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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. First our lovely mothers holding their precious daughters. Christina with Zoey and Cara with Harper. sister in law The dads Brandon with Zoey and Dylan with Harper. Brother
  2. @Tree_skier Dave. I unfortunately also am under the weather; for me head cold nasal congestion with mild sore throat. I am glad we left visiting our new granddaughter before I could share this. Kept busy unpacking and washing clothes. Made wedding soup for dinner. Today. Love my Claritin. Tylenol Ibuprophen fluids I hope all stay well. Take care
  3. I re read the thread and cannot find out why you sailed at 9 am. Weather related ? Thank you. Enjoying following you.
  4. We left our house in Vienna Ohio at 6 am. Roads around Kent Ohio were icy. Slow traffic 40-50 mph. Had to call 911. Car ahead of us weaving into both lanes. One min going 60. The next 25. Got connected to highway patrol. Gave them information as he exited. He had to be drunk. Glad we called. Now let me tell you about road conditions 20 miles north of Columbus thru to Dayton. One almost continuous ice skating rink. Cars and trucks off the road In ditches. 5 trucks in ditches on their side. What normally would have been a 4 hour 15 min drive took 6 hours. Their were plows out dropping whatever they use. But when it’s 12 degrees I’ve not going anywhere. I actually had my flashers on for over an hour. Glad we made it. Baby Zoey doing great. Dinner at 6:30. Take care.
  5. To all those sports fans our local news (WKBN) shared a story (We live halfway between Pittsburgh and Cleveland) and have die hard fans for both the Steelers and the Browns. If you want to go to the Browns game tickets are now $5. If you want to go to the Steelers game tickets are now $10. Guess it is toooo cold for the Die hard loyals. But, I would never go, although the spouse did venture to Cleveland years ago when it was bitterly cold when they were in contention to go the furthest they have ever gone, before they were eliminated. I never knew he could layer so much clothes, long johns, sweats x 2 Parka, gloves, boots full face covering hat, ear muffs. Yup, should have taken a picture. But me just bravely going out to church tonight is good enough. Of course we will start the car to get it warm and DH will drop me off at the door, and then go get the car and pick me up. Take care Stay warm.
  6. Still trying to catch up and not just skim through thread. Have to find time to really read all updates that everyone took time to post. Very cold and windy here. Baby Zoey is getting undivided attention at home. Never left alone. Mom constantly with her. And guard dogs doing what guard dogs do. First. Vienna Then Zoey guardians.
  7. Woke up at 6:30am as the winds were howling. Looked out the window, total white out. coffee in hand and googled power outages. None in our area yet. Rick had to travel to work. First freeway snow covered. Was able to go 55 ish mph and cars passed him. Then on 680 to Boardman slowed down a little. Then. Since ”……I’ll be home TILL Christmas…….” I decided to bake kolachi. Currently 10 degrees. Winds 25-30 mph. Be safe out there Oh Fox News had a story for those living in Florida to be careful for falling iguanas from trees due to cold. 😳
  8. Today was a travel day for me as well as Zoey. They would not give a definite discharge time for her and I wanted to get home avoiding rush hour In Dayton, Columbus and Akron. So I left at 11:30am and got home at 3:30. Akron is undergoing massive road destruction and it was very slow moving coming home. But going south 76 is almost completely finished!!! Zoey went home at 2 pm. We will be with them on Christmas for a few days. Now as to not ignore my Lizzy the minute I hugged her and the ((((((Purrs))))))) we’re loud and constant. I knew I was missed. As I was unpacking I put my robe on over my shorty pajamas. ( no picture not gonna scare you). The leg rubs from Lizzy were constantly happening. I realized I needed to shave. So in the shower I went and Lizzy sat on the throne. When I came out she laid on my feet. Wet feet and all I was definitely missed. So as I am setting the table for dinner she was attentively at my side. Time to chill. Oh dinner, Rick is cooking. So I told him to surprise me. He is. Carry out from one of our favorite restaurants. Gotta love him. Now tomorrow after a 7am store run, gotta catch up on 4 days of CC. Putting on a full pot of coffee. Take care. Mama lions
  9. After happily doing all the finishing shopping errands today so Christina and Brandon can just relax when they get home.. The weather was sunny but only got into the 30s. The wind is what got me. So I did the best I could. Picked up carry out and went to see Christi, Brandon and hold Zoey. Why would I think to re do my hair for the first picture. Anyway. It was awesome, holding such a precious gift. Wow factor. Leaving tomorrow once I start their dinner to get home. We will back to celebrate Christmas Day and stay a few days. ❤️
  10. Over the river and thru the traffic to Zoey’s temporary residence I go. This time to hold her for the very first time. First some more pictures from earlier. Miami university has a contract with this sports company. Them mom decided give the home made milk dispenser a break and let a “ Binky” calm her. Be safe.
