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Everything posted by dfish

  1. It really was. I thought of you as soon as I heard the news. I think it could be 90 degrees out and she would be wearing those Norwegian sweaters. She is so excited.
  2. Thanks, everyone. She will be doing the happy dance for the next week or so.
  3. @Cruzin Terri Your prayers to St. Anthony have paid off. My sister's luggage was delivered to her home around 11:00 am. She is beside herself with joy and feels like Christmas morning.
  4. Good morning, everyone. It is going to be another warm one here in northeast Ohio. The heat is supposed to stay through tomorrow with a bit of cooling next week. Farmworkers really deserve our support and respect. They work long hours and do hard work, much of it is physical labor. And wages are low. Also, farm work is one of the more dangerous areas of employment. Before changes in the law it was often difficult for farm workers to get health insurance because of the danger in their work. We should remember Hiroshima in a solemn manner, hoping it is an example to us of why we need to learn to work out our differences some other way. It represents a failure of society. Lentils are edible seeds from the legume family. They’re well known for their lens shape and sold with or without their outer husks intact. Though they’re a common food staple in countries such as Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia, the greatest production of lentils nowadays is in Canada. Lentils are a very healthy food and a good source of protein for those who follow a plant based diet. Lentils can provide health benefits for the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, and disease prevention. You can read more about the benefits of lentils here: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lentils#benefits Harissa is a hot chili pepper paste, native to the Maghreb. The main ingredients are roasted red peppers, Baklouti peppers. Spices and herbs such as garlic paste, caraway seeds, coriander seeds, cumin and olive oil to carry the oil-soluble flavors. Rose harissa, made with rose petals, is also made. Today's meal is just full of flavor and healthy ingredients. This filling, endlessly refillable bowl is perfect with roasted sweet potatoes, but any hardy vegetable you have on hand would be just as delicious. Try delicata squash, cauliflower, or eggplant. https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/black-lentil-and-harissa-roasted-veggie-bowl The above recipe is the only one I found that matched the name exactly. But, there are always variations so here is one I thought looked good. https://www.mynewroots.org/site/2016/01/harissa-carrots-and-fennel-with-lentils/ This next one uses quinoa instead of lentils, but you can easily substitute the lentils back in. https://dishingouthealth.com/harissa-roasted-sweet-potato-power-salad/ And here's one last entry with a different mix of vegetables. https://www.nordickitchenstories.co.uk/2020/02/08/harissa-lentils-with-roasted-vegetables-and-feta-recipe/ Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  5. I was going to say the same thing! Sounds like a day to forget! I'm glad to hear about the pain relief, but sleep well tonight.
  6. It was a busy day today, but I got a lot done. I paid bills, got everything straightened out with the IRS, cleaned bathrooms, swept floors and called a realtor to come give me an idea of what I can get for my house. My sister will be retiring at the end of March and then we'll be moving in together in our retirement home. That necessitates a move on my part from northeast Ohio to Michigan. I'm kind of looking forward to it except for the packing and unpacking. Ughh. @garlictown Welcome back! @cunnorl @Tbay and your DGC
  7. Good morning, everyone. It will be cooler today but still muggy. Thunderstorms are expected this afternoon. The sky looks threatening right now and I hope it holds off until I get my laps in. Donna is being given antiviral treatments for her Covid. I'm hoping she'll feel better soon. Underwear is important. Clean underwear is the best! A nice cold beer after working in the yard is wonderful. I used to put a cold beer on the back stoop when I was mowing the yard. I'd go down a row and come back up for a swig of the beer. Down, up, drink. The rows were a little crooked by the end, but I was happy. Pempek, mpek-mpek or empek-empek is a savory Indonesian fishcake delicacy, made of fish and