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Everything posted by poocher

  1. It was wrong before. It’s wrong now. I don’t care WHAT you’ve got, keep it to yourself!!! Don’t be spreading it all over my bacon!!!!
  2. I do that with toiletries. Whenever there’s a weeks worth of toothpaste, deodorant, my makeup, it gets thrown into the vacation bag. Take a few every trip & throw them out there. Same with my toothbrush. Put a new one in the holder at home, take the old one & then throw it out.
  3. Comped from SWA for damage to other bags. I like them a lot! I don’t bring a ton of stuff but, although I hate shopping at home, I love it on vacation so I really need the extra room on the way home!! I will also put a small collapsible duffel in just for the breakables. I dislike carrying bags through airports so we will check both of those bags & keep a small duffel with us. I realize checked bags could be a problem right now but we are flying in a couple days early. If there’s an issue, I have time to fix them.
  4. I hyperventilate just looking at it. How can anyone live like that?!?!?
  5. I guess I just don’t bring a lot of stuff. Everything always seems to fit in drawers/cabinets etc. Never needed to bring extra storage items. Hubby and I are pretty low maintenance.
  6. Magnetic hooks didn’t stick to the walls of our OS on Harmony, only near the door. Didn’t really need them but I had brought a few.
  7. This will be 10 days for the 2 of us and guaranteed they will only be half full each. That’s a 25” & a 21”.
  8. Leave at least half of it home! When she isn’t looking, put it all back in the closet.
  9. He doesn’t understand why work keeps asking me to come in to help every 3-4 months. I don’t tell him I called them!!!
  10. So I’m confused. Do you want precruise testing or not? You are considering canceling your 10 Day Princess cruise because they are dropping the test requirement yet don’t think testing helps. What side of this fence are you on?
  11. 41 years and I’m hoping not to throw him overboard on our next cruise. Retirement togetherness is not all it’s cracked up to be.
  12. I can’t stand a messy cabin space. Our room steward is supposed to clean the room not try to work around my crap! Everything gets put away as soon as room/luggage is available. Then each day, stuff is put back in its spot. Pop up hamper for dirty clothes, suitcases under the bed, bathroom stuff in drawers or cabinets (please don’t make the steward work around/have to touch your toiletries).
  13. Not really sure I understand. You say your CK experience was good, have absolutely nothing good to say about your meals there (BTW that chicken looks delicious) and then tell OP you think they’ll enjoy it? If you didn’t why are you recommending it? We tried it on Harmony and were totally underwhelmed.
  14. Pro - actual tasty lobster instead of the warm water crap they serve on board. There’s a reason they douse it with butter Con - you can’t bring any back on the ship
  15. Stewmans Lobster Pound on the harbor in Bar Harbor! Waitstaff will take it apart for newbies. So much fresher than anything they serve on board.
  16. All my cruise documents, prescription meds, bathing suit if I am so inclined, my 2 bottles of wine, sunscreen.
  17. So true, and cooking is very hit or miss. Hit a lobster pound on land & have them steam a real lobster. You can thank me later😘
  18. You’re going to the lobster capital of the world. Why would you eat the lobster served on the ship?? Get a real Maine lobster on shore.
  19. Having linked reservations should get you a table together. 8 people is not beyond table capacity. You can double check with the MDR host when you board.
  20. I don’t know, seems pretty clear to me. Guests 12 and over MUST be vaccinated to get off in the Grand Caymans. If you have unvaccinated travel companions who are UNDER 12, they may get off with you. How this will he handled aboard ship remains to be seen but the requirements are clear (for now)
  21. Yup, ours on Harmony peeled. Silly me thought it was like the film you peel off of appliance touch pads & I just pulled it off. SURPRISE!!!
  22. And like everything else associated with RC, YMMV!
  23. I think you need more coffee. Ginger ale is available through the bar soda guns. How else could they make highballs? No diet ginger ale but the regular is absolutely there. I come from a long line of bartenders and that is always one of the options along with some type of cola, sprite, club soda & plain water.
  24. We drove him crazy in March. Yes, pick us up, no they are stuck in Mass, cancel. No problem & full refund. No, they found a flight, pick us up again. Still no problem, we’ll be there. Oh Sh$t, that flight got cancelled too, don’t pick us up. Again no problem. Although he said he’d refund, I said no. For all the on off on off, keep it.
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