  11. Just got home to Christina s and Brandon’s house staying with them. Well the grand pups. Someone got to do it. We’re bonding. Until Ash took off down the street and I am sure the neighbors were wondering who that crazy lady was yelling. Brandon staying with Christina. Cherishing this life moment. Christina and Brandon are exhausted. At first with the hospital reinstated the COVID guidelines only husband, baby daddy or parent of laboring mom permitted in. Well somehow someway when they found out I was a nurse anesthetist, they made an exception. I had to of course wear a mask and not hold the baby today. Her experience got a tad tough. She stops progressing at 6cm. So on came the Pitocin. Low dose at first. Well. She went into constant contractions every minute. The baby was having trouble recovering. Pit off. Contractions still constant. Flooded her with fluids. Had her positioned numerous ways. Final they told her they have to try an epidural. They did it worked. Contractions normal. Mom slept. Time to push. One problem. Baby stayed very high After 3 hours of pushing. Suction cup. And birth. Mom suffered a bad tear. Stitched up. Happy to be holding the miracle of life. Resting now. Breast feeding going well. Of course she started manufacturing weeks ago. Resting now. Just realized I have been up 23 hours. The bed is calling me. As far as what will I be called? Dunno. no preference. I just cannot wait till tomorrow to hold Zoey Rae. More pictures tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. It means so much I must mention the significance of the circle of life. In that had my father been alive……today would have been his 100th birthday. Take care Mama lions ❤️ Well one more picture.
  12. What a long day. Started at 01:30 yup AM. Off to Oxford Ohio. 5 hours later for me. I arrived. 10 hours labor for Christina. Zoey arrived Brandon an excellent coach at her side. Meet my granddaughter. More details will eventually follow when I can see again through all these happy tears.
  13. That reminds me that in November I sent away for one of those letters that kids get from Santa to my daughters, daughter to be. I hope my granddaughter arrives before the letter! Take care Enjoy your getaway. Be safe
  14. Jimbo...............Love, just love your home through the pictures you shared...... Molly, safe travels, and enjoy. To all who celebrate HAPPY HANUKKAH Take care.
  15. Today is the last day to snail mail your Christmas cards. Yup missed that deadline. But. Here is my wish to all my friends here. Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah Happy Holidays. And to everyone who I may have missed. Be safe.
  16. We stayed in the aqua suite on deck 14. Although it was nice with the view and all it did have a couple draw backs that we noticed. Now I am just sharing our experience. It seems at times we were forgotten. Twice, when we left the cabin on sea days at 9am to go to the pool, our cabin was never turned over by the cabin attendant. We usually returned after a long pool day and late lunch, so 2-3pm. Then when I picked up the phone to call house keeping the line was constantly busy. So I called guest services and was put on hold for over 45 min. For this matter I walked to guest services and I filed a report and said although this was not an emergency, if it was and I had to wait 45 min. the outcome could have mattered. It was then I met with the powers that be, and they listened to my complaint, and comped us a dinner at venue of our choice. There is only one bathroom, in the bedroom, so if you had a third person like we did in other room, on pull out sofa, they opened the door to the bedroom area and they thudded in the middle of the night to use it.......... Also when the sofa was made a bed, there was no room to open the so called fridge, and no leg room there. Speaking of the bathroom, the tub is really elevated and you had to climb up to use the shower and crawl out to get your feet on the floor when done. The two balconies are ok. The ocean view can hold two chairs and a table. The other one with the entrance from the sitting area is very very narrow, no chairs, and yes you can see the aqua theatre. It is categorized as a suite, and we missed getting some of the cookies, and strawberries as other suites got, not that we needed them, just saying. The benefit was .......................the walk down the long hallway was great exercise. And the massive floor to ceiling windows around the bedroom, made the view awesome. Not worth the cost, we only did once and now stick with CLS. Take care
  17. So for the traditional birthday dinner we went to Hickory Grill In Pennsylvania. I enjoy their fish options and Rick had the Beef Stroganoff. I must say we both left very satisfied. Then as we we’re getting ready to leave ( we were seated by a bar booth) I look up and see this picture. And all I can say is (sea dog). I know it does not do your 4 legged family members justice. But I thought of you. My DH walked away because I had to ask a man seated below the picture if I could snap the picture. Of course he said yes to me the crazy old lady. Then off to Kraynaks to see Christmas trees Be safe.
  18. OMG That could be Lizzy's sibbling!!!!! Thank you And also thank you to all sharing well wishes for my 66th. birthday. Baby update. Christina was checked on Tuesday. Baby fine Mild contractions dilated 3 cm. 50% effaced. So today....................................at work. Due date this Saturday. For my birthday I want a safe labor and delivery for the granddaughter to be. Well, that Tiffany bangle with diamonds is cute. Take care.
  19. As Christina’s pregnancy is soon coming to an end, I thought todays update says it all. And Brandon being the soon to be “Dad” said goodbye as the football team headed to the Bahamas for their bowl game the only way he could.
  20. @grapau27 I am sure you are relieved your biopsy is done with. Hope you are able to rest and relax. Best wishes.
  21. TY for sharing your travels. Enjoyed following. Take care
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