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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. We have arrived in Cleveland. Checked into hotel. Drinks and dinner on our agenda. Oh you may ask what my first drink is. Well I am so dry so first and foremost. Water. Then …….. First some appetizers. Loaded Nachos. Some drinks. Some TV. Dinner leisurely eventually. CHEERS!
  2. Suitcases filled to the brim. Carryons ready. Once backpack and purse complete then we tearfully say our goodbyes to baby Zoey. And of course DD and SIL. Roxy and Ash ( 2 woofers). Next stop. The big city. Cleveland. Catch you later. lionesss 13:24
  3. Oh. I guess I should clarify what I was going to substitute the sea glass for in the event there are slim pickings. To explain. Awhile back we started throwing all loose change in a jar, then a tupper ware bowl and then a water jug. So I thought. Hmmm. Why don’t we ( me) take it on the cruise. Use it to gamble. And then take and do a sand art on the sandy beach. So. I was reminded that slot machines except that money pull do not take coins. But more importantly. We are not taking all that extra weight in a suitcase. Besides it has to weigh about 15 pounds. So now I have to rationalize. We do not have to put it in a suitcase. We can use your back pack. Not going to happen. Time to roll out the coin counter. Hey! Asserts for June cruise. Ok. Time to accomplish something since spouse due home at 11:30. And he knows how hard I am slaving getting everything ready for our cruise. Lionesss 10:39
  4. When we were in the planning stages of this cruise we thought about what to do on Cococay. Last time we were there we booked the beach club. That day was relaxing and fun lounging, eating, drinking….This year we decided to just walk the beaches, swim and take in the β€œfreebie” stuff. Then pick up shells and stones and be creative. I want to leave a momento behind for all to enjoy. Look forward to my posting of my crafty skills Monday evening. Be safe.
  5. @h20skibum Thank you for the update. We will continue to keep your daughter as well as you in our prayers. Also, just remember I am just a hop, skip and jump from you. I can hobble over and we can walk and chill (literally). Just let me know. For now, I wish for better days ahead and health for all. πŸ’–
  6. This Polish/Slovak girl will also have some green on for St. Patricks day. After all it is one of my favorite colors. Currently snowing here. Plan on leaving for Cleveland after lunch. Dinner at Max and Ermas, tonight a tradition. Then staying at a hotel that offers park and fly, with transportation to the airport. Yes, I actually buy that color online and take it with me to the pedi-place. There is just something about sharing nail polish for pedis, especially since I only have 2 feet. I was upto 15,000 steps which is for me around 5 miles. But the hip is not cooperating, so I have to now settle for 10,000 which is around 3-3 1/2 miles. But when I take Ibuprofen, I am able to do more. But, hate taking any more meds than I have to. How exciting for you. When we pack I usually put all the questionable items in the spouses carryon, just in case he gets pulled outside by TSA questioning the contents of his bag. Once he was randomly pulled aside and swabs were taken looking for explosives. He passed. Saves me the trouble of having hot flashes and looking guilty. Lionesss 0800
  7. Last night as I was attempting to fall asleep but found it difficult with the anticipation of the β€œsnow storm” but more importantly. β€œTHE BELLA CRUISE”. I had an idea of something I have often seen and personally experienced while cruising. Now the medical term is; OEDEMA. But cruisers know it as; CANKLES. Yup, swollen ankles. In the past we have also had the opportunity to view others who suffer from this malady. Now causes can vary and are not limited to just a few. Namely: -consumption of mass quantities of salty food -lack of exercise due to consumption of mass quantities of alcohol, causing one to be stationary, and or inability to walk or even to consume mass quantities of salty food which a sober person may not do. So here-in pictured posted is the pre-cruise/travel baseline of my feet with ankles easily visualized. As time goes on, updates will be presented. These two feet will be a necessary attribute to my reporting during this cruise as well as getting me wherever I need to go. For example. The track. We are hoping to continue to walk at least once a day and get our steps in. Ok Enough about feet. (But isn’t that a pretty nail polish color). More exciting topics to be presented and not limited too. Posting cruise compass (😜). Chair Hogs Tips, not typsy Promenade sales Food porn Too name a few. That’s all for now. lionesss 06:47.
  8. Good morning. Too excited to sleep. Got up with spouse for breakfast as he prepares for his last work day before vacation. Today. Tying up loose ends and watching the weather. Be safe Stay warm.
  9. I have all our main shows and dinner on our phones. After we board and meet fellow Bella-lites I will some how some way get a copy of the cruise compass. Look it over and see what times different events are held. Now Sunday is pretty much spoken for with meeting the friends that helped me get through these past 18 months. But, the first night I usually visit the casino and walk around and scope it out. and in addition meet with casino hostess regarding our slot pull. And of course practice. Then looking for a machine that would be fun to play for slot pull. Monday is Cococay. After that I will daily plan our next day activities. We have become predictable on what events we do . But hoping we can do quest and all be in same section. We have got to have the winning team. ok later be safe.
