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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for all who contribute to the Fleet Report/Daily. I really like tortilla chips, plain or as nachos, or just with salsa. Paczki are big around here, as there's a large population of Polish descent. Definitely a salute to bartenders. Interesting quote. No to the meal for me (fish) and pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Reykjavik, but would like to go there. Thanks for the pictures. It's cloudy and much cooler than the beautiful day yesterday. I'm back from getting my hip bursa injection; hopefully it will help. It was a wild night last night. I was getting ready to go to bed about 10:45PM and the power flickered on and off about 5 times, then went out. It was a little windy, but not bad. I got on my county emergency app and saw that there were transformer explosions all around in about 5 communities! Odd. On NextDoor people were posting pictures of the flashing explosions. So I stayed up, and about midnight decided to use my solar generators. I put the fridge on one, the basement chest freezer and house alarm system on another, and used the smaller one for my CPAP. I tried to go to sleep and after finally drifting off, was awakened by the power coming back on around 1:15AM. I slept solidly after that until the alarm at 7:15. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start up today. Great photos form Reykjavik. @rafinmd I hope you did sleep better last night. @grapau27 That's good news that Sarah's injections seem to be working. I'm sure she appreciated the time with you and Pauline yesterday. @Crazy For Cats It looks pretty there, especially if you don't have to go out in it. @RMLincoln I'm glad you made if there safely and prayers that all the family flying in get there on time and safely. @cat shepard I hope the family time is healing for all. @kazu I hope the snow ends soon. Planting seeds will be fun. @aliaschief I hope your checkup goes well. @ottahand7 Thank you for sharing your day yesterday. @ger_77 Not good to not have heat in the frozen tundra! Thank goodness you have electric heaters and gas fireplaces. I was worried if my power stayed out last night; electric heaters are useless but I do have a gas fireplace. Sorry about the computer delay. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana and her son, as they navigate her illness. @TAW1963 Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily! @Quartzsite Cruiser Great collection of photos. @kochleffel Hopefully you're feeling totally better soon. @luvteaching Good news! @marshhawk Thinking of you, DH and Neko today. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone and safe.
  2. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia; more tests RIP 2/22/23 My BFF’s Uncle Those in the path of snowstorms and ice Cruising sister’s DGS dealing with loss of family members Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria and Sicily New Zealand affected by cyclone/flooding, with deaths/missing people Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Marshhawk’s Neko crossing the rainbow bridge Tana’s pulmonary issues Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: All who contribute to the Fleet Report/Daily Luvteaching’s DH’s continued improvement 1 day for RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam 2/25 to 3/8) 1 day for SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam 2/25 to 3/11) 1 day for Cruisercl (NCL Bliss 2/25 to 3/12) 1 day for Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium 2/25 to 3/4) Lady Hudson (Enchantment of the Seas to 3/3), ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  3. Good afternoon. It is gorgeous out; sunny and 70! Sorry to those with snow and ice. The stress test was good, yay! I got my pharmacy to straighten out the prescription (they too were surprised the brand cost less than generic, and have to order it for me). And I'm now a T-mobile customer. Next will be changing my home and auto insurance. Thank you all for the condolences. @StLouisCruisers The ice at DDIL's is pretty but dangerous to trees, powerlines and people. Good for you for getting to the gym! @marshhawk Hugs to you and DH for what you face tomorrow with Neko. @Quartzsite Cruiser I agree, neither man would have wanted to linger, so the fact that they didn't is a blessing. Interesting about T-mobile; I had planned and did use a bank account for auto-pay. @superoma Sorry to hear you lost power, but good you had DD to go to, and I'm glad it's back on now. Fancy, being able to remotely change your thermostat. Another pretty iced tree; I hope it doesn't harm the tree. @lindaler Happy Birthday! Great sunset. @cruising sister Condolences to your niece on the loss of her friend. And sad about DGS struggling after the loss of two important people in his life; good that he's seeing a therapist. @jodi58 Congrats on the Springsteen tickets! My BFF was online this AM too, at the request of his cousin in Germany, to get tickets; he and a friend will be here in September for the local concert. @grapau27 Great looking dinner Graham. @ottahand7 I'm glad that you didn't lose power, and I hope your siblings' power is back on soon. So sad about that firefighter. @sailingdutchy Tony, thanks for the great photos from Hobart. @rafinmd Good to hear you're no longer a prisoner in your house. Prayers for good results.
