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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Thank you Graham! The picture was taken in 2009 when my DM was more mobile. Unfortunately she has told me that she doesn’t want to travel or cruise any longer so it’s nice having these memories of when she did.
  2. Good morning and Happy Tuesday from sunny Tucson. It’s supposed to be 80F today. But only for a few days. I hope it’s nice for @cruising sister when she comes. I like kabobs on a stick and small appetizers on toothpicks so will celebrate that today. The meal suggestion sounds good and I’ve made it before. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, very interesting about the Koningsdam and her trek to Portland. I didn’t realize that cruise ships could sail there. Thank you for the maps and pictures. I agree with Roy @rafinmd, Joy and Allen @Seasick Sailor should be home by now. I hope everything is okay. Have a great day everyone!
  3. Welcome to the Daily! I’ve never been to Vancouver but will be there on my next cruise. If you see the Volendam on May 6th wave and I’ll try to wave back!
  4. While I love the Dutch Cafe I would stay with the Nieuw Amsterdam for Alaska. She is a beautiful ship and perfect for Alay. Save sailing on a ship with the Dutch Cafe for a less port intensive itinerary.
  5. Annie, sometimes the casino will punch your key card. I don't wear a lanyard but when my DM sailed with us she always had it done in the casino. Also, the shops onboard have the lanyards with plastic holders and some are quite fancy, glittery, etc. I carry a small, flat-ish type bag while onboard with a long strap that I can either wear crossbody or over my shoulder. It only holds my phone, keycard, tissues, a bit of cash, and lip gloss. I've had it for over 20 years and am hoping it never falls apart! BTW, while looking through the past posts for pictures of QC I saw you were posting in January 2022 so it's been a bit longer than a year that you have been on the Daily.
  6. These pictures are from our last cruise in October 2022 when we stayed at the Frontenac. On one side there were two butterflies. Sadly, they tore them down after we were there for a few days. I wish I had gotten better pictures. One of our favorite restaurants. Lapin Sauté. Lapin is rabbit in French. We had to change rooms while at the Frontenac because we booked two days on our own and two days through HAL. I actually preferred the room through HAL. This was our view, a part of the kitchen: On our last night we met up with Debbie @dfish and went out for crepes:
  7. I'm finally around to posting about QC. These are from the Daily that Sandi @StLouisCruisers posted as reference from 01/23/2022. It's taken me a bit of time -- that Daily was 8 pages long!! ........................................................................................................................................................ This was September 2009 after disembarking the Eurodam. We were waiting for our train to go to Montreal. My DM loved this itinerary. My jacket of many colors made an appearance. There is a lovely little park across the street from the train station.
  8. How fun to plan a getaway to Tucson. It’s lovely this time of year, although the mornings can be chilly. This morning it was 38F. However the forecast for Sunday is warmer. May I ask where you are staying? (You don’t have to say though.) If you are interested there is a Linda McCartney photo exhibition now: https://ccp.arizona.edu/events/3732-“-linda-mccartney-retrospective” I haven’t been but heard it’s very good. Tucson has so much to offer!
  9. I just find it weird that no one is out on their balcony.....
  10. Very interesting! I'll definitely keep checking availability. Thanks again for your reply.
  11. How did you change to one of the open cabins? Did you call your PCC or just the regular HAL number? I ask because I’m anxiously awaiting the cabin assignment for my first ever guarantee and am a bit concerned about getting an undesirable location. Thanks in advance. And Bon Voyage to you!
  12. The king crab was on the PG menu on the Rotterdam, December 2021 in the Caribbean. It was delicious. It was not on the menu on my next two cruises, but lobster was. It was delicious and huge and much tastier than I had had before. I’m hoping that it’s on the menu next month on the Volendam.
  13. Good morning and Happy Sunday. Great collection of days today. I’ll take the spinach that some of you don’t want. I use it in many ways but a favorite is in quiche. I vividly remember when the shutdown happened and Rich @richwmnmentioning that he might call it the Daily. Then viola, it happened on March 16, 2020. It sure has evolved since then with many additions and Rich’s maps too. Roy @rafinmd, thank you for posting links and dates to the landmarks of the Daily. Bruce @aliaschief, I always love your memes and forward many to Craig. They make me laugh out loud. @luvteaching, best thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your DH. Your positive attitude is amazing. I will pass on the chicken today but I do make a taco version sometimes. I just use taco seasoning and bake the chicken tenders. I do it with fish too and they make really good fish tacos or chicken tacos. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Good evening! I had a full day with DM and then tried to catch up with the Daily, but it took until now to read all 5 pages. DM had a 6 month follow up with her radiation oncologist for her lung cancer and everything looks great. He was going to have her come back in 6 months again but she wanted to do a year so he compromised at a 9 months follow up. Then we went out to one of her favorite restaurants and our dear friend Kim Crawford showed up. Tonight I had a Zoom meeting with my faith sisters. Happy Birthday @seagarsmoker! Your cruise sounds like a fabulous way to celebrate and with a Pinnacle Suite too! A comment about yesterday's conversation about bending after eye surgery...... Yes, eye surgeons request no bending because it puts severe strain on the face and eyes, especially if there is an incision. Some really enforce it, the doctor I worked for was a stickler. I made today's meal of the day during the lockdown and the whole internet craze. I need to make it again because I really enjoyed it and it's so very easy. Thank you for the recipes @0106 Tina, the first recipe looked more like the one I made. BTW, Boursin cheese is delightful. We use it a lot, especially in mashed potatoes, yum! Tomorrow will be another late day for me because DM has another appointment. This is her hair appointment, she does like to look her best! I'm on our desktop so no puppy photo from me today. Have a great evening!
  15. In the meantime you might use an old sock and just cut off the toe part. It really worked for me when I broke my hand. The splint was hot and I was always sweaty and sticky, yuck. I never got a liner, just started using old socks.
  16. Good afternoon! I haven't read all of today's posts. I've been working on starting a blog for my upcoming cruise. @TiogaCruiser gave me the idea to start one to share with DH about my solo traveling experiences. I tried to get on CC late yesterday afternoon to post to Debbie @dfish. I wanted to wish her well on her surgery but CC wouldn't cooperate. I kept getting an error message. Debbie, I'm wishing you a great recovery and hope all is well after your surgery. Well, I leave three weeks from today for my adventure. I did decide to cancel my tour in Corinto based on the reports from a few days ago. It's not an issue for me and allows me to add an excursion in a different port. Right now I'm wait listed for two excursions, hopefully they will add more departure times, if not that's okay. I've never felt the need to have to always be on an excursion or tour, especially in a port that I've been to already. Wishing everyone well. Have a great day!
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