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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. Glad you got to Voice of the Ocean - it’s a never miss for us. I’m disappointed that the culinary demonstration hasn’t appeared on either of your sailings. That’s another highlight for us. I wonder if Princess has discontinued it?
  2. What’s the demographic on this sailing? Lots of Europeans or predominantly American?
  3. I’m so happy you introduced me to it! I would never have even considered booking it otherwise. It was one of the most fun events I have ever done. I laughed so hard I cried and almost peed my pants!
  4. Meh - Matt O had outfits that would knock this guy outta the water. I still haven't forgiven Princess for letting him go. Another reason to find me a rich sugar daddy so I can afford to sail on his new line....
  5. OK @YVRteacher it's time for a challenge. Don't let me down. Before this trip is over, I challenge you to drink a Snakebite (the drink of my youth) and toast me while drinking it. Let's go...I will allow you have a Snakebite and Black if you must, but be forewarned that when (not if) you throw up, it will be purple.
  6. I could be wrong, but I THINK Princess may be (secretly) experimenting with demand pricing for the Plus/Premier packages (the same way RC does). I say this, not from anything factual or scientific, but because I am in the Princess booking engine (Polar) and the Princess website constantly to compare pricing for me clients. (As an aside, I'm either a fabulous TA as I constantly monitor price drops for my clients or a CRAPPY TA as I'm constantly doing myself out of commission due to price drops...but I digress). Anyways...in my monitoring, I have found the pricing for all 3 fares (standard/plus/premier) fluctuates constantly on the website - as others have reported, sometimes the Plus fare is higher than the Premier fare and sometimes they are most definitely NOT $60/$80 a day. Not always. Just sometimes. And sailing dependent. And sometimes more if only one passenger rather than two. Weird. In Polar, the pricing is generally consistent but I always price out each fare independently and then price out standard with Plus or Premier added separately - sounds crazy since the price should be the same regardless. Well, should be...but isn't always. Moral of the story? Either monitor pricing or get a TA that will...not all of them will/do. (And, no, I'm not taking on any clients...🤣)
  7. I love Born To Dance too! The street I grew up on was called High Street (I noticed that immediately in your pictures). They have apple blackberry Jammie Dodgers!? That’s new to me! Did you buy dad some Penguins? Currently in our candy jar…
  8. This might not a good time to tell you.... The teen brought some back with her from her trip to Europe earlier this year and they broke in her bag. When she arrived at the airport she had to go through a security search as they spotted "suspicious powder"....(it was sherbert from inside the flying saucers)
  9. I think the issue is that you are missing me...
  10. Thank you - that's exactly why I didn't mention the old name...
  11. It’s a controversial drink…I will tell you the story over brunch! I’m sure @Muckyduckway is familiar
  12. You could go full Irish and get it with a shot of Baileys. IYKYK
  13. Well that just sounds nasty....🤣
  14. You better make a side trip to Vancouver to visit me!
  15. More childhood memories (trauma?) stirred up… Swede - this, my dear, was the Welsh child’s “pumpkin” on Halloween. Why, yes, we did carve this ugly, hard as a rock, vegetable to make a jack-o-lantern and then stick a lighted candle inside to walk the streets trick or treating. What could go wrong? Aside from that, Swede is delicious… I notice in the “crisps” section of Spar they had pickled onion monster munch! I also almost cried at the ridiculously low price for British chocolate (my addiction means I pay four or five times the price to acquire it here in Vancouver). Anchovies in Branson Pickle? What kind of travesty is that. I love Branston but must admit I’ve never checked the ingredients. I find it hard to believe any Brit would knowingly eat anchovies. We are a picky bunch…
  16. We have 7/11 here in Vancouver- very similar to Spar. Except the Spar I worked at sold EVERYTHING (including alcohol)…
  17. I love your picture of the Spar shop! There was one across the street from where I grew up - my mom worked there through my childhood and it was my first “real” job through high school. I worked there from the time I was 13 until I was 17. Happy memories!
  18. The Irish like their apple cake and their soda bread (try to find a soda bread cookie). And Baileys. Lots of Baileys.
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