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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. True. Many diversified cultures. I moved on because the dinner was excellent. I will not complain about something like this especially since he wants to work, and is away from his family for months.
  2. We buy the refreshment package, for Diet Coke and water. At all times we keep at least 10 bottles of water in that so called water cooler. Every time we’re out we stop at any bar and get 2 bottles each to bring back to cabin. We had 2 leftover. Added to the gifts we gave to attendants.
  3. Worked great for me on this cruise. We kept bottle water in cabin and drank 4-5 bottles each a day, plus one at dinner before the alcoholic drinks started. This is the first cruise I only noticed some mild edema.
  4. I usually do not post again once I am home and get yelled at by β€œ The Cat”. But: This cruise was not just about Cruise Critic friends getting together. But moreover the sharing of our lives, stories, hardships, injuries but moreover perseverance. I have never been so honored to be included and accepted for not being from the original group bookings. For this I thank you. The bar was set high for future sailings. I have never met so many new friends, that I will always consider my family. Everyone accepted me and I enjoyed the company of all; So much that if I paid recognition to a few it would be an injustice. However. I must. The one person who I will always remember is Phoebe. Her smile. Her love of life, was shared in her own special way. You left a mark on my heart. I wish you continued happiness as you share your joy of life. Now. This cruise was never about who can do or give more than someone else but the many tokens of appreciation were ongoing. John. @John&LaLa You did good. From beginning to end of the cruise your creativity and sharing was top notch. I thank you. Greg @seadog WOW factor. I am so glad I met such a talented man. But moreover a new friend. Your gift of videography speaks for itself. Andrew @A&L_Ont with Lisa. Thanks for sharing your time and traveling experiences with us. Our conversations had so much experiences in common. Thank you for starting this thread. In closing: ”. . . In life there is always something olde to be sought and enjoyed, always something new to be found and shared. . . Thank you Bella Cruisers for sharing your life with me . . . β€œ Everyone will be always in my prayers. I am honored that I was given the opportunity to share in the thread. Lionesss
  5. Just landed in Cleveland. Luggage obtained Shuttle to hotel to get car. In the seat in front of us a mom in a loud voice kept yelling at her daughter about growing up and being mature. She continued on telling her how disappointed she was after what happened. ( I tried to find out the event but she got quiet). Then she goes you need to be a role model for your younger sister. Here’s mom being a role model.
  6. Yes. With later disembark. and many ships in port. There was reference on CC. About long waits. And we were told by porters when line that long at least 45-60 min
  7. I got a bottle from casino another bottle from travel agent yet another for an apology for ship event.
  8. I just remembered something our Uber driver showed us last night as we were going back to Embassy in FLL. He pointed out where the new cruise terminals are being built same waterway but about 1/2 miles from current site. He did not know when they would be completed. Looked massive. At airport now. air conditioning working. Glad I brought a heavy sweat shirt.
  9. Actually speaking with the Maitre D this past week on Oasis he informed me the reason they check you in by room number in CK and place a paper slip in slot for what day of the week you ate at CK. These slips are turned in and TIPS for week are credited to CK for those suite guest and days they ate in CK. It is not automatic that all suites have their gratuities directed to CK for whole cruise.
  10. Part two Took the elevator up to our room with one member of the house keeping staff and she commented on how she cannot believe how cold it is. I go how cold is it. She responds in the 50’s. We told her we’re going home to the 20’s and snow. Pulled out a heavier shirt. 08:30
  11. Good morning from FLL. Today is travel home day. Traditionally we walk around the neighborhood checking out Publix gift boutiques. And see a few homeless people. Today, we will not have time. Have to go to the airport to travel home. But wait! Whats this? Seated behind me at the Embassy breakfast low and beholdβ€”β€” a homeless person. How do I know. The nice security man wished him a good morning and let him actually finish his breakfast before they kindly escorted him out. I was actually impressed with the compassion. Ok. Time to pack. Think and pray for us as we travel today back home. 08:19.
  12. Dinner was at Coconuts in Fort Lauderdale It was excellent. Then back to our hotel for the night. Embassy Suites. Once again and probably for the last time we are staying here. Why? First the good -Close to Publix- last minute stuff -clean rooms -breakfast on site -no bed bugs. -free drinks. We had 1 each. Now the needs -old hotel. Furniture/ carpet needs updated -toilet height perfect for a toddler -one small bar of soap for hand washing and shower -1 washcloth 2 bath towels, no hand towels -no cups or glasses to drink from. -only 5 elevators for 10 stories of rooms. -2 attendants working reception -1 computer working out of total of 5 to print boarding pass. Waited for person to print their whole speech for teacher presentation here for conference. Other than that a bed to sleep is all I need. Later
  13. Our cruise maybe over but we are still on vacation. Spending the night recuperating in FLL at the Embassy Suites. Along with the room comes a mini complimentary drink package of 2 drinks per person at the managers happy hour and a half. However if your very nice to registrations girl and tell her how much you enjoy the friendly staff. One that makes you stay here time and time again. Thus extra drink coupons. Thought I better do a spell check before an error is found and brought to my attention. 😜 But consuming 4 drinks could make one even with spell check make a mitsake 😳. Elderly couple gave us 2 of their tickets. Now we have enuf. ( addendum).. Not directed at posters above. πŸ˜ƒ
  14. yes. When you check in for dinner they print a slip with your cabin number as well as number to be dining. Then it is filed in their little divided box at desk to be turned in, a slot for each day. This is how their tips are allocated from MDR. per Maitre D on Oasis.
  15. We just disembarked from the Oasis at port of Miami. And located behind pickup area #5 were porters standing in front of a large baggage cart shouting LUGGAGE DROPOFF they were not going to cars that were unloading. Nor were other porters bringing luggage to them. They were waiting for cruisers to bring the luggage and they placed on cart. Then they accepted a tip. I also saw the escalator that lifted the luggage up. That door was open. The attendant threw the bags on belt. Yes. Definitely not gently. Nothing amazes me anymore. 11:42
  16. So let me tell you about disembarking. Met in sweet lounge. Led to elevator Crammed and warp speed. Off ship. Luggage easily found Through customs That was the good. Now outside the terminal Passengers coming and going. Actually everyone behaved. No bumping, hitting, cutting. Normal pace. As we walked by at 9am heard 100 min wait for a taxi. Yes folks 100 min. We pre scheduled a private car. Called. Brief wait. Off to FLL. To spend night. However. Did witness some busy busy people waiting for their ride. Blocking the area to pick up your ride between pilons numbered 1-5. Port traffic. Unbelievable. and for those arriving today. Traffic coming to port is bumper to bumper. Next time we leave. Taking 2 Tylenol. Making sure I bring a beer to cabin the night before to take Tylenol with breakfast. 11:00
  17. Now an interesting note. Being on the 17th deck has been fun. And to top it off our toilets are not toileting this morning. No flushy flushy. Glad we brought air fresheners. More to come later. Posts that is. 08:08
  18. Pool day. Upon arrival at 11am. Found one unclaimed chair by beach pool. Dropped and locked our Kyss bag and perched for 2 1/2 hours. Dehydration is the key. Never had to leave to P. and. I DO NOT P IN POOLS. THEN OFF the WJ chicken bucked salad tomatoes French fries back in room packing. 14:59
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