  4. Good morning. Thank you @richwmn for setting things up so the Fleet Report/Daily can continue. No dog here, but I know they appreciate biscuits. I attempted tennis many years ago. Digital learning is a big thing now. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and wine. Yes to the drink. I've been to Burnie, Tasmania, but not Hobart. It's going to be sunny and maybe tie or break a record with a temp of 70F this afternoon. I got a good 7 hours of sleep last night, yay. I need to go to the pharmacy to protest that a generic eye drop is $99, while the brand name is $37 on my insurance, and they want to give me the expensive one. Then see about changing my phone service to T-mobile, so I can have international data for free when traveling overseas. We got the sad news from Germany yesterday that BFF's uncle had passed.The day before I had just messaged his son in Germany to send my love to them both. His course was eerily similar to BFF's Father's; they both were well, then became ill and had a rapid downhill course over about 3 weeks. BFF's DF was 93, his uncle 84. Thank you all for the condolences. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today. I'm glad you got better sleep. Sorry about the knee issues; I can relate. Nice photos from Hobart. @rafinmd I hope the results from the monitor are positive. @kazu Thank you for reminding us we have much to be thankful for. Keep up the good work with your exercises. @Mtn2Sea Great photos from Tasmania. @Cruzin Terri I hope the tile contractor can get to you soon. In the meantime unpacking continues. @ger_77 That was a good outcome at the dentist. @smitty34877 Prayers for your DH and for an easy resolution of his issues. Sorry to hear that you've had issues with an aide for Tana, and kudos to her son for helping out. @grapau27 I'm sure your support is very comforting to Sarah. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone. Tasmanian Devil BFF with a Wombat in Tasmania
  5. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia; more tests RIP 2/22/23 My BFF’s Uncle Those in the path of snowstorms and ice All our sleep deprived Dailyites Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria and Sicily New Zealand affected by cyclone/flooding, with deaths/missing people Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Marshhawk’s having to make a hard decision about Neko Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage Lady Hudson! Kochleffel feeling better StLouisCruiser’s numbness improved Luvteaching’s DH’s continued slow improvement 2 days for RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam 2/25 to 3/8) 2 days for SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam 2/25 to 3/11) 2 days for Cruisercl (NCL Bliss 2/25 to 3/12) 2 days for Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium 2/25 to 3/4) Lady Hudson (Enchantment of the Seas to 3/3), ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  6. Yay, another Charla "live". And congrats to Jeremy for quitting. I'll be going on my first Celebrity cruise in April, a transatlantic (also a first for me) on Apex.
  7. It sounds like the bad weather has started for many. Be safe and I hope power stays on for everyone. @Stewie & wife Welcome! @kplady Thanks for the photos. Your cruise sounds great; are you on the Grand Princess?
  8. Good afternoon. I'm back from my stress test. I feel like a pincushion due to my tiny veins (the only small about me, lol). I decided to get lab work first, and it took 3 sticks just to get the 2 tubes of blood needed. Then for the stress test, 2 sticks to get an IV in. The test was fine, except the stuff they give to speed the heart up (in lieu of being on the treadmill), gave me a headache and a little breathlessness. They give you caffeine after the procedure, which reverses those symptoms (Pepsi). I'm adding to that now with my delayed morning coffee. I may have results in MyChart this evening. It's pouring rain, but better that than ice or snow! Stay safe all who are getting foul weather. @marshhawk Sorry to hear of the hard decision you must make about Neko. I know you'll do what's best for him. @Cruising-along Thanks for the photos of Djupivogur.
