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Everything posted by slidergirl

  1. Out of PHX also look at American. if you go to matrix.itasoftware.com you'll find lots of flights using various airlines, all just fine. You'll see flights with Iberia and Finnair but they are actually codeshares with American. Don't just look for the cheapest price - double-check what it doesn't have (free bags, seat selection) and add those fees into the price.
  2. I still have my sleeveless neoprene rash guard from years ago - if I ever get back to snorkeling or bodysurfing in Southern California or Hawaii or Puerto Rico, I'd take it. Otherwise, it'll always be one of the "new" UV shirts. I think I even have my old "farmer john" wetsuit (what we called sleeveless full body suits) from when I'd kayak in cold water. Now, THAT one was miserable to put on!! New use of baby powder...
  3. I'm a pretty solid 10 now in bottoms. The shorts I bought from Chicos Outlet last summer are a 1.5. Could have used a 1.25, I think - I was always pulling them up. Yes, I know they don't have 1.25 😉 With tops, I'm still in a little bit of denial on possibly being a smaller size, I think. I would always go for the XL (big bust and wide shoulders), but I'm finding those too big at times. If the shirt/dress is made for "models" with no bust, I go XL and have to alter the waist or just let it be oversized. I haven't tried any Chicos tops/dresses for years - since I was a 16/18/2X. I hate clothing sizing...
  4. Cynthia - I didn't get to TJ's either - my couchsurfing got in the way!! You and Lois - travel wizards! I was looking at cruises and, other than the 2 on Celebrity, nothing rang the bell for me. After having as much time as I wanted in places this summer, only having maybe 6 hours in one place that takes extra travel time to/from just isn't making me salivate. I think I have a case of severe Post Travel Syndrome. Really interesting though - a single "sailor" rate on Virgin is actually not that bad. But, it's definitely not my kind of ship. Too bad. I'll keep an eye out for Black Friday, too. It might be a land vacation for 2023. But, it's hard to decide. Back to Italy and see more of what I haven't seen. Up to Canada and maybe visit Atlantic Canada. Over to Iceland and play total tourist. If it's Italy, I have to decide really fast to lock down flights and some idea of where to go. NOTE - if you are planning to be in Rome in September, be aware that the Ryder Cup (HUGE golf event) is being contested at one of the golf courses around Rome. Accomodations are already getting scarce.
  5. In regard to hiking being the last non-tech activity: Many of us use our phones for the GPS and apps with trails and weather information. iPhone-size solar chargers keep the phones going. I bought a little Bluetooth keyboard to use on the go with my phone or tablet (Keys to Go). When I'm sitting down and doing my texting and emails, it helps soo much that I don't have to one-finger type on the phone.
  6. Yep, it's that time of year for both of us. 7 degrees overnight and 14 degrees at 10:30. At least there should be no snow for either of us for a few more days, just partly/mostly cloudy. Sucks about your foot. May I ask what the issue is? I'm having more and more issues with my ankle that was damaged when I shattered my leg in 2007. At least you are able to wait until all the holiday activities and cruises to get it fixed. I like the shower, especially the lighting in the shower. Was the light fixture always on the side or did you move from the ceiling (where all mine have been). I do like the tiling, too. I like the big slabs you have - always looks so much cleaner than tiles with the caulking in between them. Sherri - apparently beaches got hit pretty bad with erosion. Cocoa Beach folks are singing the praises of their dunes with the sea oats plantings as it kept most of any damage away. I saw some photos one person posted of a property at Flagler Beach - the street is totally covered in sand and the mailbox stand is covered up to the box. I'm still watching the Below Deck marathon because I don't want to see any news. I hear all I care to hear on BBC overnight before I go to sleep.
  7. Cynthia - was that the one where Stanley "broke the Internet" with his negroni video? I saw that one. Seemed that he and the wifey had already partaken of some adult beverages. I will say the black polo fit him perfectly... Melody - you were looking for new tableware right? Just to let you know, Our Place has already started their "Black Friday" sale. My TJ's list is extensive, but decently low in carbs. If you didn't know, if you go to the "Products" tab on the website instead of at the Frequent Flyer, at the bottom of the item description there is usually the nutritional label. This is also my getting panty items stocked since I'm starting work on Dec 2 and need to have some stuff to be able to put together a quick meal in the 2.5 hours I'll have between getting home and going to bed. The things I'm really interested in are the Syrah Tocano Cheese dip and the Unexpected Cheddar dip, the cranberry chèvre cheese, and the organic Maple Vinegarette dressing.
  8. Photo of the boots below,. NOTE: I'd NEVER go out in public with this combo of leggings & boots! The leggings are one of my "hanging around the house" pair. Well, maybe one day for Sundance 😹 Good to hear you escaped relatively unscathed Sherri! Saw some bad photos of places up in Daytona Beach where the beach and barrier was destroyed and places were hanging off the edge of the erosion. It's amazing what damage even a "little" Cat 1 or Tropical Storm can do. I'll call it cold this morning. Got down to 1 overnight and it's now 14 at 10am. At least it's sunny.
