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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. Ah, why not say so? I just don’t see a difference, or certainly no more than the difference between QM2 and the Vistas. I don’t think I have a nose for the essence of Cunard that so many people miss, though I seem to remember many similar comments when QV, in particular, was introduced. I would choose the Vistas over her, firstly because of the Grills Lounge (and Courtyard) and also simply because they are smaller and easier to move around, and, particularly, because it is less of an expedition to each the Library, though the view when you get there is much better on QA. I also think, with a few obvious exceptions, QA is a much more beautiful ship on the inside. Anyway, I must practice my howling for next year.
  2. I think the issue is more the long wait if there is a cancellation.
  3. Sorry, what is a gorilla, and why am I one, or is it you who is one? It wasn’t entirely clear. I didn’t, as far as I am aware, say I loved everything about QA. I merely said I didn't think it was that different from the other ships. There are things I dislike about them all, but far more things I like about them all.
  4. It didn’t seem all that different to me. I obviously haven’t travelled enough on Cunard. Perhaps I should do further research.
  5. Our Q4 was very quiet. A bit of creaking one night from some of the ceiling coving, but never heard a human sound.
  6. A shame it is rather windy. Or it is here, so I assume even more so there.
  7. When we were there in the summer on QV, we docked starboard side to, but on departure, in honour of the Cunard staff who had been in the battle of the Atlantic, we backed until we were opposite the Cunard building and did a complete twirl.
  8. Ezeliya just won the Oaks - pretty impressively. They should be showing it in the Pub, surely?
  9. We had something similar last year in a Medivac off Cornwall on a windy day last summer. The helicopter had to have several goes, and it took about half an hour altogether.
  10. The King and Queen are at Epsom at the moment and both looking quite sprightly on the TV. Can’t see their shoes though. 😀
  11. I would cast no aspersions at Mr. Bruno, whom I know little about. I would say however that the raising of a lot of money for charities is often used to get away with less admirable activities. There was a neighbour of ours who did all sorts of charitable stuff and is now serving 16 years for drugs offences. And we can all think of better known examples, one of whom enjoyed his time in QE2. Please note this is not a dig at Mr.Bruno, just a comment on generalities.
  12. Probably St. Sebastian.
  13. I fear you may have too high an opinion of their competence if you think their failure to get back to you was deliberate policy rather than general shambles. Remember embarkation…
  14. What has it to do with the King?
  15. I have no idea about his tax affairs, though his attitude was made evident in his joke. His failure to get a knighthood may be totally unrelated, and, unlike K. Dodd, he has not been taken to court, but the IR does have a veto over every honours list, and will veto anyone who just has money outstanding, until it is paid.
  16. Failure to have your tax affairs in order is a very common reason why people don’t get honours when you would expect them to. (Or, perhaps failure to have a clever enough accountant.)
  17. Perhaps he owes money to the Revenue (ie us.)
  18. Wouldn’t that be great? Sir Sam would approve. 😀But I think she has now turned east.
  19. Poor Cunard don’t seem to be able to do much right. I think you might expect a magazine called the Cunarder (oddly), published by a company which has just got a new ship, to be full of promotional material about that ship. I actually thought it was fairly interesting. My problems with QA largely stem from the some of ways she is like QM2: long distances from front to back, meaning a very long walk to the Library, difficulties navigating around the ship, a grim Grills Lounge, no Grills Courtyard. But I find lots of things to love about both ships.
  20. Let’s hope they never use QA in Alaska, then. 😀 But she is going to Norway.
  21. Ah, the survey. I am still eager with anticipation of its arrival.
  22. And we know their systems can be easily confused, bless them.
  23. Sometimes they appear on the bed on the first voyage of a next level - or they used to.
  24. I wonder why Cunard do this, which enables anyone not terribly short sighted to identify newbies? I always thought red tops were popular newspapers. 😀
  25. Mine is white with a black top, which presumably indicates I do qualify. Thank you. Now you mention it, I do vaguely remember it.
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