  10. Good afternoon. To start at the beginning, a little background information. And just a refresher for some who follow live threads. I am sure many are familiar with our talented men who came up to the plate to use their skills in planning this thread. A couple years back, this cruise was in the planning stages by @John&LaLa. One by one others joined in; A&L_Ont, lionesss and Sea Dog. Now it took some convincing on my part to join this cruise, because we never traveled in the winter with the possibility of snowstorms. After some discussions, the spouse agreed and I can happily say I was not going to be on the outside looking in. During this time, we got to know one another as well as those who booked this cruise. It was somewhere in the last few months it was talked about who would do the live thread. Then it was decided to incorporate the input of cruisers who have shared their travels and talents before. To begin with John&LaLa are the most experienced travelers and they have been able to provide great insight. Next is A&L_Ont, it is through his many live threads we all got to appreciate his adventures and reviews of cruise life as well as excursions. Next, Sea Dog. Now he has to be one of the best videographers known as his trophy case displays. His videos are top notch. He was gifted a remarkable talent. And deserved credit for all his hard work. Now me. I have over the last few years presented two live reviews as well as one summary review. Now when your dealing with β€œ modern technology” and me - one who used the slide rule in physics, it is hard to learn new trends. So my posts will be old fashioned pictures with dialogue. So the three wise men worked diligently to prepare, plan and begin this thread, Deserve the utmost recognition. As for me, in addition to the core group of men who will keep the thread exciting. I will be your commercials. Story time. The first dilemma was finding a sitter. Our Lizzy is 9 months old and needed a babysitter. So, since it is spring break our DD, SIL and three kids will be house sitting. Daughter and son in law with Granddaughter above. Grand pups below. So now as I write this. I have been following the weather channel. And flying could get interesting. So hopefully, the flights will be on time. So for now. Your roving reporter is signing off. And to think. If it were not for Miss Bella this live update would not have happened. lionesss 15:43.
  11. A few days ago we realized that Lizzy was jumping up on our dresser to see herself in the mirror. We would β€œencourage β€œ her to get down in whatever means possible. So the great parents we are, we put a mirror on her scratch box to see if she would admire herself. Yup. Time for a bigger mirror or smaller cat.
  12. I have an older car, that is not a classic, but I enjoy it for the looks, 2 door. (2006 GTO) Red with black interior. Of course when I take it to cruise ins a lot of times I get, "Why don't you bring a real classic car next time." I enjoy going with my husband, because he has a "real classic car": (1966 GTO) I have met some fun people and look forward to seeing them at the next weekend event. My husband has won 7 trophies so far, ( engine, paint, participants vote and once best of show when their were over 150 cars at that car cruise. I have actual won 4 trophies. Best in Pontiac, original, paint, and once for Foreign car (Yup the engine was built out of the country and they actually accepted the entry.....I was the only foreign car). Take care
  13. My first car was a Ford Granada. I never needed a car till I started working as a nurse having lived in a dorm, and my father had to sign the loan for me. I paid this car off in 6 months, I hated it. It was brown with a tan interior and had a radio, no air. So over the years, my car history. 1977. Ford Granada 1978 Cordoba, had air but never worked. It was more in the shop, than on the road. 1979 Cutlass 1984 Cutlass 1988 Cutlass Calais Almost killed this car. Too busy to get oil changes, the electrical went. 1994 Voyager (Mom mobile) 2000 Explorer 2007 Equinox 2015 Equinox 2019 GTO (2006 model) 2020 Equinox And soon, after our cruise me and the spouse are picking up our new vehicle which should have been made and delivered. We are soon to be the proud owners of a ***************. You know I will post pictures when that day arrives. Be safe
  14. @brillohead I am truly enjoying your writing of your family research. And some of the findings Thank you for sharing. Be safe
  15. I never knew what the downside was to drinking significant amounts of variable types of mixed drinks/beer until I unfortunately consumed to much on a trip to Myrtle Beach in my first life. When I was young and between boyfriends and I wanted to do something I would ask my brother, because I never wanted to miss a movie or concert or what-ever. Somethings you just do not do with the girls, gotta be a MAN. So, we were both in graduate school and the mid summer break came up. After carrying 28 summer semester hours, and my brother in his second to his last semester in Electrical Engineering, we packed our bags, loaded up the car and left town. Oh the first few days were tons of fun, dancing till the early hours, sleeping by the pool, just plain safe fun. Then came Friday. Never ending Happy hours. The local watering hole was next to our hotel. I drank so many drinks and never spent a penny. It is nice to be young in shape and sociable. Now, it was a long long outing, and I never did shoot shots till that night I was introduced to one of the bars specialty shooters..............A Bionic Beaver.... Now, I have no Idea what was in it but it went down so smooooth. So now its 1:45am, and I think it was last call. We decided that 8 hours of drinking was enough for my liver. We got back to out hotel.........I thought, hmmmmm I am hot. I'm going swimming. Big mistake Land form of sea sickness.................. I spent the next 20 hours in the bathroom hugging the porcelain bowl, praying that I would never drink again like that if I can survive this. It was so bad the last few hours I was throwing up greenish slime. The only reason I would crawl out of the bathroom was if my brother had to P or he took his shower. He must have primed his liver, he slept all night, never threw up. Looking back I am sure I was darn near close to alcohol toxicity. This is the brother that when we went to a movie I had to have a purse big enough to hold his beer cans. Yup if you pop the top during a movies quiet time it does draw attention. And as the years have gone on and I grew older, and always being on call, and drinking just does not fit into the picture, my tolerance is way low. When I am out, then 2-3 drinks a day is my limit. D+, means happy husband he gets 7-8. Plus I am signature in the casino, so in the event the limit is reached.....casino bar here we come. Anyway On the Bella cruise, Water will be my best friend Saving my toast for the Bella-lites when we meet. Stay safe
  16. We have eaten in CK on over 8 different cruises on 3 different ships. Allure, Oasis, and Symphony. We have always done specialty dining at least once, and WJ as well once on every cruise for dinner. So 5 days each cruise CK. Only once in our dining experience did I have to send a plate back. And it was BAD! It was some kind of fish, late in the week. When it arrived the smell.............was bad. I immediately sent it back. The waiter, the Matre'D as well as the chef came out and talked to me. I just said the smell does not at all appeal to me. The promptly served me the dally option of chicken. Now, that chicken is also not one of my favorites, usually over cooked and dry. I usually select one Entre from the daily choices with no problem. And, the worse case scenario is ordering off the kids menu. Be safe.
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