tapioca, from Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia. Pempek is served with rich sweet and sour sauce called kuah cuka or kuah cuko (lit. vinegar sauce), or just "cuko". Sometimes local people also eat the dish with yellow noodles and diced up cucumber to balance out the vinegar's sourness. Pempek dough is made from a mixture of boneless ground fish meat, most commonly tenggiri (wahoo), with water, salt and sago flour. Sometimes, people also add a little bit of cooking oil and/or wheat flour to improve the texture and to make the pempek not too chewy, they also add MSG to enrich the umami taste. Ikan gabus (snakehead) is also commonly made as pempek. Numerous pempek sellers and producers in Palembang use a cheap combination of fish, which has a strong scent. According to tradition, the best tasting pempek are made of belida or belido (Chitala lopis), but due to its rarity and superior taste, pempek made from this fish are usually more expensive. Pempek in Bangka Island are made from mackerel (ikan kembung) and its sauce is red chilli based, while in Jakarta or other cities they could be made from gourami fish. The latest variant is pempek udang, pempek made of minced shrimp originated from Sungsang area in Banyuasin near the Musi river estuary, it is noticeable with its pinkish color. The dough is boiled in hot water or steamed until hardened as partly cooked dumplings, and stored to be fried later just before serving. Here are step by step instructions complete with pictures: https://whattocooktoday.com/submarine-egg-nested-fish-cakes-empek-empek-kapal-selam.html This one serves the pempek in a type of soup rather than just a sauce. https://www.nigella.com/recipes/members/communitys-pempek-indonesian-fish-cake Not a fish lover? Not to worry. You can make it with chicken as well. https://dailycookingquest.com/pempek-ayam-lenjer-fried-chicken-sticks.html I don't know that I would go through the trouble of making this dish, but I would certainly try it if I saw it on a menu. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  8. Here is some more information on choosing an air fryer. https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/best-air-fryer/
  9. Good morning, everyone. We have had a breakthrough. HAL has recognized they are looking for a suitcase, not a pair of red glasses. One small step in the right direction. It is going to be another hot one today in northeast Ohio with the threat of thunderstorms. We'll see what actually happens. Donna is isolated at home and will probably get Paxlovid today or tomorrow. Sue and I are still testing negative. Many of us use our air fryers regularly. My oven has an air fryer feature that I really like. It saves having another appliance take up counter space. I love doing vegetables with the air fryer feature, but I never considered doing steak. Here's the skinny on air fryers: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/what-is-an-air-fryer/ New to air frying? https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/air-fryer-cooking-tips/ What to avoid when using your air fryer: https://www.rd.com/list/air-fryer-mistakes/ Now, on to the steak! This first recipe has a list of tips on how to do justice to the steak in the air fryer. Don't have an air fryer? Just use the recipe and cook the steak under the broiler or on the grill. https://www.skinnytaste.com/air-fryer-steak/ Here's another one with garlic herb butter. Mmmm. https://www.myforkinglife.com/perfect-air-fryer-steak-with-garlic-herb-butter/ Ree Drummond gives us an air fryer steak with a Tex-Mex slant. For the butter just substitute parsley for the cilantro if you wish. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a38442272/air-fryer-steak-recipe/ Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  10. They did eventually print out correctly and we did get those orange tags, but it took almost redoing the tickets and information. I tried to fix as much as I could before I left so it wouldn't be a problem at the airport.
  11. Thanks for letting us know you arrived safely. Hopefully the doctor will do both hands. Rest up. It sounds like it was white knuckle driving for a while.
  12. Some people seem to live with a black storm cloud over their heads. Thank you for your warm wishes. I'm glad things are on the upswing for you. I hope Tana and your DH have some improvement soon. Well, it is a plan. Hopefully the insurance company will approve the Botox and you'll be feeling better quickly. Yes, Shadow is the Daily's dog! I hope, I hope, I hope!