  9. Good morning on this Ash Wednesday. HBD GW and I try to be humble. Nice quote. I'll pass on the meal (no coconut due to a texture issue), maybe on the punch and yes to the wine if someone else buys it. I've never been to Djupivogur, and look forward to pictures. It's raining here, but above freezing, so hopefully no sleet. Crazy weather continues with 72F tomorrow, then 37 on Friday! I'm heading out to the hospital for my PET stress test shortly; I'll go a bit early due to rain and there's always an accident at my highway exit. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up. @Crazy For Cats Sorry work is being difficult! @rafinmd Have you talked to your doctor about your sleep issues? I hope it improves. I hope the people come soon to put on the monitor. @GTVCRUISER Thanks for mentioning margarita day! @dfish Stay safe during the storm! @ottahand7 Thanks for the food porn. I ordered a special fridge and a sharps container for my TA cruise, for my medication, so hopefully that works out. @HAL Sailer Welcome back. So wonderful of Pearl to have been praying for you and DH the first time at DSIL's request and on her own this time. @ger_77 Good luck at the dentist. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well Everyone. Gotta run!
  10. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia; more tests Graham’s Sarah losing a close friend Those in the path of snowstorms and ice All our sleep deprived Dailyites New earthquake in Turkey 2/20; 46,000+ deaths after Feb 3 earthquake New Zealand affected by cyclone/flooding, with deaths and many missing people Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: Kochleffel feeling better StLouisCruiser’s numbness improved Luvteaching’s DH’s continued slow improvement 1 days for Lady Hudson (Enchantment of the Seas 2/23 to 3/3) 3 days for RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam 2/25 to 3/8) 3 days for SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam 2/25 to 3/11) 3 days for Cruisercl (NCL Bliss 2/25 to 3/12) 3 days for Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium 2/25 to 3/4) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  11. Rain tomorrow, but possible sleety stuff. Hopefully farther north, so I can get to my appointment easily. @rafinmd Good to hear there's no infection and the swelling is going down. I know it's frustrating to get such a wide window for them to come put on the device; it's like the cable company used to be, although they've improved to 4-hour windows. Prayers for good results. @Seasick Sailor Joy, how inconsiderate of that woman on the elevator. Lots going on on the ship today it seems. @RMLincoln It's getting close! I hope no weather interferes with the driving or flights. We'll look for you on sail-away. @cruising sister Good for you for getting help while you're in this situation. @Overhead Fred Lovely photos; looks like a beautiful place. @Cruising-along I'm glad Captain Soot is getting treatment and hope Smudge stays well. @kochleffel I'm glad you're feeling better. Sounds like food poisoning. @ottahand7 Beautiful sunset.
  12. Good morning on this Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday. No pancakes for me today, as I used to do on Shrove Tuesday. I only once had my cards read. If it means greeting cards, I have saved Birthday and Christmas cards from BFF for years. I'll salute my Mother language of English! Funny quote. I make flank steak fairly often, marinating, then cooking on my indoor grill. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to St. John Island, USVI, only to St. Thomas, on my first ever cruise in 2004. It's rainy and windy here, although not cold. I'm having my coffee now, as I can't have any caffeine or even decaf coffee or tea after 10:30AM, due to my stress test tomorrow. Today I need to go through some of the way too many clothes I have and organize by size (lol) and decide what to donate. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for today's FR/Daily and the St. John photos. That's not much sleep you're getting. @rafinmd I hope you are starting to feel stronger, and that your sleep will be better tonight. @dfish Thanks for the recipes and Dad's marinade. Good luck with the tests. @kazu What a pain with the paperwork! I hope the weather tomorrow doesn't interfere with your going to PT. @ottahand7 Thank you for sharing photos from your cruise. @grapau27 I hope you will find Sarah doing well when you see her on Thursday. @ger_77 Ah, a nice new fast computer! My last one couldn't update to Windows 11, so I got a new one last year. @GTVCRUISER Nice photos! @Cruzin Terri I was sorry to read the MBR wasn't going to be finished when you got home. I'm sure you were tired and good that you slept well last night. @erewhon I'm glad you are safe, but so sad about all that's going on in New Zealand. Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  13. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Graham’s Sarah losing a close friend Kochleffel not feeling well Those in the path of snowstorms and ice New earthquake in Turkey 2/20; 46,000+ deaths after Feb 3 earthquake New Zealand affected by cyclone/flooding, with deaths and many missing people Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care My BFF’s Uncle, who is doing poorly, and has perhaps only days Celebrations and Shout outs: Roy starting to sleep better StLouisCruiser’s numbness improved Luvteaching’s DH’s continued slow improvement 2 days for Lady Hudson (Enchantment of the Seas 2/23 to 3/3) 4 days for RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam 2/25 to 3/8) 4 days for SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam 2/25 to 3/11) 4 days for Cruisercl (NCL Bliss 2/25 to 3/12) 4 days for Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium 2/25 to 3/4) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Presidents Day. I like cherry pie, but not eating sweets now. I'll salute Hoodie Hoo day; come on Spring! Sweet quote. I'll pass on the meal (I like spicy, but too carby), drink and wine. I haven't been to IJmuiden. It's chilly and rain showers are expected. I'm heading out to a doctor's appointment soon. On the way home I need to stop at the pharmacy and the grocery store. Unfortunately one of my eye drops is out of stock. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today, for Rich and Roy! It's great to hear your numbness after Mohs surgery has finally improved. Thanks for the Ijmuiden pictures. @RMLincoln Woohoo on DS getting his passport!. On our prior cancelled cruise in November, BFF and I were doing the same thing by driving to Ft. Lauderdale over 3 days to make it easy. I used to never be able to put in eye drops, even with that alignment bottle. Once it was imperative, I started putting a magnifying mirror suction cupped to my bathroom mirror, and I pull down the lower lid and put drops in the pocket created. @kazu I'm hoping you don't get ice again. I aspire to one day start plants from seeds; for now I just buy what I need at the garden store. @ottahand7 Good news that the house is ok. Sorry to hear of the medical issues of fellow passengers. @rafinmd Roy, good that you slept well. I gave it thought before putting Jimmy Carter on the Care List; I thought that regardless of one's political leanings, there was agreement on his being a humanitarian and a man of faith. Thanks for the sunrise picture. @Cruzin Terri Safe trip home. I hope the bathroom renovation meets your expectations. @TiogaCruiser That present looks great. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  15. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Graham’s Sarah losing a close friend Ger_77 with dental issue RIP Temple University Police officer killed in line of duty 46,000+ deaths after Turkish & Syrian earthquakes New Zealand affected by cyclone/flooding, with deaths and many missing people Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Cruising sister recovering from hand surgery Cruising-along’s kidney issues, seeing Nephrologist next week My BFF’s Uncle, who is doing poorly, and has perhaps only days Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: StLouisCruiser’s starting the Fleet Report/Daily Roy starting to sleep better Cruzin Terri Welcome Home! Dfish’s happiness with her new home, and being near family Luvteaching’s DH’s continued slow improvement 3 days for Lady Hudson (Enchantment of the Seas 2/23 to 3/3) 5 days for RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam 2/25 to 3/8) 5 days for SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam 2/25 to 3/11) 5 days for Cruisercl (NCL Bliss 2/25 to 3/12) 5 days for Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium 2/25 to 3/4) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  16. @superoma That was wise of your DF. As my DM started to get dementia, I had to take away her car keys; although she had misplaced her license and wouldn't drive once she couldn't find it, but I couldn't count on that. You mentioned yesterday making German potato salad. I've tried to make it for my BFF (who is a first generation German American), but wasn't pleased with what I made. Would you share your recipe? Thanks.
  17. Reflection is slow. I had time to go move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, and she's still maneuvering.
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