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Everything posted by sgmn

  1. Thank you 😊 How awful re the heron and your Koi 😟 . Our pond is not that big, maybe four feet x 4 feet, its raised and about four feet high. Good news on the babies, I've never had any but mum always did, she said you had to have 'breeder' Mum always said that once a heron knows where a pond is there'll keep coming back until they've cleared it. I've always cleaned it myself but next spring I may get a professional in as it's a mucky job. The goldfish were from 3inch to about 10 inches so not that big and not valuable. More sentimental as my son and DIL had rescued them from mums pond when we put her house up for rent and filled in her pond
  2. My mum use to have a fake heron statue she said kept real ones away. I've secured the netting more tightly over the pond with some heavy weights to stop the heron getting her beak under. Hope it works
  3. Ha, thanks. I was up there as designated lock tie up person. As there was two locks in fairly quick sucession I thought I may was well stay on top
  4. We have a fish pond in our garden with 6 fish, some of which came from my mums fishpond when she went into a care home in 2016. As it gets colder they spend more time at the bottom of the pond and are difficult to spot. But they are definitely disappearing and we were down to two Then Gary spotted this on our fence , the culprit even though I have netting over the pond. Thought I had lost the last two, but yesterday I spotted them amongst the pond plants
  5. We're trying to get a few trips out on the River before she gets laid up for the winter. For one reason or another we haven't been out as much as we should this year. Out with my brothers and partners last weekend. Stopped in Windsor for a picnic lunch and then on a bit further where the river runs alongside Windsor Great Park.
  6. So true, there's no opportunity to add a tip at my hairdressers using contactless payment. I have to try and remember to take a cash tip. As I just don't use cash anymore I have to search my old cash jar for some ££ or get some out of an ATM
  7. I thought it was because its Australia law to show the complete price upfront without hidden extras
  8. I didn't take anything except paracetamol for my early August bout of covid. It wasn't too bad, but I've got a lingering cough which I can't shake.
  9. Agree, I miss the paper compass. There seems so much more info there than in the app, or maybe it's more different to find than just scanning the paper copy . And I don't always want to take my phone around everywhere
  10. @h20skibumyou always do the most amazibg things with your grandchildren. That cake is VERY impressive 👏 @A&L_Ontsorry to hear your jaw problem is still ongoing, hope it gets back to normal soon. @dani negreanu oh Dani , this year just isn't your year for carefree travelling !! So sorry to hear you and hubby were unwell on the way home. I hope you're both fully recovered and it wont put you off travelling again soon i wasn't on line when you were on your cruise, did you enjoy it? Was it better than Beyond? Hope your cousin makes a rapid recovery
  11. You can get anti chafing shorts/underwear to wear under dresses that I'm interested in, anyone tried them ? https://www.thebigbloomerscompany.co.uk/collections/anti-chafing-knickers
  12. Chops offer a small steak and our waiter gave us one baked potatoe between two of us. Skip the bread, it's a big filler You can always skip the pasta course in the Italian restaurant and the soup/salad course in Chops, my husband always does. Last week in Chops the couple at the table next to us got their desert 'to go'.
  13. Seems strange that all the vendors in all the ports seem to of come out with these restrictions in the last two to three years. Both for age and being medically 100% fit with no medical history. It was difficult to choose something interesting, there were so many conditions. Do the vendors at the ports have the same conditions if you buy locally? In which case is it the vendors or Royal Caribbean ?
  14. Hate people who bully others to get what they want , especially people who can't really answer back like the waiter. Shared tables are tricky . We've had some marvellous dinner companions, other times, usually because of language barriers, it's been more difficult
  15. Happy Belated Birthday Jane 🎂 Hope you enjoyed your B2B and safe travels home.
  16. Looks lovely Graham, it's so much lighter further north than us in the south unless the pic was taken earlier in the day. Went out to the boat this afternoon to give it a good clean as we're taking it out tomorrow with my brothers . Hoping the weather stays good
  17. I was going to post this. I have got a full face mask but am aware of the risk of carbon dioxide build up. I think you have to breathe deeply and evenly, if shallow and fast that's when you get the build up. I don't use it long and always with someone. On our excursions we used the providers normal mask and snorkel
  18. Sorry to hear you got covid. I was also on this cruise and was quite pleased I caught it early August to get it out-of the way. Hubby's come home with a cold but he's tested twice and it's just a cold, not covid
  19. There were so few non US folk it actually worked out really well for us. We had to go to dinning room where we were seen straight away by immigration. After a couple of questions and inputting of computer info we were shown out-of the MDR and a short walk to exit the ship, no queue 😬
  20. When we arrived in Boston we had to see usa customs on the ship before departing the ship. I guess they took the pps so this could be done
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