  13. Not having a plan of action is the hardest part when you are living with pain. I sure hope life uncomplicates and you get the answers and care you need. I think that would be my favorite recipe as well. We had warm nuts on our United Business Class flight home on Sunday. Mmmm The cruise tub sounds like a wonderful idea. I think I might have to institute that plan! She did file a claim at the pier, but it was entered into the system incorrectly and she keeps getting messages that they are looking for her red prescription glasses. Believe me, that is not helping the situation. I filed a corrected report today and also sent an email to Guest Relations asking them to double check that they were indeed looking for a large navy blue suitcase. I filed it because Sue is a true Luddite and has no internet at home.
  14. Good morning, everyone. It is going to be a hot one in northeast Ohio today. Temps into the 90s with the humidity that accompanies high temps. I'm going out to walk my laps early today and then staying in. Donna has tested positive for Covid this morning. So far Sue and I are testing negative. Donna most likely picked it up in the airport or on the plane. We all commented that we felt like outcasts wearing our masks as no one else was. Well, it is back in the saddle today and what a wonderful meal to start out with! Empanada Beef Chili sounds wonderful. Chili is pretty versatile and a wonderful fall dinner. I'd like to try chocolate chili one day, maybe this fall. Empanadas are a very versatile food and can be used for just about anything. Quite often you'll find empanadas sold as street food, especially in and near Hispanic communities. An empanada is a type of baked or fried turnover consisting of pastry and filling, common in Spanish, other Southern European, Latin American, and Iberian-influenced cultures around the world. The name comes from the Spanish empanar (to coat with bread), and translates as 'breaded', that is, wrapped or coated in bread. They are made by folding dough over a filling, which may consist of meat, cheese, tomato, corn, or other ingredients, and then cooking the resulting turnover, either by baking or frying. You can find variations of empanadas, sometimes by other names such as pasty, in almost every country. They make a great street food. This first recipe is a chili made with the flavorings of the meat filling for an empanada. This is one way to interpret the dish. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/empanada-beef-chili/ This next one fills an empanada with chili and then baked. It is a way to use up left over chili and you can make small appetizer sized empanadas for a party. They make a great finger food. https://gran.luchito.com/recipes/chilli/beef-empanadas/ This next recipe makes a monster sized empanada and we can all enjoy a slice. https://food.theffeed.com/2019/02/14/monster-beef-chilli-empanada/ And there you have it. Three different ways to interpret the meal of the day. I'm sure some of us have other ways to do so. Let's hear about them! Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  15. It was a full sized coach. Two ships in port and increased demand warranted the coach.
  16. Hi Jacqui, Please add the following: July 22, 2023 Zaandam 7 day Historic Coast July 29, 2023 Zaandam 25 day Canada, New England and Iceland We will be celebrating my sister's retirement and my 70th. I think that calls for a celebration!
  17. Of course you should have said something. We want to be able to support our Daily family when they need it. Working with Shadow takes you outside of yourself rather than dwelling on your sorrow. You'll shake and cry for a long time, but Shadow will help lessen the shaking and make the crying healing. I think what you are doing is healthy. If it feels like the right thing for you, it probably is. And, like you said, it isn't a major life decision.
  18. You asked me to come back and post what happened. As I explained before, my ticket did not have the correct information on it. When we got to the airport the ticket agent was quite confused with the whole ticket as there was missing information and incorrect information. I asked her about the baggage allowance and she said she saw that and wondered why on earth it was like that, but the rest of the ticket explained a lot. It took us over 30 minutes to check in and get boarding passes with the help of a couple of supervisors. The app wouldn't let us since all the information needed was missing. We never had to worry about the luggage allowance as my sister's bag was lost somewhere between the ship and the cruise terminal during disembarkation. That became a bigger worry.
  19. Just back from Norway and we did the indy Panorama Exclusive tour. It was fabulous and they do a great job sticking to the schedule.
