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Everything posted by bazzaw

  1. Frankly, although I have received the benefit many times over the last several years, I have always been surprised about it. Why? - because Carnival Corp are an American Company and American Society is not Australian Society. I served in the Australian Military for 20 years RAAF and RAN and am not recognised by Australian Society as a "veteran'. I am only a mere Ex-Serviceman - big difference!!!! 😞
  2. Yes - it has always depended on the length of cruise - my question is - has it been cancelled here in Oz??
  3. Have heard that Carnival may have abandoned this benefit that used to be available for serving and ex- members of the Military? Anybody know the current situation??
  4. Thanks all - the bag drop was mostly my problem - plenty of things to do around The Rocks, Circular Quay, Opera House etc to amuse us until 3PM
  5. AND Viking are not a cheap cruiseline!!!! If I ever had the opportunity to cruise with Viking and this kind of thing happened , I would be VERY unhappy!
  6. I must be a pedant - because one missing Comma in that long sentence was what confused me.
  7. One (1) photo which shows all together the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) negative test result, government issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license) a clock displaying the time (e.g. a watch, mobile phone, wall clock) and date of testing written on a piece of paper.
  8. Yes - plenty to do in that area IF we can get rid of the bags.
  9. We have got our boarding time for QE 3-4PM and we have to be out of Rydges Hotel Circular Quay by 10AM . Will have two wheely suitcases - one each. Have never been allocated such a late boarding time before .
  10. It seems that the alternative dining venues on Queen Elizabeth is the "Dinner at the Lido" and "Steakhouse at the Verandah" - both of which can't be pre-booked online. Wondering if anybody would care to pass comment on either or both of them?? Are they worth the bother of a big rush to book one on departure day??
  11. Yes - it is actually easier to just pull out two bits of paper that trying to find 2 PDF files in my phone 🙂
  12. What happens if you get Covid onboard and have to fly home to Brisbane from Sydney ?? - also are there any Covid testing requirements , etc before we fly to Sydney??
  13. Seasickness is largely a matter of spacial disorientation. When you are inside a ship, your physical senses tell you that the ship is rocking - but your eyes tell you that it is not ( because you are inside a room) . This leads your brain to become disoriented and causes confusion. If you can see the horizon, this disorientation is removed and helps to avoid nausea. Your stomach knows nothing about this however 😞
  14. Still haven't had it Les - despite our best efforts at a big wedding in Melbourne recently
  15. But I am only going over the seas to Hobart 🙂 - dont think there will be any overseas trips for me for a while.
  16. Hmm -I am pretty sure that my Medicare App can supply me with a printed copy of the Vacc certificat - but dont know how to link my passport to it!! ??
  17. I know that Cunard requires a. full Covid vaccination and b. negative Covid test before joining. The old QLD Checkin app has a facility to show a Digital Certificate (of sorts) but that App is now defunct. So how do we "prove" vaccination status??
  18. Really there is little difference ( in terms of effort) between a man putting on a Tax and Bowtie - than a Dark Business suit and tie 🙂
  19. We are probably a bit "cruised out" now - and I can only see cruising out of Brisbane on our future radar. We have had some wonderful cruises - World Cruise with P&O UK, 2x 3 Cunard Queens including Norway, the Baltic Sea, St Petersburg twice and a Transatlantic to New York on QM2, inaugural cruise to PNG to see the Kundu Festival, cruise to Tahiti, Hawaii, etc. . Plus many others too numerous to name 🙂
  20. We board QE on 20 Jan for a very short 8 days to Tasmania from Sydney. We have had 3 cruises on each Cunard ship in the past and participated in all the "formality" onboard the ships - but times are now changed and I no longer feel the mood to wear Tuxedo to dinner. So I am thinking of just taking a coat (no tie) and dine at night in the Buffet. We can enjoy the MDR for breakfast and Lunch without the formality. I am anticipating spending much time on the outer decks or our balcony this time around - if the weather allows. This will be our last Cunard cruise ever so it will be a bit of a shame to have to do this - but we will be fortunate to just get to sea again.
  21. So you believe that they move people TO balconies - not from balconies to insides?? 🙂 Have I got that right?
  22. What is the current Cunard procedure (for all 3 ships) for people who test positive to Covid while onboard. Obviously, confinement for a number of days - but how many days and in what cabin????
  23. I am certain that the cruiseship staff dont want to get too involved - but am wondering why passengers are not simply asked to test each morning and leave the RAT on the bed for inspection by the cruisestaff .
  24. "Launch" prices - otherwise known as "Glossy Brochure" prices - have always been high for many cruises - depending of course on popularity. Those Princess Around Oz fares have always been in high demand pre-covid - as has been their World Cruises and Round Pacific Cruises. I could imagine that these days the demand is even higher. There are two ways to go cruising - the cheap way and the expensive way , and I am sure that most people here know how to do either without further explanation.
  25. The first thing the cruiselines should be doing is - closing the Lifts!!! They were bad enough to ride in pre-Covid. I would avoid them like the plague even moreso now.
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