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Everything posted by 3rdGenCunarder

  1. The grills are so nice that it does seem kind of a step down to go to one of the specialty restaurants. On QE and QV, I've gone to the Verandah for lunch, which has a nice menu.
  2. No, thank goodness! That was the total price. It does seem expensive, but it's my favorite indulgence on board.
  3. Interesting. I'd love to be a "fly on the wall" for that video conference.
  4. I wonder if people paying Cunard Fare get first priority for acceptance of bids over Saver or Sailing Soon. Or is it simply how much you bid? And if I booked a cruise for $5000 during a sale and someone else booked the same Britannia cabin grade for $7000 either before or after the sale, would our starting prices be the same to bid up to Club, or would mine be more to compensate for the lower original price I paid?
  5. The MDR does look stunning. I love those columns! It looks like a set from one of the Fred & Ginger movies. Too bad the curved stair is too narrow to dance down elegantly. The shape of the upper level is different than on Koningsdam, making the lower level look more open. The MDR on K'dam is very noisy. I hope that this design difference will improve that situation.
  6. I'm concerned about the thermal suite. That spa pool looks quite a bit smaller than the ones on QE and QV, despite the fact that there are going to be more passengers. Also, it looks like the heated loungers are in the same area as the pool, so is that the only seating for the thermal suite? The Relaxation Lounge on other ships is an area to relax before a spa treatment. I don't think that's meant for people in wet bathing suits. And no windows! I fear it's going to be dark and dreary like the spa on QM2. Not sure it's going to be worth the money to buy a pass, which is normally my favorite indulgence. The Commodore Club looks like it will be very large, which is nice to see.
  7. Probably true, but it might improve response the next time a diner is in this situation. Alternatively, report the issue on the navigator app. They really do look at it. Again, that won't give an immediate response, but if enough people complain, they might pay attention to the issue.
  8. The therapy pool is not as hot as a typical hot tub. I find hot tubs too hot and prefer the therapy pool, which I to be comfortably warm. Although most people just stand around in the pool or sit on the benches at the side, I like to walk in it. I guess it's about 4 feet deep. There are loungers in the pool area and an adjacent room has the heated loungers. There are also various steam or sauna rooms (others can tell you about those, I don't use them). You can't buy the full-cruise pass online. You need to do that when they board. The spa staff are happy to give a tour before you buy--it's a sales pitch for other services, but it will give you a look at the thermal suite. Last fall on QV, the full pass cost $249 for a 12-night cruise. I have never seen any "deals" or discounts for the pass. There are specials on other services as the cruise goes on, but not for the thermal suite. I always buy the full pass, so I don't know about the single day passes.
  9. If you're going to the Netherlands in spring, it's much better to order for fall shipping. The bulbs for sale in the spring were harvested the previous spring. If the fields are full of tulips in bloom when you're there, those flowers will be cut and the foliage left to finish nourishing the bulb. When the foliage has died back, perhaps 2 months later, the bulbs are dug up and sorted and packaged for planting that fall. Yes, year-old bulbs will likely grow and bloom, but your best chance for success is to order in the spring for fall shipment. Or buy in person if you're there after the harvest.
  10. Of all the adjectives I've read above, pretentious and condescending hit home for me. On a short cruise, we decided to make our evening at the Verandah a formal night, although it wasn't an official formal night. When we arrived, the snooty maitre d' said, "Now, you do know that this is a formal dining experience, yes?" Hellloooo? Men in tuxes, women in gowns, did he really think we were looking for a McDonald's experience? Service was slow and disorganized. Long waits between courses. Mains arrived at the table one or two at a time over a span of at least 10 minutes. Two of us had meat that was so overcooked it was inedible. And then, after 3 hours and we still hadn't been given dessert menus, we decided we were done. The maitre d' came over and said that surely there must be something on the dessert menu we would like, as if we offended him by being tired of the whole experience. Perhaps staff from QE or QV could spend a few weeks on QM2 teaching that bunch how to run a restaurant.
  11. Just a little more data. I priced airfare from US to London through Cunard and direct with United (same flights), and Cunard was more. Today I booked directly with United for $700 less (first class) than the price Cunard quoted. That will pay for my spa pass and quite a few drinks on board. Interestingly, when I priced out two one-way flights instead of round-trip (with United), the flight to London was something like $2500 in first. But the return from London was over $9000!!!! I didn't think airlines still gouged on one-way flights.
  12. Hey! I think the Hudson Valley is very pretty. The land-based tour you saw would be an unfortunate surprise. We can check to see what other ships may be in port, but I don't know how to find out if there's a large land tour at the same time.
  13. I haven't taken a 7-day winter cruise for a long time. Partly because I like a longer cruise, and partly because of the stories from people who had to change plans when their cruise was chartered out from under them. I avoid the 14-day B2B for the same reason. But this is yet another reason to avoid 7-day cruises. I like to have a winter cruise to get away from the cold, and I've sailed with HAL for a lot of those cruises. But between the same old same old itineraries and the kids sail free and the possibility that the cabin I chose may be given to someone else and the disappointing entertainment, I'm questioning whether I'll keep sailing with HAL.
  14. I have a fridge magnet that says "Life is short, eat dessert first."
  15. Well, there are either a lot of train nuts (I'm one) or a lot of suckers because it's very popular. So you've done this trip, then? And if so, did you take the time to go to the museum about the construction of the railway? That adds to the appreciation of this trip on one of the world's steepest railways to run on regular (not cog) rails.
  16. Following seas, but also following weather systems. I've done EB TAs and had rainy weather travel with us most of the way.
  17. I've seen the "no upgrades" sign on nearly every cruise I've taken. I sometimes wondered if they put that out to stop people asking. I never would have thought to go to voyage sales and ask them. I wonder if upgrade availability will be reduced by the "bid up" option.
  18. It's actually 5 hours, and no, they don't discount the price. In fact, one of her captains joked in his remarks at a cocktail party, that westbound is a bargain because you get 5 extra hours for free.
  19. Having seen the original Top Hat (and all the Fred & Gingers) MANY times, I have to say the trimming was well done. I did notice that they added songs from other movies, including one from a Judy Garland musical. So if they played fast and loose with Irving Berlin, I wonder what they will do with Jane Austen???
  20. I agree. I've brought a bottle or two of wine if we visited a winery or a few bottles of a local beer. Maybe a bottle of fizz for a balcony sailaway. But I found it odd that there was no ginger ale. They used to have the Fever Tree, which was excellent.
  21. I rarely take wine onboard, and I don't bother with water or soft drinks. But last fall on QV, there was no ginger ale, and that's my go-to remedy if things get a bit bouncy. Am I allowed to bring on soft drinks?
  22. Well, considering my favorite version runs 6 hours, it would definitely need multiple nights!
  23. I have to say, Cunard is kinder to solos than other lines. Until you get up to the Grills cabins, a solo pays 175% of double occupancy. And they've had single cabins, going back to the days of QE2. They were small, but fine for one. I don' t know how many people who booked them realized that they did cost more than half of a comparable double. But they still were less than being a solo paying 175% or 200% in a double cabin.
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