  20. Only you can make that decision. As a friend my only role is to support you in the choices you make at this time unless it is something that would cause permanent physical damage. I would never tell someone that. We all process grief differently. There is no one size fits all approach. Who knows? Maybe what you are doing is way to honor Jose. He loved Miko and Marley, too. Just prove those people wrong! You can do it! I think mine is a little more straightforward. It is due to an amended return. One 1099 DIV was very late in getting to me. At the end of January I thought I had all I needed and sat down and did my taxes. Turns out I didn't and I had to add in some additional income which changed my tax liability. I am the only taxpayer in the household, so no problem there. I paid by credit card through a certified IRS payment processor, so it is just a situation of waiting for the right hand to catch up with the left or vice versa. I poured over the letter this morning and it even said if payment had been made to disregard. You'd think they can check the files. I just want to make sure they know about the payment, not that there will be a problem as the tax payment processor will take over then.
  21. Good morning, everyone. It is going to be a nice day here in northeast Ohio. I gave up the ghost early last night but was up at 5:30 this morning. It will take me a while to readjust time zones. It gets harder each passing year. Fortunately, the next few cruises will not require that. Today is grocery shopping and laundry. But, first I'll do my laps. And when I get back from the grocery store I get to do battle with the IRS. They sent me a bill while I was gone and want payment by the weekend. But, I already paid them back in April. Fortunately in this digital age one can get receipts at any time. I guess the IRS bookkeeping department is related to HAL IT. Still no word about Sue's bag. @Cruzin Terri keep those prayers to St. Anthony coming. He does make you wait sometimes. I had to wait overnight to find my passport. And a couple of years to find my mom's watch. @Rowsby Go for Hawaii. I tested yesterday when I got home and so far I'm negative. I don't have any symptoms, but it is a good idea to make sure. I will take reasonable precautions, but I'm at the point of let's learn how to live with this. @cruzn single I'm sorry you had to cancel your cruise, but you are correct that AMS is a mess. My PCC put in a wheelchair request for Donna at AMS. Donna reaffirmed that with the airline. She also put in a wheelchair request through the Schiphol website. She was refused a wheelchair assist when she got there because she wasn't on their list. The flight attendant called them twice about it. So, she took off walking. And arrived at the hotel with blistered, bloody feet.
  22. Not yet. Hopefully, we will hear something tomorrow. If not, I'll get a number from Lost and Found and call them at least to make sure they are looking for a navy blue suitcase and not red glasses. Thank you for the prayers, Terri. They worked when I asked St. Anthony to help me find my passport. It wasn't where I usually kept it. He found it for me in the cupboard in a casserole dish. So glad to hear you are being cared for. Sleep as much as you can. Sleep is healing. That is good news! I sure hope the physical therapy works. It is amazing how much physical therapy can accomplish.
  23. Home again, home again! As much as I enjoyed the two weeks on the ms. Rotterdam in Norway, home feels really good right now. Yesterday's travels were really tiring. By the time we hit the airport hotel last night, we had been up for 24 hours. @Paw13Welcome, Pauline, to the Daily. It is so nice to hear from you in person. Graham has sung your praises for quite some time, so we do feel we know you. @kazuShadow is coming along all due to your gentle persistence. That is my favorite as well. I love the sentiment. This looks like it could be in a magazine. Beautiful photo! Terry, I sure hope someone is delivering meals and helping you. After all the caregiving you've done, you deserve some yourself. @JazzyV The effectiveness of the steroid shots does wear off after time. I went from the steroids to the hyaluronic acid to knee replacement. @ottahand7I really enjoy your photos. You make the UP look so good! Of course, it is a beautiful place. @0106 Tina, the meal looks wonderful! I'm not sure what is for dinner. Probably whatever I can get delivered, but those recipes are a keeper. I love, love, love eggplant parmesan. My grandmother made the best and I could have eaten it all.
  24. Hi Maxine, Our flight was at 2:55 pm. However, Donna's was at 12:50 pm and she did get to the gate with no problem. In Security they do have a priority lane for people who have a flight within the next hour. But, the Priority Security for Business Class had no backup and was like going through the line in a small home town airport. What took us so long was all the walking. I think 12:50 will be fine. Can't wait to hear about the new grand baby!
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