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Everything posted by poocher

  1. I would not call MDR food Golden Corral. We were on Harmony in March and except for one entree that was quickly replaced with a better cut, all the food was very good. Ok I’m from New England so the lobster tails were terrible but that’s just my seafood snobbery. We aren’t foodies either. If it tastes good and I don’t have to prepare, serve or clean it up, I’m happy. I especially recommend the short ribs and the off menu Indian appetizers!
  2. I’m thinking, and it’s just a guess based on the DBP I’ve been tracking, that $105 might have been the totally non discounted price? And $83 was a sale? If do, it was not much of a sale. $83 is not a particularly good price for the DBP. Keep watching for it to hopefully go down.
  3. Nope, hammocks slung over the side of the ship!! 😁😁
  4. Funny that you would think that was late. I didn’t get out of work until 5pm, not an unusual time, and hubby not til 6. By the time we got home, he took a shower & I got dinner ready we rarely were able to eat before 7. We are both retired now but old habits die hard. Dinner is still 6:30-7ish.
  5. My brother missed his cruise due to weather related flight issues. Ended up being a no show. He was refunded port fees/taxes, prepaid gratuities and CP purchases. Insurance provided an FCC fir 90% of the cruise fare.
  6. Nope, have it but never been asked. I check out booked cruises a couple times a week as the military discount shows up randomly. I’ve always gotten one but you have to watch for it.
  7. It is the time you are supposed to arrive at the terminal. Once checked in, BOARDING is based on when the ship is cleared, cabin type, C & A status, the price of butter on Tuesday etc, etc, etc. A 10:30 arrival time DOES NOT mean you board at 10:30.
  8. That isn’t a boarding time, it’s an arrival time. There’s a difference.
  9. A little off topic but I submitted an offer a couple of days ago that I probably have no chance of getting (absolute minimum bid) but how to I keep an eye on it? I read people seeing pending somewhere?
  10. I know the certificate of recovery can take the place of a negative test but not sure it applies to the unvaccinated. OP, I would request a full refund based on material change to health protocols after final payment.
  11. I think we all understand the context of “free” as it applies here.
  12. I know, just pointing out a BTW as many don’t think about that. For sailing, passport in married name = no further documentation. BC & DL in different names = linking document. In OP’s case where booking name does not match passport, BC & Marriage License.
  13. BTW, Social Security cards will also need to be changed when your name changes. They will need to see…… wait for it…… marriage license!
  14. Just bring the document showing the link between birth name and current name. That is most likely the marriage license which lists BOTH names and clearly shows Mary Smith (BC) is now Mary Jones (DL or passport)
  15. I agree but all you had to do was bring your marriage license. This is VERY common for women because their current name and their birth name are often different. Men of course don’t have this issue but women do. I’ve been married for 42 years and everything is in my married name EXCEPT my original birth certificate. When I applied for both my enhanced DL and my passport, I had to provide the linking document. There really was no need to call RC at all. That was my point.
  16. I don’t use FB or Twitter. These boards are as close to social media as I get. I’ve always gotten a timely response using the mbayley@rccl.com email.
  17. My guess is what she thought happened and what security found were not quite the same. In no way implying that she lied, just that it didn’t happen as she posted.
  18. Unlike clothes, it’s better to have too much documentation than too little.
  19. I would at least wait a couple more days & see what the Labor Day sale might bring before deciding.
  20. I did not have to play at all in March on Harmony. It may be one of those YMMV situations. Try just cashing out first, if it doesn’t work, play minimally then do it.
  21. Yes but you don’t have to actually play at all. Put the OBC amount in and then cash out.
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