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Everything posted by bazzaw

  1. He He! - Haven't sailed on a P&O AUS cruiseship since long long time ago. So I just booked a 7 day cruise to Noumea, Vila, Lifou (all of which we have been to many times) on Pacific Encounter in September. This cruise is very similar if not identical to our first ever cruise on the old P&O Pacific Star 🙂 BUT I am not sure what I have booked 🙂 - an outside cabin for 2 - and something to do with an "upgrade" but we weren't asked to select a cabin so not sure how we can get an upgrade? From the selection choices given, it didn't say anything about a guarantee cabin which one of the selection choices did ( but weirdly this selection choice for a guaranteed cabin cost extra?) So all in all I am not sure what we have bought 🙂 I am certain someone here will enlighten me how this all works - booking with P&O used to be so simple once upon a time.
  2. You are right - there is no way I am going to spend thousands of dollars flying somewhere and staying in hotels pre-cruise while the risk of being refused boarding because I have a runny nose is still very real.
  3. We are always slower here in Oz to adopt things. 🙂 It will come.
  4. I am allergic to taxis and taxi drivers - so this info about P&O transfers is interesting 🙂 - not that I will be doing any cruises from Sydney yet for a long time.
  5. My experience over the years is that NO hotels will take bookings that far ahead ! - and certainly not airlines.
  6. I asked the bot this question in my OP ""Where can I cruise to from the port of Tilbury London"" - He He - I'll bet there are many here who have never even heard of the Port of Tilbury in London 🙂and it came up with a lot of claims. But I am an Aussie - unaware of which of these claims are true. So it is up to me to then figure out which ones are indeed true and viable 🙂 - I am certainly unaware of how I could sail from Tilbury to New York !!! Hmm?? Probably wrong but who knows without further research. - or should I get my recommendations/advice from the Forum participants here??
  7. True - but even here it is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. People with personal opinions based on whatever. People restating Internet myths over and over again. Nothing really will change - BUYER BEWARE still applies.
  8. I was going to say all that but it appears that the bot has pre-empted me 😞 HE is very clever! He has done a very good job of assessing all those female ships.
  9. Not only did Barry Humphries die - but so did Dame Edna. I have always believed that Dame Edna evolved to become a separate entity to Barry .
  10. I also love the smell and feel of books - but I don't like their weight and bulk. Kindle for me!
  11. This is what I consider ChatGPT to be excellent as - an ideas generator. The biggest problem we humans have is that we do not know what we don't know.
  12. No computer bot will be able to answer this question - because you have not defined what criteria is "best".
  13. Very poor future indeed - but that has always been the case for the uneducated and unskilled. It will be even worse in the future and all the more reason for people to use the brains that they have been given - and not to assume that the good times we here in Australia have experienced since the end of WW2 will continue if unearned.
  14. This is why food is so cheap and plentiful.
  15. You are saying the same things that the Abbey monks said when the printing press was invented!
  16. Sail from Sydney - and enjoy some time in the Lord Nelson before departure!!! Cunard QE even had London Pride on tap in February.
  17. We tested positive for 14 days straight. but didn't feel too bad.
  18. What with bad weather and Covid, I am not wealthy enough to risk cruising for now. Bit of a shame really - have enjoyed what we have done. I know that there are plenty who are getting away with it - but as I said I am not wealthy enough to even take the risk. Nor to do organised tours anywhere.
  19. How long did you have to isolate for - and were you still positive when you left the ship?
  20. I am not frightened of Covid - I am frightened of the continuing administrative consequences of getting Covid on a cruiseship.
  21. Until we "move on" as you say, I will not be cruising nor going on any organised tours. I will fly to places and stay in hotels instead.
  22. You were very fortunate that you didn't test positive at the beginning of the cruise - because despite it only having a mild effect on you, you would have been stuck in isolation on that ship for up to 14 days until you no longer tested positive. This why cruising is completely off the radar screen for me - the consequences of being tested positive are worse than the disease itself.
  23. I have also crossed the road against the "Don't walk" sign many times - and never been run over. BUT......!!!
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