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Everything posted by dfish

  1. My condolences, Melisa, to you and your DH. Hugs across the miles.
  2. Thanks, Jacqui. Quilt making is an expensive hobby. The fabric alone can cost a couple hundred dollars. The big quilts I send out for quilting as I can't get them through my machine. Cha Ching! It is a good thing that they take a while to make.
  3. Good morning, everyone! It is freezing here. Currently we are at 4F with a wind chill of -7F. I know @ger_77 Gerry can beat that, but it is the coldest I have been this winter. But, we have 40s to look forward to next week. I am going out to my class at the gym this morning and then this afternoon we will venture out to the planetarium. I'm looking forward to that. Tartare is usually made from finely chopped raw meat or fish. That makes it a no go for me. But, this recipe uses smoked salmon. There is smoked salmon and then there is smoked salmon. I'd use the cooked version to make it and the ingredients sound pretty good. It looks so pretty in the picture. https://www.thetastychilli.com/smoked-salmon-tartare/ This is really very easy to make if you're into raw fish. Just make sure you get the fish that is certified parasite free. Salmon can carry tapeworm eggs. To kill the tapeworms you need to freeze the salmon for a certain length of time or cook it to a temperature of 350F. https://eatsmarter.com/recipes/salmon-tartare-with-cucumber-0 It is all in the presentation. According to this website, tartare is usually made with raw beef or horsemeat. Ok, that did it for me. I will not eat My Friend Flicka. But, here is a recipe for those following the paleo diet. https://paleoleap.com/salmon-tartare-with-fresh-herbs/ @rafinmd Roy, I hope you are not feeling any ill effects from your busy day yesterday. Forward progress only! @kazu Jacqui, good going on the paper towel maneuver. Sounds like you are adapting. @grapau27 Graham, I'm sorry to hear Sarah isn't doing as well as we thought. @smitty34877 I hope Tana is doing better in the eating department. It is hard to be an Executive Chef when you aren't interested in food. @Rowsby I hope the bed is still providing you with a comfortable night's sleep. @luvteaching Is DH home yet? Wishing you all a wonderful day and keep warm. Sorry if I missed anyone. It wasn't purposeful. Just a reflection on the need for more coffee.
  4. Yes, I did make the quilt. It was for my parents' 55th wedding anniversary. Mom's favorite colors were blue and yellow and Dad said his favorite was Treasury Green. So, blue, green, and yellow it was. The pattern is called Storm at Sea, so the blue and green is the water and the yellow is the sun peaking through. You can find the waves in the pattern. You can also find an infinity symbol and a heart. As I told them, every relationship has rocky times (waves), but love (heart) is forever (infinity). There are also pillow cases that go with it.
  5. Good afternoon, everyone. While I agree with everyone else's advice @rafinmd I do understand the need to get to the grocery, pharmacy, and Fire Station. UPS might have waited? I hope you were driving rather than walking all that distance. I'm glad they put the rollator together for you at the Fire Station. Maybe they can take turns doing grocery and pharmacy runs. But, you are totally correct that you need to get up and walk around. Getting up and walking can actually help combat the pneumonia. Small steps, though. Ok, I have the pictures of the bedroom everyone wanted. The dresser under the window had to be moved in from the other room. We had to put it on its end to move it. Here you can see the mirror closet. The ceilings are too low to attach the mirrors to the dresser, but this room is kind of like a house of mirrors, so no problem. The second closet is the one with white doors behind the door to the room. The doors need to be cut down as they drag along the carpet. You can also see the entrance to the walk in closet at the far left. Several mirrors reside in there as well as a couple of closet organizers with drawers and racks for hanging clothes. I need to go shopping!
  6. Good morning, everyone. It is a cold start here in mid-Michigan. Today is supposed to warm up a bit, but tomorrow is going to be downright cold all day with a forecast high of 12F. But, light at the end of the tunnel as next week gets up in the 40s. Today we are meeting both brothers for lunch and we'll have our weekly Farkle tournament this afternoon. Tomorrow Sue and I are going to brave the cold and go to a show at the planetarium. We may not be in Canada, but we will embrace our sweaters. I am hoping @rafinmd Roy had a peaceful sleep last night and wakes up feeling a bit better. I hope he checks in soon. @kazu Jacqui, I am disappointed for you that the elbow is still in a splint and will take longer to heal than you thought. Hang in there! Today's meal is a good one for the vegetarians in our families. I would pass because I don't like to spend all my carbs on one dish and this would do that. It sounds good to me, though. This first one looks really good. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/curried-chickpea-stuffed-acorn-squash/ This next one includes quinoa and claims to have 18 grams of protein. When obvious choices for protein are left out, it is a concern that food provide the protein needed. https://choosingchia.com/curried-chickpea-and-quinoa-stuffed-acorn-squash/ Here's a recipe for the pressure cooker, aka instant pot. https://www.veganricha.com/pressure-cooker-curried-chickpea-stuffed-acorn-squash/ I hope everyone is staying warm and has a wonderful day. Healing thoughts out to all who are ailing or injured. Cheers to those who are celebrating, especially on a BHB.
