both of them have way too much "drive past", "drive through", "view the exterior of", "stroll through" and stuff like that as well as "see the interior of your bus" for me. This is not to count where you see the entire interior of a major museum in probably less than 1 hour. There was a recent video on YouTube where the blogger took a bus trip of Paris from his cruise port - 5 hours to Paris, drive past lots of sites without stopping and which he didn't see half of because he was on the wrong side of the bus, lunch at a genuine French restaurant where the entire group sat at long tables, a short time out of the bus at the Eifel Tower and concluding with a 5 hour bus trip back to the ship. This tour sounds to me like the YouTube video tour and is not for me. If you have to see Rome and you only have 1 day then pick 1 or 2 places you really want to visit and forget the rest. DON
  18. Do you really think that it is any of your business how much he gets, Did your steward ask you how much money you make? DON
  19. +1 on that subject. Have you ever tried to drag those awful 4 wheel bags with the teeny tiny wheels over an uneven surface. Neigh on impossible!!! My wife bought a 4 wheel bag the last time we had to buy a bag. I hate the thing. I have a soft side Eagle Creek bag and although I am probably jinxing the thing by saying it but it has probably lasted us 10 or 15 years. I recently had to get the handled fixed for the big sum of $30 and it is now as good as new. DON
  20. We have done a fair bit of Azamara cruising in the past. I have an all black outfit that I wear on white night. My wife says that I am being totally ridiculous and I agree that am being ridiculous. As far as Halloween is concerned it is a great holiday for the kids. If I went trick or treating with my shot glass do you think that they would fill it at each stop. I might feel differently about Halloween then. DON
  21. It is hard to believe that people actually take these color coded events seriously.. DON
  22. I love the fact that in American baseball they modified the rules because 2 1/2 hour games were too long so they felt that they had to shorten them. In cricket you have 5 day matches and mandated lunch and tea breaks. DON
  23. I might have missed this question so I will ask it - suppose there are bunch of people occupying a table for an extended period playing canasta or mahjong or they have arranged tables for a family get together. What would happen if you complained to the buffet management? Has anyone actually complained. What do you think that management would do. DON
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