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Everything posted by poocher

  1. And my husband loves walking around there! He interacts with all the vendors and most of them are actually very nice people! Looking forward to returning & buying more pottery/bakeware!
  2. Boy I remember watching parents buy those buckets and hand them off to their underage kids. You can’t fix stupid!
  3. Liked that it’s not Grease or Mamma Mia!!!!
  4. Great pro tip! We didn’t move around til we were leaving. Saw several spots I wish we had tried. Next time!
  5. I suppose my brother might use one. Roger’s parents have 4 up here in Enfield. His brother is in one. Dad passed from Covid last year & was cremated so he, and mom when she goes, will be in one plot. What a morbid bend this thread has taken!
  6. We’ve got 2 in St Mary’s in New Britain. Dad died in 1967 at 43 & mom bought 4 plots. They’re there & there’s 2 left. Not sure what we’ll do with them. Almost everyone around them is family.
  7. You don’t “pay” for the time slots!
  8. Yes, they are called prepaid burial accounts in CT and the funds must be held in an interest hearing instrument. And in the case of a Medicaid application, is not considered an asset.
  9. You don’t have funeral homes in your area? In CT, you buy the plot from the cemetery (along with what is called Perpetual Care for the plot, and then everything is handled by and through the funeral home. You don’t pay for anything you won’t use.
  10. My mom too. I worked in the mortgage dept of one of those local banks & got her a phenomenal rate on her savings for several years.
  11. Here’s a mock booking showing points and dollars
  12. Well then SWA loves you. The rest of us schlubbs pay it every time.
  13. That happened when the Fed removed the interest rate restrictions on deposits. Used to be a flat 5% in savings. That was it, no deviation. When they removed the cap came the dawn of high interest rate CDs. But what the general public failed to understand was back then there were almost no large National banks. Banks were local and if they paid you 18% for your CD, they had to charge 21% for mortgages because that was how they made the money to pay you!
  14. I have been flying SW on points for at least 8-10 years and have ALWAYS had to pay the $5.60 per leg Security Fee. ALWAYS. Are you sure you just never noticed?
  15. IT has not yet caught up to kids under 5 being vaccinated. Just bring his card (you will need everyone’s anyway) to the terminal. Also expect to get an email prompting you to schedule a pre board test for him. Apparently goes out to everyone with kids under 12 on their reservation. You can ignore it.
  16. I guess we all have our hot buttons 🤷‍♀️. Just don’t understand why this bothers you so much. But I have no doubt I have my own buttons you might not understand.
  17. And if they don’t, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. 🎶Let it go! Let it go!🎶
  18. Doesn’t really apply to me. I stay up til midnight to get an early boarding time and we, at least so far, only stay in suites. But I do try very hard not to let other people affect my vacation. Truly I have no idea what your arrival time is so how would I know you are “sneaking” in early? It’s not my job to be the rules police.
  19. And just to measure what a lightweight I am, the 2 of you had 9 of them in one sitting? I really have to step up my game!
  20. Can I ask though, 9 cocktails in Wonderland? What were you guzzling, I mean, drinking??
  21. I agree. Lighten up! Many of the drinks on your (extensive!) list are non alcoholic which is why I made the bathroom comment 😁. I mean it’s also more alcohol than I could consume but I’m turning into something of a lightweight.
  22. Yeah no way I could drink that much. Alcohol aside, I’d be in the bathroom most of the day!
  23. That’s because all the people who vacation there pay your taxes for you. Don’t even get me started about using the funds to improve the lives of the citizens.
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