  7. @rafinmd Roy, so glad you are going home! You'll do better there. Did they give you one of those plastic things you have to suck air through and raise the ball? If so, do use it. I don't know what they're called. I always called it one of those sucky things. But, they do work the lungs and help improve breathing. Boy, did I use dittos. If you made a mistake you had to scrape the back with the razor blade and then put a fresh purple thing behind it. We always kept the purple sheets because we tore off the edges for correcting mistakes. I grew to really dislike the color purple as my fingers were permanently purple. And yellow chalk stained my clothes. With the solvent from the dittos and the chalk dust, it was amazing we didn't have more respiratory problems. I am feeling better now. Like @JazzyV Vanessa, I think the CPAP causes some of the congestion when I first get up. Today was just worse than usual. Some days I'm like that all day long and then just fine the next day. I am cleaning out the humidifier reservoir with white vinegar and I'll use a clean mask and hose tonight. Hoping to hear good news from @kazu Jacqui.
  8. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, everyone. I've been repeating the rabbit phrase over and over for the last hour. I woke up very congested and not feeling too well, so I decided to do a Covid test. Negative. Thank you, rabbits. The congestion is clearing out and I'm feeling back to normal now. I think the congestion comes due to my deviated septum and the CPAP. I am proud to be a spunky old broad. The last thing I want my nieces and nephews to do is remember me as a sweet old lady. I want them telling stories about me and laughing. Today's meal sounds pretty tasty to me. Miso is a fermented soybean paste from Japan used as seasoning throughout Asian cuisine. Miso soup may be its most familiar application, but it makes an appearance in everything from salad dressings to pickles and marinades. It’s even one of the crucial components of soy sauce. The history of miso can be traced to its ancient Chinese counterpart, soybean jiang, one variation in a genre of thick pastes known as jiang. For more information on miso, you can read here: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-miso-easy-miso-broth-recipe-with-chef-gordon-ramsay This first recipe is really easy and uses white miso. It is also very healthy. https://recipecenter.stopandshop.com/recipes/218200/baked-cod-with-miso-butter This next one is a dinner packet, baked in foil with vegetables included. It uses a red miso. There is a difference in flavor between the miso choices. I think the red miso is a good contrast to the light colored fish. https://www.tablefortwoblog.com/miso-butter-cod-foil-packets/ This one goes back to the white miso judging by the color in the photograph. The miso butter is a bit more involved and sounds really good. It would be great on the broccoli as well. https://www.sainsburysmagazine.co.uk/recipes/mains/miso-butter-cod-with-roasted-broccoli This last recipe marinates the fish for a day or two in a miso marinade. That sounds really good. https://www.justonecookbook.com/black-cod-with-miso/ Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  9. For art day, I am celebrating the fact that I am lucky enough to have all originals in my house. Between my friend Bob and my sister Sue, we have decorated the walls with their masterpieces. We have a few more from Sue that are coming down with her each time she does. @rafinmd Sorry to hear there isn't much improvement, but as others have said, you are where you need to be. I'm just happy you had the sense to call for the ambulance. Many of us wouldn't, thinking this too shall pass. I'm a combination sleeper like @Cruising-along Carolyn. Mine isn't every night. Most nights I fall asleep and then wake up every hour. Generally I manage to get back to sleep. Of course, I have that pain in my side that might account for some of it. Then there are the nights where I can't get to sleep at all. It isn't because I had a late coffee. My last coffee of the day is after lunch. It may be related to the high cortisol levels. Usually cortisol goes down in the evening so you can get to sleep and goes up in the morning so you wake up. Mine seems to be high no matter when. So, if I have high cortisol when my thyroid is cycling high, I am doomed.
