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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute Ada Lovelace. I'll face some fears, but not today. Working in healthcare, I'm used to using metric for some things. And in baking, ingredient measures in grams and ml is much more accurate. The quote sounds typical for Chandler's style of detective fiction. It's also World Mental Health Day. I like the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I have been to Wellington, on my first HAL cruise in 2006; I mainly toured LOTR sites. 2 notable days in history, one very sad. Very late today. It's only 60 out, but partly sunny, which helps. I got a few things done this morning, then was preparing to leave for PT when I got a call from the pain medicine office. They had a cancellation and wanted to see if I could come in tomorrow, instead of Nov 16. Of course I said yes! I'm glad as for the last week, in addition to the leg pain, the leg frequently feels tingly and numb, like when your arm falls asleep. That's been freaking me out a bit. So I'll see what they say, whether they want a new MRI or if they think epidural steroids will help. Then I went to PT and got a good workout in, and stopped at Aldi before coming home. Now I'm tired and hungry. @grapau27 Your meals have been looking very good. And thanks for the info on Ada Lovelace. @StLouisCruisers Lovely pictures from Wellington, as I didn't get to see much of the city. Continued prayers for Scott, and Susan's and your DBs. My arm is still sore from Saturday's RSV shot. @cruising sister I'm glad your asthma is improving. Sad to hear that Murphy isn't showing improvement; prayers for her and the family. @smitty34877 Good news that the aide seems to be working out. @rafinmd Nice sunrise. And your meals have been nice to see too. @marshhawk Sorry to hear of all the issues. Lately I've been getting those "USPS" texts about my address being wrong, when I know there's nothing coming, and just delete as scams. Deep breaths, you'll get through everything. @Heartgrove Thanks for the book recommendation. @Cruzin Terri I'm sorry your sleep is unrestful; I can relate. You have so much going on - hugs. @kazu I hope you're having a blast on your cruise! @sailingdutchy Great Wellington photos. @Cruising-along I hope Rhonda gets better and able to be discharged soon. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  2. I thought I missed it. I hope the crew member is ok.
  3. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Denise T, safe travels to Colorado for your conference All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires, earthquakes in Afghanistan Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: 1Angelcat’s friend Barb post surgery for pancreatic cancer StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome back Ichiban Nekko and Cruzn single Welcome to the Daily BobbiSox Lazey1’s son arrives HAL Sailer’s DH improved, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Mamaofami’s DH Sam hospitalized, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Smitty34877 has heat The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: WannaSea (Eurodam to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal) and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Curious events sounds interesting. Fire prevention is so important. I'll salute Leif Erikson. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Jeju Island. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Brrr. It's cold. It was 41 this AM, now up to 52F (high 56F). At least it's sunny today. It's about 64F in the house; I'm still trying to resist turning on the heat. No plans for today other than laundry. I may try to putter around downstairs during the wash cycle, to decrease the trips up and down the stairs, but I think it's too cold down there. @StLouisCruisers That's what is said about smoke detectors, although mine are part of my alarm system (hardwired) and I was told they didn't need to be changed as often. I do replace my CO monitors every 10 years. I'm sorry to hear of Scott's complications. Odd about DD's phone call to your landline situation. @Heartgrove Haha on the singles mingle invite! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Cheju City. @Haljo1935 I hope PT helps the pain. Maybe some ice on it after therapy? @RMLincoln We all care about all in our Daily family. @cruising sister Prayers for stability or improvement for Murphy. @Mr. Boston Welcome home! @BobbiSox Welcome to the Daily. That's a cruise I'd like to do some day. @ger_77 I hope your shoulder is feeling better soon. @Himself Nice to see you here, Father. @smitty34877 I hope you have heat soon. @Seasick Sailor Oh my on all the events with your friends. Good news on the VA benefits. I'm glad Oliver is doing well. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate.
