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Everything posted by donaldsc

  1. Svalbard would be a really great place to spend a week or so. There is great scenery there. You might even see some polar bears. My brother did a summer cruise to eastern Greenland and got some incredible pictures there. DON
  2. Whomever wrote what you read was very optimistic. This is the latest and probably optimistic update on the job completion - "The expected completion of a bridge on the Denali Park Road has been pushed back from 2025 to 2026. The 90-mile road into Denali National Park remains closed at about the halfway point, where it crosses a melt-driven landslide that has obliterated the road.". https://www.ktoo.org/2023/05/31/completion-of-denali-park-road-bridge-pushed-back-to-2026/#:~:text=The expected completion of a,that has obliterated the road. DON
  3. Did you go to AK on a large cruise ship that did a 7 day round trip to AK which stopped at Juneau, Ketchikan and Skagway with only a short time in each port or did you actually explore AK. Makes a big difference in your AK experience. DON
  4. Northern Aurora is currently the resident AK expert on CC. She knows whereof she speaks. She lives in Fairbanks. She also travels extensively in AK. I would suggest that you listen to what she says. Are your cruise dates fixed and unalterable? BTW - this is the climate data for Juneau in October - https://weatherspark.com/m/145123/10/Average-Weather-in-October-at-Juneau-International-Airport-Alaska-United-States Also for Ketchikan https://weatherspark.com/m/145140/10/Average-Weather-in-October-at-Ketchikan-International-Airport-Alaska-United-States Also look at the sunrise and sunset data for the ports. DON
  5. Not acceptable to this non-Brit also and anyone else who appreciates good tea. Good tea requires a water temperature specific to the type of tea being made. I have a tea kettle that has a choice of 5 brewing temperatures. Anything out of the tap will be way too cool to be acceptable. DON
  6. Try to find out if you are going through the Chilean Fjords. They are spectacular. DON
  7. Typo Typo in my post. We took our granddaughter on the tour. She loved it and Carole and I enjoyed it. Yes - we knew that the gold was seeded but it was still fun. We did not have any of the issues that disneychem had, The guides were interesting. The shuttle drivers had no arguments with each other. I have taken all of the grandkids to AK and did my last grandchild this summer. The mine did not work out w our ship schedule and with the other tours we took in Juneau but I think he would have enjoyed it if we had done the tour. Hi Northern Aurora. Hope that you are doing well. I think that we have done our next-to-last AK trip. We are going to so oine next spring on Princess' 1st cruise of the season. We have never done a really early AK cruise. DON
  8. A couple of cruises ago we did the mine tour w our granddaughter. It was very interesting and a good time was bad by all. DON
  9. 1) Yes 2) I did not notice any difference. DON
  10. You are right and my answer was sort of correct but confusing. What I meant to say is that the cruise company agent is employed by the cruise company and does what the cruise company says they must do even if it is not in your best interests. While the TA may get a commission from the cruise their responsibility is to get the best deal for you. DON
  11. Power strips are not expensive. Hardly worth the bother of contacting the manufacturer especially for a 10 year old strip. Just buy a new one. DON
  12. My answer will be very short. A cruise company agent is paid by and is responsible to the cruise company. A TA is paid by and is responsible to you. DON
  13. I have not read many of the responses so someone may have already made this point but if the cruise does not do Glacier Bay do not take it. There are other cruises that say that they will take you to glaciers but they often do not get in because of sea conditions or other issues. You will always get into Glacier Bay. Also if you feel that your dad can handle a one way cruise take one that ends in Whittier. The Prince William Sound entry into Whittier is spectacular. DON
  14. I suspect that your Blue Cross/Medicare cards will be useless in Great Britain. DON
  15. There is a handicap travel board on CC. You might repost there. DON
  16. Read some of the current news stories about the heat in Greece right now and the fact that they have closed the Acropolis because of the heat. DON
  17. I would hope that he is being facetious with his response. Sometimes you can not tell. DON
  18. Are you prepared to create and maintain such a list. If not it would be a tremendously difficult list to create and it would be out of date 2 minutes after you posted it. DON
  19. I am one of those who always says that you do not need a passport unless you find yourself in a situation where you do need one. However if you assume that you are not going to do any international cruising in the near future and you can also accept the almost infinitesimal risk that you have a major health issue during your one day stop in Canada - I would say that in this case a passport is an unnecessary expense. DON
  20. Re lasers - this list of forbidden items is from Carnival and I assume that the same rule applies to all cruise lines "Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB), communication scanners, wideband receivers, satellite phones, transformers, lasers and laser pointers. " DON
  21. We found ours through a friend who lives for cruising. It has been a good fit and we have used first her father and now her for years. Word-of-mouth from a person who has a big time cruiser is a great way to go if you know someone like that, DON
  22. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09W2393ZN?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details. They also make other models. Very handy. DON
  23. The last couple of times I cruised you could got to a machine and push the print button and your account would print out. No wait at guest services. DON
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