  10. Good morning, everyone! It is cold here. For some reason, knowing how cold it is outside makes me cold inside, yet the house is the same temperature as it was yesterday. Maybe I just need to move more. Nothing much planned for today. After the gym I plan to hit the grocery store and that is pretty much it. Our first recipe comes from Delish, who decided to give me a free article last night when I was looking for recipes. I hope they gift the rest of you with a free article. https://www.delish.com/cooking/a38964800/green-chili-clam-chowder-recipe/ This recipe adds in the all time favorite, bacon. It also has you scurrying all over for grass fed ingredients. I noticed that find sustainably caught clams was crossed out. https://www.foodrenegade.com/clam-chowder-with-bacon-and-green-chiles/ Most of the recipes were the same ones on different pages. So, we're branching out a bit in this last one to seafood chowder. It contains more than just clams and looks pretty good! https://cookingwithcocktailrings.com/green-chili-corn-seafood-chowder/ Here's hoping @rafinmd Roy gets the green light today so he can return home. Healing thoughts go out to @kazu Jacqui for decreased pain in the elbow. I hope we get a status update on @Scrapnana Kathi soon. Bon Voyage to @kochleffel. Safe travels to NYC today. Hoping that Tana and Sarah are continuing to improve. @Seasick Sailor I hope your dental surgery has improved and the pain is gone. @Cruzin Terri Hope the prednisone does the trick! Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. I see that you flatly refused the insulin. I would have as well. When I had my last knee replacement my BG was 126 an hour after dinner and they wanted to give me insulin. I said no, not at that number! They used to let the BG go a bit higher than normal. I remember the first knee and they thought 140 was good. I asked a friend who is a physician and he said because they'd rather kill me slowly (high BG) than quickly (low BG). Made sense.
  12. She is definitely a cutie! Love the babies. I'm glad it was a hit. I've only made it as a soup and am going to try it as a stew, so I'll want it to be a little thicker. I might try a little flour on the chicken when I brown it. What stays in the pan will help thicken things up. If not, your cornstarch trick should work. I think that is good. But, I hope they have changed your status. If they decide to send you to rehab, it could be a problem. We had problems with Medicare not paying when patients came directly from an observation status. I don't know if they have fixed that or not, but I'd be sure to ask.
  13. Good morning, everyone! We had a little more snow last night, not enough to call out the plow service, but enough to know we got it. It was a pretty quiet day here yesterday and I did not venture out. This morning I am going to my exercise class at the gym. @HAL Sailer I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties. There are so many unscrupulous people in this world who prey on the rest of us. We must always be vigilant. I remember having to untangle a mess for my dad when he got a collections letter for not paying his cable bill at a house in Memphis that he never owned, lived in, or even visited. @rafinmd Roy, I echo what others have said. I sure hope they have changed your status from observation to inpatient. Knowing you, you will be home. It may take a week, but you will get home. @kazu Great news that you slept better last night. Let that trend continue! @Seasick Sailor Good luck with the dental surgery today! @luvteaching I'm glad to hear that DH is progressing and hope he will be home soon. When I saw today's meal my first reaction was that we had just had that. What we had was slow-cooker turkey breast and today we have instant pot turkey breast. I suppose in a couple of weeks we'll have air fryer turkey breast. Anyways, let's get started with this easy first recipe: https://www.crunchycreamysweet.com/instant-pot-turkey-breast-recipe/ This one has a different seasoning mix for the rub you put on the turkey. That rub makes a big difference. https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/best-ever-turkey-breast-recipe-instant-pot/ This one's herb rub is different again. https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/instant-pot-turkey-breast/ This one makes an herb butter paste that is spread thickly all over the turkey breast. I bet the turkey comes out moist and crispy at the same time. https://www.dinneratthezoo.com/instant-pot-turkey-breast/ Well, that's all folks! I hope one of these is to your liking and that you can use it sometime, if not tonight. I'm finishing up my chicken vegetable soup from last week. I haven't forgotten the picture of the newly painted bedroom. I'm waiting for Sue to get here to help me load the dresser into the room. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  14. I'll probably forget by then, but ok. What a shame. Your neighbors are lucky to have you looking out for them.