  5. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, off vent All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: Lady Hudson’s DH Bill with bronchitis Dfish and JazzyV with leg and back pains RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day HAL Sailer’s DH improved, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Mamaofami’s DH Sam hospitalized, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Haljo1935 nominated as a compassionate leader at work The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: Ichiban Nekko (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Cruzn single (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), WannaSea (Eurodam to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific), Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) and Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)
  6. Debbie, you sound just like me. I had 3 issues. One was thigh pain, but that started after PT did some aggressive passive stretching and I think they pulled a muscle. That is now gone. The right thigh issue and some tingling of the leg I think comes from the spine. I have one bulging disc, other discs that have some damage, and mild spinal stenosis. I also have some sacroiliitis on the right and some lower back muscle spasms. Then there's both knees that are very painful. I'm sorry to hear the epidural steroid shots didn't do a lot. I don't see the pain doctors until mid-November, and I was hoping if they suggest those shots that they would work wonders. Oh no, on the earthquake. I hope everyone's ok.
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No tag for me, nor motorcycle riding. Music can add so much to life. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink. Yes to the wine. I haven't been to Split. 2 important days in history. Praying for peace in all areas of conflict. It's cold here. It started out in the mid-40's and is now up to 52F. It was 64 in my bedroom; I'm trying not to turn on the heat yet, and will use some small heaters as needed. I hate to whine (I know others have much more serious issues), but this morning wasn't fun. I had the usual leg pain, that seemed to take much longer to ease up. But my back! I think it's sacroiliitis and since I stopped ibuprofen it's bad again. So I popped ibuprofen and gingerly made my way downstairs. I meant to put on a patch, but forgot. Now that I've been sitting a while and the med is kicking in, I am feeling better. The arm that got the RSV shot is a bit sore, but not bad; no other symptoms from it. @WannaSea @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage! @StLouisCruisers Nice Split photos. @cat shepard Thank you for your daily wine posts. @summer slope Thank you for your daily drink posts. @RMLincoln I'm sorry some of the retreat was tough for you, but I'm glad your friend was there to help. Good luck with picking a realtor. @dfish Thanks for your daily recipe posts. @mamaofami Sorry to hear that Sam was hospitalized again and I hope he gets to go to rehab tomorrow. @ottahand7 I guess we'll be on opposite sides for the football game today, lol. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos. Big difference in the crowds depending on the season. @smitty34877 Prayers that the replacement oil tank is in tomorrow. Continued prayers for you, Tana and the family. @cunnorl Enjoy your dinner belatedly celebrating DH's birthday. @marshhawk That's not good that you have so much trouble with the doctor's office. And a sensor giving wrong information is worse than no readings at all. I'm glad you decided that you need to take some time for you; quality of life is important! @rafinmd Nice sunrise. And thanks for the photos of your meals. @Cruising-along @sailingdutchy Lovely photos from Split and surrounding areas. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those with something to Celebrate.
  8. Someone else mentioned this same thing about viewing pictures on Roy's blog, and it was suggested they use a different browser. That reportedly fixed the issue. Maybe give that a try.
  9. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, off vent All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: Lady Hudson’s DH Bill with bronchitis Tana’s pulmonary issues Smitty34877 grieving the loss of her DD DH Lou and caring for Tana Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage WannaSea (Sue)! Bon Voyage Horizon Chaser 1957 (Laura)! Welcome back Mr. Boston and Nickelpenny – safe travels home HAL Sailer’s DH improved, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Smitty34877 finding a new aide Haljo1935 nominated as a compassionate leader at work The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: Ichiban Nekko (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Cruzn single (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), WannaSea (Eurodam to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific), Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) and Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)
  10. I think that may have been what was in this house when I moved in. All the appliances were at least 30 years old I think, and I moved in here in 1995. When that dishwasher wouldn't drain, it was so old that no parts could be found to repair it. So reading online, I decided to look at Bosch and I'm happy with the one I have.
