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Everything posted by poocher

  1. I think if you miss the first leg of a flight, they cancel the rest of the trip.
  2. And my daughter & I liked the scents. Not like you walk around smelling like them the rest of the day.
  3. I believe Op is looking for an activity for the kids IN THE ROOM rather than wandering the ship on their own while adults have a nice dinner. I have my own opinion on this scenario but, for a change, am keeping it to myself. When we took (not my favorite) grandson on a cruise, we offered arcade/gaming time. He was having so much fun in the pools/hot tubs/slides, he didn’t use the offer. He also liked putting on nice(r) clothes & eating in the MDR. We don’t know OPs grandkids so let’s not assume what they might do.
  4. Yup, that’s the stuff I won’t use. As I said, in a suite they are still attached to the wall but are 3 separate products. Smell nice too!
  5. See the CC community can be helpful without snark!! I realize kids play online games with others (see? I do know crap!!). But if internet is an issue, offline play is a viable option. My (favorite, shhh don’t tell anyone) grandson brought his Switch when I took him to Disney. Worked well for him. He played it in the morning while we got ready & had breakfast in the room and then again for a while after pool time at night. OP, I hope you all have a great time!
  6. My grandsons will tell you I don’t no CRAP about this stuff but aren’t there games that are downloaded so they wouldn’t need an internet connection to play them? And of course there are actual disks that can be used. Those don’t require internet either right? I get the “they’re on a cruise, go out and enjoy it!!!” But I don’t think OP is talking about 24/7 gaming, just something to keep them occupied for a few hours. Really how is this different from me reading a book on my balcony for a few hours?
  7. As stated above, go to the app first as you can just grab arrival times without entering any other information (can’t do that on the website). Then go to the website to enter all the details. Vax cards get uploaded in the app too. But there’s no rush to do anything but the arrival time. I grab that at midnight then do the rest over the next week or so.
  8. It appears you don’t really want opinions that do not align with your own. You asked, we just about unanimously gave the same answer. You don’t like that answer. You’re gonna go what you want anyway so stop trying to justify your position:
  9. If you are in a suite, although still in containers attached to the wall, body wash, shampoo & conditioner are in separate bottles. One of many reasons we book suites, HATE the space capsule shower and whatever that 3-in-1 stuff is!
  10. But if the line is at the first security check or they are checking arrival times, they WILL be waiting in the parking garage. Despite that security guard, this IS a possibility. If you or your parents are prepared for this scenario, then go for it.
  11. You live in PC so your parents could wait comfortably in your home until the line dies down at 3. Problem solved!
  12. We would ALL prefer a 10am check in😁. If we all showed up at our desired times instead of our assigned time, there would be chaos!! Kinda like preCovid. 😄😄
  13. Yes, I was being somewhat generous with my timeline. You are correct, a 90 day window.
  14. I believe you do need an official test. If you test positive at home and know you have a cruise coming up in the next 3-4 months, you need to go get a “real” test.
  15. I put my insurance pmts, cable, internet, cell phone bills, oil bills,
  16. Nope, should be there when you click on individual venues.
  17. We haven’t paid for a flight on SWA in years. Everything goes on the card every month & then it’s gets paid in full. Re had a new driveway & walkway installed. Put it all on the card & paid it off from the bank account, got 10,000 points that month. Repairs to water damage in the family room, on the card then paid from the insurance payout, that’s another 5000. Every dime possible goes through a card!
  18. Suite lounge & suites pool area not open to sea class. Nor is advanced dining reservations.
  19. But Sea Class doesn’t have access to breakfast or lunch at CK. I do like the idea of using the funds for UDP instead. OP, what kind of cabin do you have currently?
  20. Very subjective. Only you can say if the few perks you’d get are worth $800 to you. We don’t and probably won’t book less that a JR suite. I need the extra room and the better bathroom. Boarding early is nice but not a deal breaker. I am unimpressed by CK (only one experience so far). Double points if that interests you.
  21. Early boarding, bigger room, possibly dinner in CK based on availability.
  22. We took the Acela from New Haven to Washington DC many years ago. Yes, luggage stayed with us.
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