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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all Dailyites. Happy Saturday. It looks like we are going to have more rain today so it is another day for inside projects. Thank you to Sandi for taking over for Rich and keeping the Daily and Fleet Report going. Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with all our Cares and Celebrations. Thank you to Eva, Dixie and Ann for keeping us fed and hydrated. Interesting quote. I have not been to today’s destination. Welcome home to @dfish, @Crazy For Cats and @Sharon in AZ Not much to report. Hope everyone has a good day. God bless. Terri
  2. Please do not start with the NoNos again,. We have had enough of that.
  3. Good afternoon. Sorry I never got here yesterday. It just turned out to busier than I expected and I never got around to getting over here. I attend a Caregiver support group on Thursday afternoons and it took a good part of my time. i also had to go grocery shopping and Lord knows what else. i was just so tired. i was in bed before 9PM last night. Prayers for everyone and Safe travels to those who are traveling and cruising. Terri
  4. Nancy, Prayers for your brother. I hope the embolism dissolves. Having had a PE, I know how concerning this is. I am surprised just as you that they do not let the blood thinner do its job. He is on the top of my prayer list. Terri
  5. Jan, Thank you for your contributions. My question is: I have a cruise book in March, for which i only have a deposit down. Final payment is after October 1. Would I be able o drop Simply More for that cruise and get the $250 for grats? Thanks for your help. Terri
  6. Good morning to all the Dailyites. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for filling in for Rich and thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for your dedication to our cares and celebrations and not missing any of our events. Thank you also to the F&B ladies Eva @superoma for filling in for Debbie, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard. @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to your DM Today we are having another Birthday celebration. A friend whose birthday is next Sunday will meet us for lunch at the Crazy Crab on Hilton Head. We had decided a while ago that we would have a joint celebration in the middle of the week. She is exactly one week younger than I am. So we will celebrate together. Then DH and I will go over to Talbots since I need to return something I ordered. Maybe I will find something else I like in its place. Nothing else going on. Hope it’s a great Wednesday for all. God Bless, Terri
  7. I had my first PT session today. I really like the therapist and I am very happy that the therapists work with only one patient at a time. This has not been the case with any other place where I have gone. I must say that my shoulder and my arm is quite sore after the workout and I am trying to take it easy. I have home exercises to do. I don’t go back until next Tuesday. I was offered another appointment this week but both offers were in conflict with other events. SoI will do the home exercises twice a day and hope for the best. Have a good evening and God Bless, Terri
  8. Thanks for your help. Terri
  9. No one has mentioned gifts for the children. Are we talking about school supplies? Should I mention this on the Roll Call? If not school supplies, what? Thanks for the heads up. Terri
  10. @JazzyV i should have said that i was happy to see you here. Poor choice of words. Terri
  11. Would you believe that I ordered the collapsible vases last night from Amazon and they arrived at 7:35 am today! On my way home from PT today I am going to stop at the Publix and get some flowers and try it out. I bought a set of four Van Gogh collection. Thanks for the suggestion. Terri
  12. Good morning to all. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for standing in for Rich. You are doing a fantastic job. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV. You seem to be right on top of all our comings and goings. Thank you to Eva @superoma for the recipes and helping out while Debbie is enjoying her cruise, and thank you to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for keeping us hydrated. Today I have to tackle the bills i was supposed to work on yesterday. i really don’t know what happened yesterday. I started to work on them, but didn’t get very far. i had to go to the grocery store, I made some baked ziti and spent an hour on the phone with my very first friend Mary Ann, who lives in Montana. it is amazing that after all these years we are still in touch. It is unfortunate that we live on opposite ends of the country. With my circumstances it is impossible for us to visit her and right now her SO is not well, so she is unable to travel either. Also I am not so sure that my having visitors would be a good thing right now. Today i am going back to PT. I started a month or so ago and was told to stop. Now I am told to go back and start all over again. I am looking forward to gaining some strength in my right arm. Thank you Sandi for the photos of Southampton. While I have been there to board a cruise ship, I have not pictures. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  13. It looks like them. The ones I ordered have Van Gogh paintings on them. As I said, I am always the last to know about something. Glad i learned about them. Glad to see photos of them with flowers in them. thanks. Terri
  14. As you all have probably figured out, I also post on and read the Oceania Board. i learned something there that I’d like to share with you. However you all are so smart you probably know this already and I am the one that is behind the eight ball. i like to have flowers in my stateroom and we usually get them and ask the room steward for a vase. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes not. On the Oceania Board someone posted that they bring “collapsible vases” with them so that they can then bring flowers on board and always have a vase in which to put them. I found them on Amazon and ordered them. They are reusable. i will post a picture of them. They are supposed to arrive tomorrow. can’t wait to see them. Terri
  15. All the best of luck to you. I hope your Dissertaiton is accepted and all goes well. Then we will see a PhD after your name.
  16. Good evening. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread, I was going to read all the posts prior to posting. And then I saw that there were six pages. By the time I read all that It will be time for bed and I will have posted nothing. So I decided I will read later. I had a busy day trying to catch up on bills and going food shopping in between the raindrops and they were big raindrops. I also made a big tray of baked ziti. We had some tonight and I have frozen the rest to have at another time. These days I cook for more than one time. I am getting too old to cook every night. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for the photos of Port of Spain. We are stopping there on our Amazon cruise and it made me decide to change our shore excursion to the one that included the Monestary. Also we originally thought that we would walk around the city after the tour. We have decided otherwise after reading about the couple being told to get in a police car and escorted back to the ship. We will be happy with whatever we see on the ship excursion Prayers for everyone on the cares list. Terri
  17. I just ordered a set of Van Gogh vases from Amazon. Four different patterns. Will get them tomorrow. Can t wait. Will bring them on our November cruise to the Amazon. Love having flowers in our cabin. Thanks to all of you for the suggestions. Terri
  18. Do you get them from Amazon? I searched there and they all seem to be the same size.
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