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll pass on bald and free day. I walked to school. There were no school buses, as my town was only about 1 sq mile big. Grammar school was only a couple of blocks away (my DM also taught there). High school was almost a mile away, and my DM would usually take me in the morning, and I'd walk home. I'm all for world smile day. Cryptic quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Isle of Skye. Good days in history. I'm sad to learn of what is going on now in Israel; prayers for that country. And for the cruisers nearby. It was a chilly 45F this AM, but now up to 56; we might make 60. At least the sun is out, after hard rain overnight. I went to CVS for my RSV vaccine late this morning. I don't know what's going on with this store, but first there was a sign saying they were closing at 6 instead of 9PM. At the pharmacy, there was only the pharmacist, who was trying to answer the phone, give out prescriptions and give vaccines to the many who were there. Occasionally someone from the front would come back to help out. I guess they are short of employees today. It would be a good day to work in the yard, but I don't think I'm up to it today. @StLouisCruisers I hope Ren and DS enjoy their visit to ND. Great photos; you were lucky to have such nice blue skies! @RMLincoln I hope your retreat is the respite you seek. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. @smitty34877 Sorry about the oil leak; at least it's not the dead of winter. I grew up at a house with an oil tank that was in the basement. We eventually switched over to natural gas. I hope Tana will not be impacted. @Lady Hudson Best wishes for DH's recovery from the bronchitis. @quilty964 I like my Bosch dishwasher; it's very quiet and cleans the contents well. @ottahand7 Nice photo of the cabin, and your visitor. @marshhawk I know you'll enjoy your time in Italy, then Rome to Home! @ger_77 Enjoy the wedding. Wow on that mix-up with a shower curtain instead of a table cloth! @Cruising-along Thanks for sharing your photos. @HAL Sailer Wonderful news about your DH. Many here have been praying for him and will continue to do so. @luvteaching I'm glad you had a nice visit with your DM. The farm visits sound like a fun thing to do. @sailingdutchy Great photos, Tony. @rafinmd Wow, great sunrise. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  12. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized with pneumonia and afib StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, off vent All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine From the Rotation: 1Angelcat’s friend Stephanie with leg fractures, post-surgery StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Catmando with cancer recurrence, on immunotherapy Cruising-along’s friend Rhonda with kidney stones/abcess & new DM dx Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Kazu (Jacqui)! Bon Voyage 0106 (Tina)! Bon Voyage St Pete Cruiser! Welcome home WannaSea Crazy For Cats feeling better Smitty34877 finding a new aide Haljo1935 nominated as a compassionate leader at work The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for WannaSea (Eurodam Oct 8 to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise) 1 day for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam Oct 8 to Oct 28, Panama Canal) Mr. Boston (Oosterdam to Oct 8, Med Tapestry, Greece & Adriatic Antiquities), Nickelpenny (Noordam to Oct 8, Wine Country & PNW), Ichiban Nekko (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Cruzn single (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific), Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), and St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn)
  13. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all Canadians. I'll salute PA's and Come and Take it Day. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink. I would try the wine. I have been to Australia, but I haven't been to Albany. Both important days in history. Prior to Sabin's vaccine, Salk worked here at Pitt on an inactivated vaccine. There are still people around that participated in his vaccine trials. It's dreary and rainy here, with a temp of 67F. I had another poor night of sleep. I was so tired that I ate some chocolate covered coffee beans before going to PT late morning. I might try for a nap, but I normally can't nap. I also noticed what I think is a ganglion cyst on my wrist; I had one years ago on the other side, and it spontaneously resolved (I hope that happens with this one). @StLouisCruisers I have my DM's notation of my getting 3 injections (Salk) for Polio in 1956 also, but I seem to remember getting the sugar cube later (Sabin). Great photos from Albany. @grapau27 Felicitations to you and Pauline on the anniversary of your engagement! @Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm glad you're feeling better today. Don't work too hard on the house! @RMLincoln I'm glad that DH's bloodwork was relatively good, and hope he's able to decrease or discontinue some of the eye meds. Enjoy your retreat. @smitty34877 So good to hear that you had a nice night out with your DB and DSIL. You deserve time to decompress and relax a bit. Continued prayers for Tana. @Cruzin Terri Hugs to you and DH on this sad anniversary of DBIL's passing. @Haljo1935 I hope your cough is gone soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the explanation of Come and Take it Day. @rafinmd Thanks for the sunset photo. @Cruising-along Congrats on the new cruise booking! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  14. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized with pneumonia and afib StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, off vent Cruising-along’s friend Rhonda with kidney stones/abcess & new DM dx Crazy For Cats not feeling well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine From the Rotation: 1Angelcat’s friend Stephanie with leg fractures, post-surgery Quartzsite cruiser’s DH Steve’s post-shunt placement Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder, PT for now and eventual surgery Celebrations and Shoutouts: Rafinmd now on Crystal Serenity Smitty34877 finding a new aide Haljo1935 nominated as a compassionate leader at work The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Kazu (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) 1 day for 0106 (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) 1 day for St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) 2 days for WannaSea (Eurodam Oct 8 to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise) 2 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam Oct 8 to Oct 28, Panama Canal) Vmax1700 (Rotterdam to Oct 7, Jewels of the Baltic), WannaSea (Koningsdam to Oct 7, AK Inside Passage), Mr. Boston (Oosterdam to Oct 8, Med Tapestry, Greece & Adriatic Antiquities), Nickelpenny (Noordam to Oct 8, Wine Country & PNW), Ichiban Nekko (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Cruzn single (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector) and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  15. I had trouble with my ulnar nerve and they thought they'd need to reposition it at the elbow. But with therapy it got better. My only remnant is a slight bend to the ring and pinky fingers when I open my hand completely.
