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Everything posted by poocher

  1. That’s as early as I’ve seen. Remember the ship gas to be cleared of the previous passengers before you can board.
  2. Loved Great Bay, a 10 minute walk from the ship, don’t stop at the first chair vendor, price goes down the further down the beach you walk. Family of four adults, 4 chairs, 2 umbrellas, 2 buckets of non alcoholic beverages, delicious lunch, tip - $130 for the day.
  3. I dont get it. Isn’t this Basic Packing 101? I can’t believe anyone flying anywhere wouldn’t do this. I might add another advantage is not having to open multiple bags. Everything all of us need from the time we land til we are on board the ship is in ONE carry on bag. Meds, toiletries, change of clothes/shoes, bathing suits. Larger checked bag doesn’t get opened until I’m unpacking in my cabin.
  4. Suite concierge will email you probably the Monday prior to your sailing. Make requests of them. They’ll let you know what can be reserved in advance & what you may have to wait til boarding to book.
  5. They did not find that to be the case. It was many years ago so things may be different now.
  6. In St Maarten, Dutch side, had a European gentleman in a very small Speedo and a topless sunbather on what did not appear to be a clothes optional beach judging by the number of locals gawking!
  7. Funny because my uncle is (was, God rest his soul) pure Sicilian and built like every other male Italian relative I have but could find nothing to fit in Italy.
  8. If you read the link FULLY, the AO staff pick the kids up from the MDR to allow parents to enjoy their coffee & dessert. They aren’t released into the wild!!! Geez Louise. Parents will need to escort their children to the designated Main Dining room entrance doors at their designated time to check their child in with the Adventure Ocean Youth Staff. Once checked-in, the Adventure Ocean Youth Staff will then escort their children to Adventure Ocean for ongoing evening activities, while parents can continue to enjoy their dinner.
  9. maybe but clothes sizing and tailoring can be very different in Europe. Happened to my aunt & uncle many years ago and they could NOT find clothes that fit. She spent a lot of time washing things by hand!
  10. Great, now I can get over roasted burnt tasting coffee in CP too!
  11. My grandmother had 33 grandchildren, it was a long list to go through!!
  12. Because those perks come out of the TA’s commission. My TA works hard and puts up with me! I don’t need a cut of her pay.
  13. Nope, just valid ID if on a closed loop cruise out of the US.
  14. Apparently a few people here have forgotten their youth. Mine was somewhat misspent. There were times I could have easily lost an important document.
  15. ANY TIME Friday, Saturday or Sunday prior to boarding.
  16. Yup and they do that at AAA. They’ll even do a couple of takes if you don’t like the first!
  17. AAA also in CT. I haven’t been to the DMV to renew my license in at least 20 years.
  18. I think the point, certainly moot by now, is that when the DIL became pregnant the due date should have at least raised the possibility that the baby wouldn’t be old enough by the sail date. If not then, when she was born 2+ months ago, it would have been clear. Now, with final payment due next week and OP on a cruise, is kinda late to be dealing with the issue. OP, hope you are able to find a solution.
  19. Flying to California for a wedding several years ago, both ours and my daughter’s (different flight) suitcases took extended trips. Arrived at our hotel the day after we did. Both bags had grease stains & some snagging of the fabric. Neither were unusable but SWA sent us a link to purchase new bags on line. I don’t spend a lot on luggage. My daughter’s was a 4 piece set of Samsonite I bought for less than $100 (got a second set for free because Amazon screwed up the delivery that I gave to my son so 2 sets for under $100!). Ours was a nicer bag given to me as a gift but the grease came out and the snags are not big. I know bags are gonna get damaged somewhere somehow. I don’t pay much for them so I don’t worry about it.
  20. But for flights, wine has to be packed in the checked bag. Happens as much or more on planes than cruises.
  21. We use soft side but everything in it is wrapped in plastic bags. Serves several purposes: keeps contents dry in case of rain, keeps TSA hands off the actual clothing, clothes wrinkle less. I’ve been doing this forever.
  22. Straight bourbon??? Oh mixed drink? Ok mix it with a splash of…….. bourbon!!
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