  9. I heard that from my CB friend. So, can't verify. Got photos from the 4th Street Filling Station in CB - a big piece of their front "gas station" canopy collapsed. And, at least one window at Gregory's restaurant was blown out. Oh, and the sign at the local "gentlemen's club" was torn apart. Lori Wilson Park beach up at Canaveral was beaten up badly. We got a few inches of new snow overnight. Ugh. I do have to go out and shovel the driveway this time as it's only going to be in the mid 20s today and down to single digits overnight. At least it's sunny. Fun fashion: I had some credits at Just Fab so I decided to go winter boot shopping. There was a pair of light pink knee-high "fur" boots. I figured, what the heck, I can wear them to get coffee. They came today, They are so fun!!! I wouldn't wear them out on the town 'cause I'd look like a West Coast Tourist, but with my hippie fur kimono and a pair of black leggings, they will bring a smile to my face! What can I say?? I look like a hippie with pink Sasquatch legs!!! It could be a prime Sundance outfit, though 😸 I went to the TJ's website last night to see what new things were around. Oh my. I made a shopping list and IF everything was available and I bought, it could very well be a "holy cr@p" receipt. OOTD: Woolx leggings and a long-sleeve T. Will put on my Sweaty Beatty pink camo fleece jacket (oh, wait - it would be PERFECT with the new pink boots) and a pair of "shoveling snow" boots,
  10. I have to wait on more month to get my 2nd shingles shot. Beware - my pharmacist told me it's the 2nd shot that makes people sick and to just be prepared. The chicken chili is sooo easy to make, don't even have a recipe. A box of chicken broth, 2 cans white beans (I use cannellini ), a can of sweet corn, a can of diced green chiles (mild or medium, your choice), a chopped up onion and the amount of shredded chicken you want and whatever spices you usually put in your chili or soups (I use ground cumin and coriander, some oregano, pepper). sautè up the onion, add the chiles and spices, then dump in the beans & corn and then the broth. No set time to cook it all, but usually I do about 30 minutes. When I put it in my bowl, I add some sour cream. Great for a gray, snowy day!! Sherri - have fun in JAX. The beach in Satellite Beach is getting pounded. The unlucky combination of the moon, high tides, tropical storm and that SB voted against beach restoration last year made it nasty. My friend in Cocoa Beach told me about the beach vote - I guess CB voted for their beach restoration,
  11. Those auxiliary services and the workers are seasonal. Just like the cruise business in Alaska, they don't work year-round. There are seasonals everywhere - even outside of the cruise business, I'll bet those who work the summer hospitality in Bar Harbor are not all year-round/full-time. I've people on my staff at a few hotels who worked the resorts on the New England Coast in the summer and then moved on to a winter location for work.
  12. How a town is going to have enough people and busses/minibusses to transport 6,000 people around town and on excursions can be tough. I know in Alaska, the local school busses are used. In my town, we get a bunch of drivers from Alaska - they drive for the cruise industry up there in the summer and come down to winter resort towns in the winter. The carriage path in Arcadia NP can look like a LA traffic jam when ships are in town!!
  13. I recommend using matrix.itasoftware for your initial searches. I've used it for decades when it was offered to people to act as system testers. I used to have fun finding the most esoteric routing to places. Then go directly to the airline to buy. I don't trust 3rd parties to book - they will cobble together non-alliance airlines which will go south in an instant if something happens to your connection - you have to deal with the 3rd party to get another flight, not an airline. I had that happen once when I had to get to a place that wasn't served all the way by an alliance and got fogged so missed 2nd flight, A friend was trying to get back home from a competition in Innsbruck and missed a connection - she had a major issue trying to get hold of Expedia and having them help (athletes in minor sports don't have cash hanging around to buy another ticket). For seating, I'm a confirmed Business class person going across to Europe. I want to sleep and not risk having someone spilling into my seat and using my shoulder as a pillow!! I used Delta this summer and got one of the new 330-neo planes with the spiffy Delta One pods. I slept like a baby!! I had points so it wasn't a deal. If I had to actually pay and couldn't do Business, I would absolutely take Premium Economy, It is a step up from Comfort +, which is just regular economy with a couple of extra inches of legroom.