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Every day should be do something nice day. I'm no poet. I salute teachers, including my dearly departed DM. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Tromso. 4 interesting days. It's currently 81F and sunny. The last of these really pretty days I think. Well, yesterday was a mixed bag. The new eyeglasses seem ok, and my bloodwork was fairly normal. BFF came to pick me up for dinner carrying roses. I said to him that we'd agreed on no gifts. He didn't consider the flowers a gift, lol, so I have a dozen beautiful pink roses. I had a nice dinner of steak, baked sweet potato and a salad. Unfortunately like the last time I ate out, I had bad intestinal issues from the time I got home until this morning. I had specifically tried to eat sort of plain things. I've sent a message to my GI person. In addition, I was awakened twice during the wee hours with leg pain. On a good note, my eye exam this afternoon regarding the uveitis showed all quiet in the eyes. Again, thanks for all the Birthday good wishes yesterday. @StLouisCruisers I was happy to read that Scott has shown improvement. That's wonderful about DD's former students sending those emails of appreciation. Lovely Tromso photos. @rafinmd On to your Serenity cruise! @luvtoride I had to look up what ROMEO stood for, lol. @smitty34877 I do hope the new aide works out. @RMLincoln I hope DH's bloodwork reports are ok. And that you both have minimal side effects from your vaccines. Lots of brownie making going on at your house! @Smmessineo A wonderful sentiment about how doing something nice can be small and not cost a thing. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Tromso. I scheduled for the RSV vaccine online at my pharmacy. No mention of a prescription. I'm going to check if there's a charge. @dfish Hmm, I didn't know Social Security had those type of rules. That sucks. @marshhawk That cat sitter sounds like a piece of work, using your stuff while at your house, and not coming and feeding the cats as he should! Nice of Donna to make the offer. I do hope you find joy in your life again. @Haljo1935 I hope the shoulder is less sore soon. How nice that you were nominated for recognition as a Compassionate Leader! Congrats. @luvteaching Enjoy the day with DM. @Seasick Sailor Yay to feeling fine! @Norseh2o Wow, you've been busy! Enjoy the Audi A5; I'm jealous. @kazu Thanks for stopping in, and lovely photos. Enjoy Amsterdam! @sailingdutchy Nice garden area, but I bet it's a lot of work. The changing colors of the trees are very pretty. @mamaofami I hope everything is ok with you and Sam. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  17. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized with pneumonia and afib StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, off vent 1Angelcat’s friend Stephanie with leg fractures, post-surgery Cruising-along’s friend Rhonda with kidney stones/abcess & new DM dx Crazy For Cats not feeling well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine From the Rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Cruising-along’s DBIL diagnosed with prostate cancer RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues Lady Hudson’s DH Bill with bronchitis Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome to the Daily Smmessineo Smitty34877 finding a new aide RMLincoln’s progress toward the move The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Kazu (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) 2 days for 0106 (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) 2 days for St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam Oct 7 to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn) 3 days for WannaSea (Eurodam Oct 8 to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise) 3 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam Oct 8 to Oct 28, Panama Canal) Vmax1700 (Rotterdam to Oct 7, Jewels of the Baltic), WannaSea (Koningsdam to Oct 7, AK Inside Passage), Mr. Boston (Oosterdam to Oct 8, Med Tapestry, Greece & Adriatic Antiquities), Nickelpenny (Noordam to Oct 8, Wine Country & PNW), Ichiban Nekko (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Cruzn single (Zuiderdam to Oct 10, The Atlantic Coast), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector) and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  18. Wow, the site went down just as I hit submit on my long post! Thankfully it posted. @Cruising-along I'm glad you got your visas taken care of.
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