  15. OMG! Tell the rest of the story. Like, why? I think it is!
  16. Good morning, everyone! @rafinmd I agree with Sandi that the dropping O2 is of concern. Let's get that fixed! @kazu My sympathies on 1 finger typing. I hope by the time you run out of pain meds that the pain has considerably lessened. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you again for stepping up to the plate during Roy's illness. We had 5-8 inches of snow forecast for overnight, but I think we only got 4. I am still thankful I have a plow service and trust that they will come sometime this morning. I think they are waiting until the snow finally ends, which is a good thing. Today's meal sounds wonderful, but way too carb heavy for me. I would sleep well if I ate it. I didn't find exactly what was described except at the Delish site, but they wanted money for me to see it. I declined. But, I came close and this first one is probably the closest. I imagine the rice does get crispy while in the oven. https://food52.com/recipes/75260-spanish-baked-rice-with-chorizo-and-chickpeas This next one is missing the chorizo, but that is an easy add in. https://dinnerly.com/menu/65336-spinach-cheddar-skillet-rice-with-smoky-chickpeas This next one skips the rice, but that is an easy add in. It also uses black beans, but you can use the chickpeas. https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2022/03/08/cheesy-chorizo-bean-skillet/ Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Special prayers for our ailing Dailyites, especially Roy, Jacqui, Tana, Sarah, and Kathi.
  17. I have had bouts with low sodium as well. It wasn't real low, just a few points below the bottom limit. One thing I noticed was that when my thyroid was behaving, my sodium was low. When my thyroid was misbehaving, my sodium was normal.
  18. I'm afraid I don't have any before pictures. It was too awful for pictures. I second this suggestion. Observation leaves you with a big out of pocket bill. I can see observation for a few hours, but if you need to keep someone overnight and treat them, that isn't observation.
  19. Thank you so much for letting us know what was happening. I was reading through this thread, page after page, holding my breath. You probably didn't realize it, but you mean a lot to so many of us. Now, on to celebrations! My bedroom is done and put back together. The new curtains look so much better than those crappy old ones did. Those are now in the trash. I rearranged the room a bit so that I can fit my dresser in it. That will make more space in the guest room, which was kind of cramped. No more puke pink! No more holes in the wall filled with spackling and looking like a tenement house. The light color really brightens the room up and it needed that. Now, confession time. I did get paint all over me, but none in my hair and none on the floor. I was actually kind of neat on this job. I don't know what happened or if I just had enough room to maneuver that I didn't create the huge mess. And, that handy, dandy tool for painting the baseboards works like a charm! I sure hope this doesn't jeopardize my standings in the Messy Painter Guild. If it does, I'll gladly go open a can and dab some in my hair.
  20. Good morning, everyone. Thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for getting us started this morning. And, yes, we definitely need to put Roy on the Care list. I always worry when I hear of people in my age group falling as it can be so dangerous. I hope he is currently at emergency getting treated. @smitty34877 What a gorgeous picture of Miss Camilla! Getting in trouble is just what she should be doing at her age. @Seasick Sailor Joy, you need to be careful as well. It may only be a skinned knee this time, but @kazu is living proof as to what it could be! Let's all be more careful, not just with data, but with ourselves. The painting is all done except for the closet doors. And, there isn't much to finish up there. I'll have it done in a jiffy. The room looks so much better! I have new curtains ordered that should arrive on Monday so they will complete the look. Today's meal is a great side dish. I suppose you could add some sausage or ground beef or turkey to it to make it a complete meal. How about some chopped chicken? This dish is carb friendly for those of us watching the carbs. I don't think it is calorie friendly though. Our first recipe comes from Ree Drummond. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a11888/broccoli-cauliflower-casserole/ That looks really good! The next one adds bacon into the mix. Bacon goes well in this dish, but then, bacon goes with almost everything. https://www.eatwell101.com/loaded-cauliflower-broccoli-casserole-recipe This next recipe roasts the vegetables first and also adds some garlic into it. I thought of adding a dash of cayenne, just to give it a bit of a bite. https://www.mamagourmand.com/broccoli-cauliflower-casserole/ Here's one with directions for the air fryer. They also suggested adding a little ham to increase the protein and make it a main dish. https://twosleevers.com/broccoli-cauliflower-casserole/ Here's hoping that one of these strikes your fancy! Wishing you all a wonderful day and special prayers for our injured and ailing Dailyites. Cheers to those who are celebrating, especially @mamaofami Carol for fining her glasses.
  21. @rafinmd Oh, Roy! I'm glad it seems nothing is broken, but worry when I hear of falls, especially among my age group. Rest up and please be careful. @JazzyV I sure hope you feel better tomorrow.
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