  14. Good for them!!! rant on Living in a resort town that doesn't have cruise ships but a ski season and a world-famous film festival, it doesn't take a whole lot for the locals to get fed up with way too many tourists. Too many tourists change a little town - once charming, it becomes a Main Street of cheesy souvenir and Tshirt shops and restaurants that the locals can't afford. The restaurant problem isn't a cruise town issue (cruisers don't want to eat onshore since they have their meals"paid for" on the ship). Mom & Pop shops close and cute little chain souvenir/jewelry shops take their place. How many Diamonds International does the world need? rant off
  15. FL ladies: kind of 2 "sorry" comments from me - one from what happened Tuesday (ugh) and the second for Nicole. Some people posted video from Cocoa Beach - the foamy waves were running up into the dunes. Hope you got your "tropical storm" snacks and beverages ready for today! Be safe! Cynthia - at least your sticker has color. And, my sympathies for yesterday to you, too. My sticker is a rather bland red with a Utah outline as the "O" in "I Voted". I asked the poll worker by the ballot box why there were no blue stickers - he just smiled with a knowing nod 😉. I could not bear to watch anything last night that would have any politics, so I just watched the Below Deck Marathon. Bummed this morning to see that nothing changed here in UT, despite our best efforts. The only non-red spots were the same - Park City, Salt Lake City, and the reservations to the east. Sigh. Made white chicken chili last night. Forgot how much I like it. I always have the ingredients in the pantry, except for the chicken. I actually remembered to buy some at the market! And, I've got leftovers for tonight. If it stops snowing this week (snowing that thick cr@p again today), it'll be time for the traditional TJ's Thanksgiving run. OOTD: joggers and a Tshirt. When I go out to shovel, I'll put on boots and a shell jacket.
  16. Quilted jackets and "shackets" seem to be the thing.
  17. Sherri - so sorry about the nasty "surprise" that awaits you, right after you got back from a nice, relaxing vacation. My friend with her house in Cocoa Beach was posting some weather charts this morning about Nicole. The Space Coast can't win this year!
  18. I think there was also to an issue with access to hot/cold running water at the service area.
  19. Safe trip home Sherri! Did you at least to spend that extra airport time in a lounge? Waiting patienty to hear about the cruise! And, any food porn that you found 😸 I slid right into DST today. I'm like Cynthia - going back to standard time in the Spring ruins me for days. I just have to be sure that the boss does not schedule me for the 8am opening that week!!! Winter tires are on. Picked it up at 4:30pm. I didn't walk down, but took one of our little free micro shuttles. I live inbetween 2 bus routes, so the transportation department has a fleet of Sienas that we can ask for like Uber. It's pretty cool. depending on the day/weather, you can wait any time from 5 to 30 minutes, just like Uber/Lyft. I was going to the market after I got the car, but I saw the Fish Truck in the parking lot at the market. Went there and got fish & chips and went home to eat and nap (I was soooo tired after not sleeping). I'll hit the market today. Gosh, I wish we had more food trucks around! This is the only one and he shows up once a month. I have to drive 30 minutes down to Heber (the next little town over from us) where food trucks park around City Hall. No stanley tonight - I'm going to go into withdrawal. OOTD: camo joggers and a Tshirt. I'll throw on a fleece when I go to the market - still in the mid-30s today and cloudy.
  20. that's ok. i did take a look at the website for both the brooklyn and the vienna - both reference the same fabric used.
  21. I bought the Delancy cargo pants - they will work well for workwear. I didn't look at the Vienna cargo pants. Remember - I was the one who isn't thrilled with the Brooklyn fabric. The Delancy is like comfy thicker yoga pant material. i have 3 pair of the Delancy herringbone tights from a good 4 years ago and i still wear them - nice to wear to work or out at night with boots.
  22. The only reason i thought about this cruise was that the single room intrigued me, and the price wasn't all that bad. i can't pull the trigger, though. Something in my gut says 'not right now'. I'll keep thinkin about it, though. I will say adding montenegro to my country list is intriguing, though. I worke up at 4am and never got back to sleep. Turns out my one niece and her friend were the same. Weird. i had to take my car into the shop to get the Winter tires done first thing in the morning, so i couldn't even sleep in if I got back to sleep. Went to the nearby coffee shop and got a cafe latte and a breakfast sandwich. Walked the mile back home to wait to hear when my car is ready (probably not until late this afternoon). So, i'm hanging on the sofa, deciding whether or not to nap. OOTD: my woolx leggings, a long sleeve T and my red Patagonia jacket. A Buff to keep my unruly hair out of my face. my tiedye Merrell boots, since i was walking home and there is snow on the roads/sidewalks. it was lightly snowing on the way home. But i was nice and comfy, even had my jacket unzipped until it was snowing a tad harder and i didn't want the Tshirt to get wet. When the shop calls, i'll walk back down and pick up the car.
  23. OMG!!!!! Thank you soooo much. I've been looking at Sephora every once in awhile for it, but never saw it. It's in my shopping basket right now!!
  24. Bummer. I've had some Lined Athleta pants and they do indeed get warm. If you want brown, the Brooklyns are on sale now.
  25. Went and ordered my winter tires yesterday. I have to leave my car at the place all day tomorrow - good thing I can walk the mile home. I could have paid for a flight to Europe or a week's cruise for the price. At least I only have to buy them once every few years. Bad thing is that I have to buy new "rest of the year" tires this Spring. Question for all y'all: has anyone done a ship's stop in Kotor? There is a cruise on Celebrity that does roundtrip from Rome to Kotor, Dubrovnik, Corfu, Zakynthos, and Naples. It's on the Beyond. Looks like that ship is going to alternate between that cruise and one that does Turkey and a few more stops in Greece, but that one is $1000 more. The solo rooms they have on the ship look interesting - has the floor-to-ceiling window to a little veranda, way better than the little inside things others have.
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