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Everything posted by poocher

  1. So the bottle is shareable? Cuz I want ALL of it.
  2. We had 4 in ours and plenty of room for everyone. It was a lift & shift from a 3/21 cruise on Rhapsody, price protected so we paid less that half price for it. It was heavenly!
  3. So if my daughter has the DBP and I am limping along on my 4 Diamond vouchers, can she purchase a bottle of wine @ 40% off & I drink it?
  4. OMG the OS on Harmony spoiled the you know what out of us. How do I get hubby back in a regular suite now?? And we had ZERO doorbell rings, not even one.
  5. Just explaining the CC service fee. Not sure what that had to do with hiding cash from taxes. Yes there are businesses that will not declare all their cash payments for tax purposes but that is outside the scope of my post.
  6. Because I bought the DBP when the price was $12 per drink and it increased to $13 before I sailed. Never charged anything extra.
  7. No it doesn’t. The DBP will cover whatever the standard drink price is. Website is always woefully behind in this respect. If the drink price was $13 when you purchased the DBP but increases to $14 when you sail, it’ll cover the $14. Different from a specialty drink that is higher than the standard price like a high end whiskey that will incur an additional cost.
  8. If the standard drink price increases, the DBP will cover the new price regardless of when you purchased it. We had DBP during the transition from $12 to $13 and were not charged the difference.
  9. Ditch the stroller, all that walking will tire her out! Heck my grands would fall asleep leaning against a wall after a few hrs at the beach.
  10. Yup, worked well with my daughter. She has an excellent credit rating & understands the concept of budgeting and finances. My son on the other hand 🙄. Divorced father of three, can’t seem to get the hang of it. Never got that credit card back 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
  11. Well I for one enjoyed the typo. Conjured quite an image and a good laugh!😄😄
  12. That is the fee establishments are charged to process CCs. Most roll it into the price of the goods or services. You pay it. You just don’t know it. AND everyone pays it whether you use a CC as form of payment or not. Those places that charge it at point of sale are passing it on to just those who use a card. Probably fairer that way but certainly not popular.
  13. Think PP was referring to the misspelling in the title. And you should be able to select an ARRIVAL (not a boarding) time at 45 days when check in opens not at 30. All the early times will be gone if you wait til then.
  14. Or I could use a CC that pays me various types of rewards for using it then pay it off from my checking account. Move on to smart money management? 😁
  15. Or you could have just gotten cash🤷‍♀️
  16. And if you don’t? Or Royal makes an error on your account? Using a CC, you can dispute incorrect charges and they are segregated from your account until the correction can be made. But if the money has been removed or put on hold on your checking account, you could have unwanted consequences with which to deal. Not everyone can afford that type of problem.
  17. Ok hubby was making $7.50. Me? $5.25. My point is of course prices were lower in the 90’s. Heck my parents rented a 5 room apartment for $45 per month in the 60’s.
  18. If you look under dining for any Liberty sailing, then beverages, it will list the freestyle machines as Coca-cola with locations.
  19. Got me. Did you call as instructed under the list of symptoms? And I think you are right, they are screening for Covid only.
  20. Hope your wife is feeling better but afraid I see Royal’s point. I’m sure your issue was real but can you imagine the slippery slope? Last minute change of plans so I’ll tell them I am too sick to board & get a refund or FCC? How would they monitor that? Who would determine what too sick was? Positive covid test, yup you’re off the hook. But a bad cold?
  21. Probably more a reaction to people who can’t/won’t/don’t tip. Land based restaurants have this problem too which is why most list a couple of tip percentages on your receipt. It’s not that some lose (loose is the kind of pants your wear to a buffet) their math skills but those that don’t use them. Signed, the daughter of a single mom who supported her family on tips.
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